When you exude confidence in your job interviews, it gives the employer confidence in hiring you. Here's how to do it!Hi everybody, I’m Brian Clapp, Director of Content for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…The last few weeks we’ve had some incredible guests on the show, if you haven’t listened yet I suggest you go back and give the episodes with Lauren Sisler, SEC Network reporter, and Gloria Nevarez, West Coast Conference commissioner a listen.Great information, and inspirational stories. Coming up this week – Zachary Galia Pittsburgh Steelers Social Media Manager – Zach and I have a very cool conversation on what goes into his day to day experience with the Steelers!For those of you new to this show – welcome! – I love new listeners! On Mondays, I publish an episode going deep on a fan question about their sports career. If you want to submit a question, you can hit me up on LinkedIn, message me on our private facebook group which you can join by searching for the Work in Sports podcast on Facebook and answering a few questions – or you can email me bclapp at Work in Sports dot com.Plenty of options! If your question is read on the show, I’ll give you a free month to our site which is way worth it.ON Wednesdays are our expert interviews – and the cool thing about those, especially if you are a new listener, all of them are just a relevant today as they were the day I published them. I don’t ask questions that are in the moment or directly connected to that day's sports news.We focus on career advice, their journey, how they go their first job, the challenges of their role, what they look for when hiring. So again, if you want to go back and listen to my interview with Leigh Steinberg, or Mailynh Vu talent acquisition manager for the Cleveland Indians, or Mike Judge Inside Sales Manager with the Cleveland Browns, or Shaun Richard Associate Athletic Director for Ohio State – go for it, the information is still on point I promise.One last pitch before the question – we also have a Facebook LIVE session every Thursday at 7:30 pm est from the Work in Sports Facebook page where I answer all of your sports career focused questions LIVE – super fun, I love the interaction, so come join me on Thursdays.Ok, let’s get to today’s question – it comes in from Jack in Nebraska.Hi Brian – love the show, I have learned so much from your programming! I find the Monday editions to be so incredibly informative and I hope this question is good enough to make the cut. Congratulations Jack it is!I feel like my confidence is low going into interviews, I have so many things running through my head that I don’t think I project the best version of myself. In the past, you’ve talked about being self-reflective after an interview and trying to figure out what went wrong – well, for me, I’ve concluded it’s my confidence. Any chance you can help? Jack – first off I am so impressed that you are being self-reflective after an interview, this is so important. Every interview should be a learning experience, but only if you put the work in.After an interview, I’ll ask someone how it went and they’ll say “fine”. I probe, and they have very little to give back. Then they don’t get the job and wonder,” What went wrong?” to which I respond…I don’t know, I wasn’t there.It is on you, the individual, to write things down after an interview… was there a certain question I didn’t handle well, did I mess up the handshake, did I forget to make eye contact, was my energy level low, did I forget to smile and show some enthusiasm?These are all questions you need to ask yourself after an interview – this is self-reflection and no one else can do it for you…that’s why it’s call SELF-reflection.Nice job Jack – just getting to this point where you can self0-reflect and narrow down what’s going wrong for you is awesome – I’m impressed.So now let’s talk confidence.As regular old human beings walking the planet we are drawn to confident people.