The Fragrance of Jesus
Scott Wright
Scott Wright is back today and last time he was on, we had a great discussion about the “Anointing of Jesus” – what was involved and the symbology, etc. There were a lot of interesting things brought out during that discussion… if you missed it, go back to the archives and dig it out. Amen.
Today, and we are going to be talking about some very interesting things which we just “breezed over” during the last program – but are also a very important component of the worship of Jesus – and that is the aroma or “FRAGANCE” of Jesus.
What are we talking about, “The Fragrance of Jesus?” Well, to find out, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright!
Scott, it’s good to have you again – I’ve been looking forward to the conversation today!
The Bible discusses the aroma of the offerings and things like that… being a “sweet smell” to God. Does all this relate to the “Altar of Incense?”
How is the aroma of offerings a worship of the Father?
But Jesus body was not burned… how does this relate to Jesus having the perfect “fragrance offering” to the Father?
What about us? How does this “fragrance” or “aroma” relate to us worshipping the Father?
How does all of this relate to the end times?
What should we, as Christians, take from this discussion today?
Scott, this has been so interesting. I love doing “deep dives” into different, well, let’s just call them, “God Centered Concepts” of the Bible and of Worship. If someone wants more information or would like to ask a question, how can they get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast. And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen!
Do it right now before you forget about it later. Amen!
Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon
Podcast: The God Centered Concept
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