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Living on the Narrow Path - Billy Williams pt 2
Episode 141213th December 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:25:21

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Living on the Narrow Path  Billy Williams pt 2

In Matthew chapter seven, Jesus told us to be careful on which path we choose to follow. His advice: “Take the narrow path.”  That is what we will be discussing today. Amen!

With so many religious doctrines floating around out there right now, living on the “Narrow Path” is definitely needed to keep our feet on the right path to salvation. Amen!

Our guest today is the author of a book titled, “The Narrow Path.” Pastor Billy Williams was raised in Los Angeles.  His story did not start off with what most people will think is blessed. He was SOLD as a baby. Amen.  He suffered many disappointments over his life. Rejection being one of them that he had to conquer. Amen.

A US Army Veteran, Pastor Billy Williams is now in the Army of God. He is the pastor of an online church called, “Unity Christian Fellowship” in New Mexico.  He also has television program called, “Living the Narrow Path”.

He is here today to talk about his book, “Living on the Narrow Path” and how that is especially important with all that is happening right now in this world in which we live.

This is part two of our interview.

How and why did you get started in media ministry?

You share that when things look tough, we should never give up – but continue to strive for the high mark which is in Christ Jesus. Amen!  Share about how you encourage people with that message…

What do you see happening today that reinforces the need for that message to continue to be broadcast far and wide?

Pastor, this has been so interesting. What is your message you would like to leave with our audience today?

If someone wants to obtain a copy of your book, “Living on the Narrow Path,” how can they do that? Is it on Amazon?

If someone would like to reach out to you, to ask a question or perhaps do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

If someone is in the New Mexico area, how can they watch or listen to your program?

Of course, they can tap into your website to watch or listen, correct?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, this day and time we are living in is growing darker, in the natural, every single day. Think about… the COVID pandemic; the recession, inflation, wars and rumors of wars… now, Israel is surrounded by her enemies.  Does any of this sound familiar?

We need to continue to preach the Gospel far and wide and share it with as many people as possible. Pastor Billy Williams is doing just that. Amen!

I encourage you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to him. Reach out and listen to his programing. Be sure to order a copy of his great book, “Living on the Narrow Path.” Amen!

In fact, click the link on his website and send along an offering of support! Praise God!

And do it right now – while it is fresh in your mind. Don’t let the devil talk you out of it. Amen!



Book:  “Living on the Narrow Path” – on Barnes and Noble


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