Artwork for podcast The Ruminant: Audio Candy for Farmers, Gardeners and Food Lovers
e.53: A Non-Browning GMO Apple Hits the Market
11th June 2015 • The Ruminant: Audio Candy for Farmers, Gardeners and Food Lovers • Jordan Marr
00:00:00 01:01:48

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This week, organic farmer, advocate, and activist Linda Edwards joins me to talk about the recent approval of the Arctic Apple for production and consumption in North America. The Arctic Apple is a genetically modified crop that will not brown when cut open. There are naturally occurring apples that don't brown quickly, but in this case, a gene that causes browning has been silenced using genetic engineering. 

Linda explains why many organic and conventional orchardists are opposed to the Arctic Apple. We also discuss the organic industry's opposition to genetically engineered crops in general. 




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