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Penetentia - Sometimes the Worst Crime is Doing Nothing
18th July 2023 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:42:34

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Writer and director Chris Lawing discusses Penetentia; the film dedicated to the memory of what his father fought for as an attorney. Penetentia is about a young associate lawyer who lands a job at a prestigious law firm, but as a former convict, acquitted felon, and at the top of his class he is challenged as he attempts to forge a new identity. The challenge comes when he takes a pro bono case for an old friend who filed a few grievances against a local prison. The struggle between corruption, power, and abuse and fighting the good fight defines who he is as a lawyer. The film is part of the 23rd Annual Whitaker St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase and will be shown at the Hi-Pointe Theatre Sunday, July 23 at 7:00 pm. Click here for tickets.

[00:00] Introduction

[00:57] Return to Civility

[01:46] Interview with Chris Lawing

[26:35] Information on St. Louis In Tune

[28:09] The Dred Scott Heritage Foundation Commemorative Stamp Petition

[29:15] 23rd Annual Whitaker St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase

[33:45] Word of the Day

[34:52] Humor

This is Season 6! For more episodes, go to

#filmfestival #stlouis #whitakerstlouisfilmmakersshowcase #chrislawing #attorney #probono



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