Artwork for podcast Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
#121 How trusting God leads to Abundance with Courtney Boomer
Episode 12128th November 2023 • Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit • Jeanette Peterson
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Today Jeanette talks with system strategist Courtney Boomer, who shares the profound impact of trusting God in both life and business, to overcome challenges, and make crucial decisions. From business crossroads to personal struggles, this episode explores the intersection of faith and entrepreneurship.

Let’s discover the synergy between trusting God and achieving abundance, gaining insights into how this principle can transform your mindset and the way you do business, always trusting in God's plan and following His direction.

“Okay, God, I see how I should trust you and I should follow what you tell me to do in business.”

“I think that as entrepreneurs, sometimes we get those thoughts of being like, I could just work for somebody and like, this would be so much easier”

“But at the end of the day, I do love what I do and the freedoms I have because of it”

“God's working through me. Like these are the gifts he gave me. So how can I take these and share them with other people?"

In this episode: 

  • The importance of finding a community that supports your faith and your growth
  • The impact of faith on mindset, decision-making, and overall business strategies..


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Tune into this episode and start taking the first steps toward a more abundant and purpose-driven business journey.

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Hey, girl. Hey. Welcome to this episode of Unapologetically Unstoppable. I'm here with Courtney Boomer. Courtney Boomer is a mom, business owner, and system strategist. She is legit, and I love her so much. She has four kids, four under four, and a certified director of operations, a lover of all things orange. And when she isn't hanging out with her family or leading a small group at church, she loves to work out, read and go shopping.

Welcome, Courtney. Hey, it's so good to be here. I'm so glad to have you because we met through the director of operations. We're both certified duos and lovers of all things Jesus. And so I was just really excited to have you on the podcast and talk a little bit more about the tech side of things. But before we get into that, what is your what would you say your testimony is to coming to Jesus and what does that look like for you?

And yeah, how do you incorporate God into your business? Yes. I love this question because like six years ago I would have been like, I grew up in church and I just always open up a lever and this and that. But then when my husband, I traveled full time. I went through like a really big struggle with Jesus.

Sounds like, Are you even real? Like, you know, where have you been the last few years? I had a lot of, like, issues and struggles and likes and family stuff and different things. And I was just like, I don't know if I believe, like I, I really struggled. And then it was it was a big internal battle with myself and with God for a while.

I moved to South Carolina in:

I was like, okay, God, like I'm still struggling, but like, I feel like I should be in church. And we found a church where we went to the church first and it didn't feel high. And so I did some research for churches in the area and I found one that I was like, This one looks really good. You know, it looks great.

Let's go try it out. And the craziest, like, God, 100% was there and just he knew the whole path that was going to unfold over the next few years that day, because we they had two buildings. One was like where they have like their Sunday school and kids church and all that. And then they had like the sanctuary.

Well, I didn't know which building to go into. And I was like, I feel like we should go to this building, which like was not the sanctuary. And we were immediately greeted by two of our are now like family. Basically. I wouldn't even call friends, I would call them families. And they were super welcoming and they gave us a tour and sat with us that day and I was like, okay.

And they invite us to their small group. They were piloting their what they call life groups. Now at the time. And like, you guys should come and we're like, okay, like we'll try it out. And the first day we're there, they're like, We could totally see you guys, like leading a group one day and, and my husband are like, Well, we just moved here a few months ago.

We just came to your church. I don't know. And then they were talking about how at the time he was a youth pastor at this church, Austin he was going to be planting a church and eventually we didn't have like a time frame or anything. And he said he was telling us about that. And his sister Blakeley is the one we met when we walked in and her husband and she was like, we could see you guys coming to this church.

Grant And I was like, Okay, now you're really crazy. Like, like I just met you. Yeah. And so you were just like, yeah, Really? I don't know, maybe, you know? Well, fast forward four years. We moved an hour away from where we were to help plant a church that we are now like group leaders in and heavily involved and absolutely love and adore it.

And I say that like, she was a huge proponent of me, like coming back to Jesus, the friendships we made because all of our friends were really strong in their faith. And that was really good for me because we were all like starting to have kids like her daughters, two weeks older than my my oldest daughter. So they're like best friends and they do stuff together so we can talk through parenting things from like a biblical standpoint together.

And we actually my husband actually got baptized a few months ago now at our current church, our church plant. That helped do because we were going to get baptized a few years ago. And then that happened and we had to postpone it. But I almost feel like there was nothing better than the fact that we were able to be baptized in this church that we helped plant, that we were told we were going to be a part of, that we were like, Y'all are crazy.

Like, that's not going to happen. But my faith has grown so much in the last six years now that we've been in the South and making these connections and like God 100% ordained the whole thing to happen, as He always does. But it's just really cool to see that unfold and and see how much stronger it made my faith.

That's amazing because I, I think that way when we encounter somebody that's like on fire for Jesus and we're like, What is wrong with that person? We're at first we're just like very conscious of like, okay, you guys are on fire for Jesus, but that looks crazy. And then you get it and then you're like, no, I see God has got a plan and it's I'm included in this.

Let's go. I'm for it. Exactly. So how does that relate to your business? How are you on fire in your business for Jesus? Yeah, that is a great question. So originally I had no idea. I was like, okay, I don't know what to do. All these things. And I've been in the online space for, gosh, eight years now, I think, and so long time.

So I hold my I know, right? But I started as a VA and just slowly did the things like worked my way up. I got certified around 20 and I've always done retainer work. That's just like my favorite thing. I do what I do, but I do it for one or two people in a retainer capacity, and this last few years I felt pulled to do something else and I didn't know what it was.

And at first it was kind of like Core Sprout because I'm only four. At the time, I had only worked with like course creators. I was the only people I would do work for. And then I moved in helping some coaches and course creators. And then now I do like coaches and service professionals and I noticed the repetitiveness of systems.

Obviously that's what I'm good at. That's what I, I mean, since I was a kid, I've just always done that kind of thing and I didn't really understand how it all related. And I was like continuing to try to make retainer work, work in my business. And for a year I said, What if I just did like systems implementation for people?

But doing project only work scared me and I prayed about it a lot and I was like, okay, God, like what am I supposed to be doing in my business? I keep getting rejected for retainer work, which this is going to sound really like. I don't know that word cocky. I guess I I've never been turned down like when I got an interview for a client or position, I got it like.

And so when I started getting rejections, I was like, What's wrong with me? Like, I've never know. And it was weird. And so I didn't understand it. And then one day I felt like God kind of pulling me and being like, Courtney, you need to just do what I say. Like, just try it. So I put out a Facebook post saying I was going to offer like systems work for people, super low price, just like to get started, you know?

I was like, Yeah, I'm offering it for this month. Like I'm going to see what happens. Worst case scenario buys it. Well, I had like six people sign up in the first month and I was like, okay, why didn't I do that sooner? And so since then I'm like, okay, God, I see how I should trust you and I should follow what you tell me to do in business, because it's not only in the personal stuff that he talks to us, you know, especially when we pray about these things that we listen.

I realized if I listen to him in my business, to the abundance of power. Exactly. And I'm seeing it for sure I do that. And that was only in August. And so that's amazing. So like three months time, I've seen so much multiply from that and so many opportunities open up and just meeting new people. And I do so have some retainer work like I do.

I have two clients that I do on retainer that are small retainers, but the rest of it is all like system stuff. And I was like, Wow, why don't I listen? Singer What are your favorite systems to like? Are you like platform agnostic, or how does that work for you? Because I know my I love like any systems.

I mean, I have my favorites, right? But just like puzzles, like I've got my favorite brands, but I will do any puzzle, right? So I'm very much a believer in I want to make a system that works for the business owner, not make the business owner fit a system because they're not going to use it if it's what I like, right?

And so I tend to like pull out of them what their biggest problems are, the things that they don't like to do and what they don't want to have to do. So like if I know that they don't want to log into like some complex software to try to run things, then I'm not going to suggest some big CRM or anything.

Like, for example, one of my clients, she's not the best with tech. I'm like, How did you build the business you built? Because like, I'm in shock at your systems. But she's just good at something and she made it work. But we used to use like clicker as a tool and she just like, I can't do this. Like, I just don't remember.

And she was emailing me and socking me all the tasks and I'm moving them over. And I was like, We got to figure something else out. Yeah. So we created a Slack channel for our tasks and only tasks going to Slack channels. Then we can respond with questions or updates in each thread. And I have a different like emoji I use for done working on or e to help you see the full, but that it works for her because she's like I'm in slack all day.

I don't want to click a really, I'm not here to like move your things and click A Let me just make a slack thing that works for you. I love that. Yeah, I was with Slack. I was on Discord for a little while because I I'm just kind of like a rebel in the fact of like, I don't want to do what everybody else is doing.

So I'm going to use Discord because the damage is that. And then I was like, Yeah, there's actually not that many integrations with other systems because only gamers using it. So I love Slack. Slack Yeah. So I would so question for you, do you build out sales systems or like marketing systems or it doesn't matter what the system is and you help them do it And what's the biggest takeaway after they get a system created from you?

Yes. So I build all systems any way I can make their process easier. So for everything, a lot of what I've been focusing on recently is like the onboarding experience and all boarding experience for all different types of businesses. The customer journey has been a huge issue. I've seen in a lot of people's businesses and how to make that smooth.

And then also the ends people not properly setting up are using a CRM, so their information is everywhere. And then I've done a lot of marketing funnel automations. I basically done like all of them. If you could probably think of it, I've probably done it. But the biggest takeaway I get from people is like, I didn't realize it could be that easy, or I didn't realize that this thing that I do every day or every week that like gets on my nerves could be automated because I didn't understand how.

And I think that's the cool part. It's like I don't have to come up with the ideas. I ask them, What do you want this to look like? Like what is your ideal end goal? Like, if you could take away all the annoying nuances and routine things that you do, what would it do? And I just make it happen now.

I can't make it perfect every time, but we get pretty close and people are like, wow. And I'm like, You did the hard part. You told me what it needed to do. Like for me, like I didn't have to go through your business and say, you should do X, y, and Z. And then of course I get suggestions, but 90% of time the business owner already knows.

They just don't know how to make it happen. And I know how to make the tech talk. So that's something that I feel like most people don't understand is how to make the tech talk. Like somebody was telling me that they didn't know how to make a a lead funnel or a lead magnet funnel in like their email thing.

I was like, most email providers have some kind of like really simple website that can do that. Like, you never know how to make it do that. You don't need 15 things to make a lead magnet funnel. All you just need like one thing if that if you don't know tech, you know what I'm saying? You don't need a lot of people don't know that.

That's good. That's good. I'm going to pin that. That's good. So why did you we talked about this before, but why did you start your business? Yeah. So long story short, my husband, I traveled full time because we hated corporate, because we hated being told what to do. And it was one of those things where we realized, like, we both had corporate jobs right after college because we're like, That makes sense.

Even though we studied entrepreneurship, let's just go get a job, you know? That's what you do, right? Very quickly, we both realized we didn't like being told what to do and we didn't like all our time being used on something that wasn't productive. That's one thing. Well, my husband's very opposite for me, and we're both very heavy in like we want efficiency.

When we do things, we can do it quicker. Why not? But that doesn't mean you get a penny less just because I'm better at it. Or I can do it quicker. Yeah. Now no, I just realized after being I was inappropriate for like six months and I was like, This is so awful. I can't stand being told what to do, to be told, when to show up.

I'm in your typical, like, entrepreneurial thing, but also it is like we wanted that flexibility to do what we want when we want and still make however much money we want it to make or that we needed to make. And we also didn't like the concept of like our livelihood being in someone else's hands again, control a ship.

ean, I started my business in:

But at the end of the day, I do love what I do and the freedoms I have because of it. I think that as entrepreneurs, sometimes we get those thoughts of being like, I could just work for somebody and like, this would be so much easier. I wouldn't have to market myself and yada, yada, yada. But honestly, like, I think that most entrepreneurs, especially ones who've been in the online industry since like pre-COVID, are like, I would not at all be employable.

Like, I would ask too many questions about why you're making me do these stupid things. I would leave early because I was done with my work and so expect my full paycheck like it just would not work exactly. I think I would. Yeah, I think it's funny because I was in the military for 11 years and people are like, Well, how did you get let them tell you what to do the entire time.

I could never do that. I was like, I didn't like I was the one that was like, I'm not going to do this. This is dumb. I'm going to go do what I want. And I would get in trouble a lot. But like, to your point, I was really good at what I did. And just because I did it faster didn't mean that I need to sit here for 15 hours.

I want to do something else. My work is done. It's great. It's very efficient. I'm out. I'm not sitting here wasting time. Yes, Yes. I love that. I wondered that, too. I was like, how did she do that? Because like that you don't typically correspond where you're like in the military, but you're also entrepreneurial. That's that normally would happen.

I was just the rebel. I was like, No, I'm not. And I would get in trouble a lot. They'd be like, Excuse me, airman, you need to sit down. I was like, This doesn't make any sense. I'm going to leave. Or I would try and automate everything because I've done my this is dumb. I'm going to do wasting time.

I don't know how many times I took an Excel spreadsheet like Basic Excel and was like, How do I make this do the thing that you want me to do every week? Because I'm not going to sit here and plug in all these numbers. That's one of my favorite things is like, how can I make this data go faster than automate the input of the data so I can just look at it, not improve it?

Yes. So when I actually take a spiritual gift quiz. Yeah. And you got prophecy. So tell me, were you surprised by that? How did you feel? Was it weird? I was very surprised. And it was a little like this is right, I'm sure. But then, like when I read it and thought about it, I was like, okay, in this season of life that I've been in the last few years, this makes a lot of sense because there's definitely been multiple times where like, I feel like I'm very in tune to like what God is telling me and what we should do based on, well, two things.

One, I used to suffer from like crippling anxiety, and I never wanted to get on medicine for it. So I use my faith to heal it. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than you know, I'm not against medicine. I should say that I try to go holistic first, and in this instance I didn't want to get on something that would alter my mental state or any kind.

And so I was able to like fully heal my anxiety through my faith. And I think because of that, I was more in tune with when something was what God wanted because I was at peace and like normally wouldn't be at peace with a decision frequently, like I was always in a state of anxiety. And the last few years, there's many times where I was very much at peace, like during COVID.

You know, my husband works in people's homes and he come in and we had just had a baby. I had a newborn baby two weeks before the world shut down. My husband couldn't work for five months. We both owned businesses and he was like, I think I should go get a job and this and that. And I was like, I don't.

I said, the finances somehow have worked, but the last five months, we don't understand it. We just know it was God like taking care of everything. And he got back to work that year. He's like, I really think I should go get a job. This was his third year in business. He hadn't made a lot yet because he was.

He's in the local business, right? So we had to get his name out there and I said, Just trust me, please just give it the rest of this year. I said, That's all I ask you. At this point, you only have seven months left of the year. Please just give it the rest of this year. I have so much peace about you doing that.

And he he he's like, okay, I'll listen to you. I'll call, I'll do it. And he passed six figures that year and his business and we paid off $30,000 in debt like we had all these things happen. And I was like, If you would do I got a job, that wouldn't have happened. Nope. And I was like, God told us to be grateful.

And like, we were weaned. We just listened and and that's just like one example that I found where, like, I can tell he's like, okay, like, this is this is the decision. Like, I want you to make. Like, this is what I'm telling you to do because there's just so much peace about it. But I don't think that I would have had that had I not desired and like, kill myself from it because I wouldn't have known what that peace really felt like in making a decision.

Right. Because there's those fruit of the spirit, like the PC you felt is like those are real things that God uses to help us on our direction. And the devil is just there to kill, steal and destroy. So he was like stealing your peace. And so when you knew you felt that peace, you were like, That's God. We're following that.

We're following those fruits. We're going to keep going after that. And I love that. Yeah. And the gift of prophecy is also like exposing sin in a way that you can see right and wrong very plainly. And you're like, I'm not going to compromise these things. I'm going to speak out on evil that I see. And even like business being like, I'm going to speak out on these like, you know, those like unethical marketing stances or whatever it is.

And being like, that is wrong. I'm not going to do that. And then also really just hearing from God and knowing knowing God is there and being able to help people like your husband. That was that's amazing. That's amazing. Yeah. It's anxiety and depression are very sensitive to spiritual warfare. So being able to, like, heal it and see the evil is very good.

Yeah. And like I said, what's crazy is until a few years ago it was very much like it wasn't there. You know what I mean? Like, I mean, I remember I went to a woman's conference and it was the first time I'd ever been to one, and I was battling again career decisions that I wasn't sure what to do.

And I had a lot of uneasiness about all of it. What you do with my business. I had a great client that I was considering stepping away from to help my husband and his business, but that would be a huge financial cut for our family and all those types of things. And I remember how much anxiety I had that weekend and like I visibly saw the devil in my bedroom attacking me like he was trying to, you know, attack like me spiritually and like the song.

I can't remember the name of it, but it was a worship song we were singing all weekend, everything just repeating over and over. And I had so much peace. Even I could clearly see the devil because, like, there's no way you actually saw my daughter. I did. Like, I don't know how else to describe it other than like he was there.

He was trying to, like, get in the way of everything. God was working through me that weekend and I ended up making the decision to step away from that client's business. And she ironically, like before I told her that, she told me she was shutting her business down temporarily. And I was like, What else? What are the like?

Couldn't be any more clear survival. Well, even me, like before, I was like a believer. We're like, this is a coincidence. I no longer believe in coincidences. I don't believe in good luck. It's like not God's perfect design. And the way that he engineers things is just like Barnat. Like, literally, like I'm. But there's no words like, Yes, that's exactly right.

Like, especially when you see how so many things line up and you look back and you're like, yeah, that was not a coincidence. Yeah, there's no mistake. Like there. Yeah, no, not at all. So what's one thing that you learned on this this entire journey of, like, business and life in the last few years that makes you unstoppable, that you're like, even if it could be, like, one thing or like, a period of things or like, I don't know what your tip.

I think the biggest thing is it's kind of twofold. So part of it is like personal. I'm part of it's like business related, but the the one they go together, I should say, like a lot of it falls down to having faith in yourself and in God. Because if I wouldn't have had faith in Him, in everything that I've done, we wouldn't have made half the decisions we did.

Who knows if we ever would have even traveled full time and like moved. And even in moving like we had, we didn't want to start having kids until I was 30. And I literally just turned 30 recently. And I have four. Yeah. So like once we got pregnant with our first when I was 25, I was like, okay, like, let's just knock them out.

I don't want to wait five years to have another kid like that to us just didn't make sense. And so even through like that changing and everything that we've been through, like, I just see how much God has taking care of us when we have that faith and when our faith was maybe weary or we weren't doing the things we should be doing, like tithing consistently or this or that.

ing will be okay. And like in:

We had like I like 15 things go wrong and huge expenses come up and like it at the end of the year, we still came out ahead and it's because we had faith. And even this year has been a really hard year for our family for multiple reasons. I had a really rough pregnancy. I lost clients. We the economy, of course, has been weird.

You know, the world is weird and we're ending the year on such a good note so far. And we still have two months left. Like there's so much good that has come. But I like I said, there's just like I had so much faith throughout all of it. Like, it's fine. Like our water pipe burst and our hot water heater went out within 48 hours of each other.

When I was nine months, I was like, What is going on in our well pumping out? And we didn't know it had gone out because we hadn't used it, because we don't use the house, it's just irrigation. And then like we had to replace something else. I mean, the amount of things we've had to replace this year too has come.

I had to be kidding me. But like somehow we always have the money to do it or the job comes up to help with it, or you know, when something happens and more frustrated, we're like, Well, obviously that door closed for a reason. Now I see that and it's all through the faith. And like I genuinely wouldn't feel as like bold and just like go out and take action on things if it wasn't for the faith that I've got in God and in myself to trust that it is God and when it is God that makes sense.

Yeah, I think sometimes there's like a fine line of being like, not like making myself my own God, but like, knowing that through God I can do these things. And that's perfectly okay with, like, no, God made me to be this system genius like that I am. And I got this because God got me. You know what I mean?

It's not like I am so smart. I can do it all by myself and I don't need anything else. But no, but yes. Do you know what I mean? It's like a weird, like, weird phrasing. I don't know. But yeah. Now, the way you said it made it sound like it's like. I know I can do things through.

Like God's working through me. Like these are the gifts he gave me. So how can I take these and share them to other people? I'm blessed. Other people with them. And like for me, it's through systems and organization and those things like that's what I'm good at. So how can I just gift that to other people? So to say, versus like my husband is not that way.

He's very like he has a very high emotional IQ. And so he does a really good job of reading people and like understanding situations. That's why he does so good with like marketing and sales, in my opinion at least. And I don't have that same gift. That's why I don't do a lot of marketing and sales. And that's like, that's not much.

Like it's just it's cool to see the different things we're all good at and how we can channel those and like use our gifts that God gave us. Yes, because we're all like uniquely made and like some of your hands and some of us are feet and we we're all supposed to be doing this work together. Symbiotically. Yes.

orite Bible verse is Jeremiah:

But I didn't, like, have like the meaning behind it. But the last six years, like I said, we have been on such a rollercoaster, which I feel like that's life anyways, but truly like the way that I'm like, okay, God, is this your plan or is this my plan? Is this it? Should this door be open or closed?

Like nothing relates more to that? First, I'm like our last five six years of our life. And because of that I'm like, man, this like, this is like what I've experienced. This is how I truly am. Like, how do I know God? You tell me. And that's how I know what's your plan and that's what I love is like legit.

Living your life through that verse is not just like a verse. It's cute and it's, you know, some people just get tattoos of things. This is like, now this is how I living my life. Like, is this you? God, I love that you said that because some people don't or they will think about it kind of like you said earlier.

And like in this section of my life, I can ask God to help me with like, my parenting. But I can't ask him for, like, my relationship with my husband. But really, why are you asking God for everything? Your business, the next offer you make, the next pitch. You do like everything you should be. All of the things.

Yeah, I think that was like a light bulb for me when I realized, like, I can take everything to him. And it's like, I knew it, but, like, I didn't know it. Yeah, but our pastor had been going through a series on, like, giving and being, like, generous and not just, like, tithing, but, like, just across the board.

Like, how are you utilizing, like, those things? And it made me realize, like, all the different things we can give. It's not just money, like we can get time and we can give of our resources, like all of it. And it all related back to like, okay, I get it. Like it all comes back to your plan and like these things all sync up and like, I don't know, it's just like this thing that, like once it clicks, it's like, I get it.

I think some of those verses in the Bible, I feel like that I'm like, like, I'll read them. I'm like, Okay, yeah, that sounds great. And then I'll like, get it. And I'm like, I get it. Yes, let's, let's go do that. Yes. So tell me about what you have. I know you've got a bundle and tell me about a freebie that you have that the my guest could use and how you could help them.

Most of my my listeners are in business and they've been in business for a couple of years. They're mostly post-pandemic years, but they're like six figure owner. So what can you help them? Yeah, so right now I have like a master class I put together and it's like a super high level walkthrough on how you can go through like an onboarding onboarding series with your clients and then also like what other automation you can put both in your business and your personal life.

So I talk a little bit about how we can just systematize our lives as well as our businesses because really there has to be some symmetry there. Otherwise it's all chaos and one or the other. But I'm also in the middle of creating a mini course that dives deep into why you should have systems and how to like develop them at five different phases of my framework that I'm developing.

And so that I think will be really cool because it'll give people more tactical takeaways that they can immediately implement in their business versus like the surface level of, okay, this is kind of how you do it, but this is like this is the actual how you can go start doing it right now in your business to give you some systems and some automations so that you're saving time in your life and not, you know, monotonously adding people to your email list or copying contents over from a spreadsheet, all that kind of stuff.

I love that because, I mean, we're both moms, right? I'm homeschooling. You're about to start homeschooling and like, I need I need more time. My time is not what I have, but I also have this deep desire to keep growing my business. So with your with your masterclass, I think that'll be really good. So I can understand not only what I need to systemize but like how I can do both symbiotically in my life and in my business and keep everything running like the well-oiled machine that life needs to be.

Yeah, the systems are our are key in doing that, but understanding how to do them for yourself. Right. And that's what I walk through is like how you figure it out for you and like, what questions to ask yourself to figure out the, the things that you need to systematize and the ways to do it. Kind of like I mentioned earlier, you know, like we we leverage Slack as a tool because that's what worked for her and her business.

And it might have to change if we bring more people on the team. And but your system should always be evolving with your business anyways. Right? But even with motherhood, I keep routines and systems and believe it or not, kids love routine and systems because they know what to expect, which makes it in quotations to go through daily life.

Because we all know that that's, you know, somewhat far fetched. But it is easier in general. Yes, less battles when I know what to expect, I should say, after dinner's bath time books, bible bed done. Yeah. And if I forget one Mom, what about this? yeah, Yeah. Let's get out that other book. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Any time we have a baby sitter, I might just ask the kids what to do for bedtime.

Like we're not here to discuss that. No, no. And they do. They go through the whole routine. Yes. Thank you so much, Courtney, for being on the podcast. I will have the link to your freebie and the notes below. This is wonderful. I am so excited for everything you're doing in business. And yeah, you're a rock star.

Thanks. I'm so glad to be here. This is a lot of fun. Yeah. Talk to you soon




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