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Breaking Bad Synopsis - I think we've failed
Episode 108th August 2023 • Last Time On • What Happened Here Productions
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It's time for Last Time On, the podcast for everyone who wants to watch all of that prestige television, but who has time for that? Our hosts don't, so they take the randomized highway down your favorite shows they haven't seen, and try to guess what happened Last Time On!

Join us as Ben and Xhafer find out we missed Q. Q! Dammit!



Welcome to last Time on.


This is the podcast for people who wanna watch all this prestige


television, but who's got time for all


I know, I don't.


I'm Jair


And I am Ben.


And we finished Breaking Bad.


We Have Broken, and it was actually really good.


It's a fantastic show.


but we don't really know what happened.


No, we got a good idea.


We got a great idea and we've made it all up in between.


And now we're gonna go through, find out where we


were, right, where we were wrong.


Read a series synopsis.


this one was written by Luper, right before El Camino came out.




So it doesn't have any El Camino stuff.


It doesn't have any better callal stuff because that all happened after.


so it's just a synopsis of breaking bad, so that way if we decide we want to


do something with those later, we can.




So we're gonna go through and read this thing, we will note


where we think we've been right.


No points have actually been scored.


Everything will be based off of the synopsis and whether or not if it's


something that we scored already that we feel it fits in, wasn't just


conjecture, we'll be going from there.


Alright, so now we're gonna read this synopsis.


in the first episode of Breaking Bad High School Chemistry teacher, Walter White


is diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.


After finding out from Hank Schrader, his d e a agent brother-in-law,


how profitable cooking meth can be.


Walt teams up with Jesse Pinkman, a former student to make enough money to


provide for his family after he's gone.


Unfortunately, Jesse and their batch of newly cooked meth are


snatched up by a pair of dealers named Crazy Eight and Emilio


the two


forced Jesse, to show them to the RV where Walt and Jesse had been


cooking, presumably to kill the two and to take their materials.


Walt poisons the two of them, but crazy.


Eight survives long enough that Walt is forced to kill the meth


dealer Did that happen in the pilot?


Did he have to go back and shoot Kill crazy eight separately?




So we're into episode two.


Territory and things we don't know.






Walt's family holds an intergen intervention, but not for


Walt's secret meth cooking.


Instead, they want him to pursue chemotherapy rather than just


accept that his cancer is terminal.


Ultimately, Walt agrees to seek treatment even though the cost


would put his family even further into debt afterwards, while at a


birthday party for a former colleague.


Walt gets an easy out from the drug business.


He's offered a good job, health insurance, and the promise that his cancer


treatment will be entirely paid for,


Unfortunately, it requires Walt to admit that he needs help and forgive


his former partners, Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz, from letting him buy out the


company out that they found together.


Instead, Walt turns them down and dives even deeper into


the drug cooking business.


So he had an out three episodes in and was


just like, nah, more meth.




Wal and Jesse make their partnership official with


a simple division of labor.


Walt will cook while Jesse will sell.


Unfortunately, Walt soon learns just how expensive chemotherapy is causing him


To push Jesse to increase their sales, Jesse reaches out to a local crime boss.




Tuco Salamanca.






To see if he'd be interested in buying larger quantities of the pair's,


higher quality meth in order to better fund Walt's cancer Instead, Tuco comes up


with a better idea, which involves beating the crap outta Jesse and stealing the


meth that Pinkman was planning to sell.


Walt moves


in to handle Tuco using his chemistry skills to prepare an


explosive to intimidate Tuco ther.


Impressed and




Tuco agrees to work with Walt and Jesse.


The two make a deal with Tuco, that they'll make meth for him to sell well.


He pays them enough to make it worth their while.


And for Walt to undergo chemotherapy to try and tackle his cancer in


order to keep his identity a secret.


Wal DPPs, the persona of Heisenberg after the themed theoretical


physicist who's known for the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.


And for a while it seems like Walt will be able to keep his second


job a secret from his family.


Unfortunately, Tuco is about as stable as a meth kingpin can be.


When said, kingpin also indulges in a meth habit of his own.


Yeah, we, which we saw


season one of Breaking Bad ends with Tuco brutally killing one of


his own men for a perceived slight, which leaves Walt and Jesse terrified at what


their now partner might do to Walton Jesse's issues with Tuco soon evolve into


more than just personality differences.


After a personality fit in which he believes the d e a is closing in on him,


Tuco kidnaps Walt and Jesse to force them to continue cooking meth for him.


while being held hostage, Walt and Jesse nearly managed to poison Tuco with Ryon.


But Tuco's mute,


wheelchair bound Uncle Hector alerts them to the plan.


Luckily, they're saved.


When Hank following a tip, while looking for Jesse stumbles onto Tuco


and shoots him during a shootout.


That's what we said.


That is what we said.


That's nice.


That feels good.


That feels real good.


Having barely survived the run-in with a real criminal


underworld and narrowly escaping Hank's.


Hank's detection.


Jesse and Walt tried to take a break from a meth business.


Jess Jesse shacks up with a prostitute friend of his to provide an alibi when


the cops come looking for him while white, while Walt Feigns stressed induced amnesia


to explain his extended disappearance.




Do you think that's Kristen Ritter?


That is absolutely Kristen Ritter.




Walt tries to reconnect with his family when they become worried about his


health after his fugue state, but that only brings up more underlying issues


with his wife Skylar, with a baby on the way and Walt's ongoing instability,


not to mention secretive behavior.


She doesn't trust him even when he seems to be doing okay.


Meanwhile, Jesse finds himself out of a house and out of friends after the


double whammy of being kidnapped and drawing the interest of the d e a.


As a result, he pushes Walt to resume cooking.


On the other side of the law, Hank's killing of Tuco leads to a sizable


promotion for him, but it also causes a heaping amount of stress


and anxiety after the shootout.


so I'm thinking the, maybe the person that he saw get killed that was giving him all


that stress wasn't in El Paso or maybe El.


That El Paso was them.


Stopping Tuco.


I think that's what it was.


Whatever went down in El Paso was a crazy gunfight.




Walt and Jesse try to establish themselves in the power vacuum created by Tuco's


death operating as cooks and distributors within Tuco's former territory.


Unfortunately, that increased power comes with increased scrutiny when


one of their drug dealers is robbed.


Walt gives Jesse a gun and tells him to take care of it.


Which Jesse does in a sense.




In a series of, in an accidental series of events,


leaving Jesse with a reputation as a cold-blooded killer, which seems


to establish Heisenberg as a genuine power player on the home front.


Things are getting tricky as the cover for all of his meth money Walt has been


telling Skylar that Gretchen and Elliot had been paying for his cancer treatments,


but when Gretchen finds out about the lie, she tells Skylar that she won't


be paying for any more therapy, leaving Walt to search for another cover story.


On top of all that, Walt and Jesse end up attracting attention


from the law after Badger, one of their drug dealers is arrested.


With the help of Saul Goodman, a local criminal lawyer, they devise


a plan to trick the D e A into arresting a fake Heisenberg, freeing


badger, and taking the heat off Walt.


The plan goes smoothly.


Although Hank, who's becoming obsessed with Heisenberg and his blue meth remains


convinced that something is hey, waltz is making money and Jesse's ongoing


romance with his neighbor and landlord.


Jane Margolis continues to go well, even though she realizes he's a drug dealer.


That he, and when he realizes she's in recovery for addiction, so


everything's going to turn out fine.






Jane is Kristen Ritter.




After one of Jesse's drug dealer friends is killed by a rival gang,


Jesse and Walt realize they aren't cut out to manage a crew of drug dealers.


So with Saul's help, Walt and Jesse find a distributor for their surplus meth.


The mysterious buyer, Gus ffr is a fast food franchise owner and model


citizen who uses his role as the public face of Los Polos Romanos


to disguise his illicit activities.


That level of secrecy extends to his employees, and when Jesse shows up to


a meeting high, Gus doesn't think that Jesse's competent enough to handle the


work and the kingpin might have a point.


When Walt gets noticed that Gus needs their drugs on short notice, he finds


that Jesse's completely incapacitated from his drug use and unable to make the drop.


Unfortunately, Walt is also needed at the hospital where Skylar is in


labor delivering their daughter.


Walt ultimately chooses to make the delivery missing the birth of his


child, but he nets over a million dollars for him and Jesse to split.


However, Walt refuses to pay Jesse his share until he gets clean.


Since Jane and Jesse have escalated to sharing heroin in their free time,


see she becomes a problem.




P, desperate for the cash.


After her father nearly takes her to rehab, Jane Blackmails Walt


into giving them money immediately.


Walt does, but finds himself coming back to check on Jesse


and trying to get him help.


While shaking is sleeping, Jesse Walt accidentally knocks an unconscious


chain onto her back and when she starts to choke on her own vomit.


He watches her die without interfering.


Fuck damn.




Weeks later, Jane's father in air traffic controller lets two planes collide over


the skies of Albuquerque in his grieving state, showing that Walt's actions have


far reaching and devastating consequences.




This reminds me of a thing I had heard.






you wanna know something incredibly sad just with our math?




Tuco is in a grand total of four episodes of this show.






Do you know who's also in four episodes of this show?


And we never got to see?


I looked it up after we recorded last time.


John Delancey.






Delancey, I believe is the dad.


Oh man.


missed, we missed Q Man,


Now we're really going back and watching this.


Uh, at least I am.


also this is where I found out that Skinny Pete


is in 15 episodes of this show.


Breaking Bad Season three features both of the perennial down


on their luck meth cooks more or less out of the business, Jesse's in rehab


and blames himself for Jay's death while Skyler's taken the kids and


moved out, leaving Walt to contemplate what he's still working towards.


Skyler finds out the truth that Walt is a meth cook and offers him an ultimatum.


Agree to a divorce or she'll tell Hank,


Things get even more complicated when Gus shows up with a new offer.


3 million for three months work in a state-of-the-art




saw that.


Walt refuses in the moment, but is ar, but trouble is arriving from


Mexico in the form of blood thirsty twins looking to enact vengeance on Heisenberg.


Walt's attempt to get out of the drug business aren't encouraged by anyone.


Saul wants him to get back to cooking while Skyler is horrified


by what he, what he's already done.


Unbeknownst to Walt Gus strikes a deal with the twins who are Tuco's


cousins out for revenge to keep Walt alive for Gus's own purposes.


Meanwhile, Jesse makes his own batch of meth authoring to sell


it to Gus against Walt's wishes.


Gus accepts the deal knowing that Walt's pride will bring him back to


the meth cooking business, a prediction that's ultimately proven right.


Walt accepts Gus's offer and pushes Jesse out of the business.


While Hank finds clues that are starting to lead him to Jesse,


So Walt's feeling like a new man with his condo and


hidden factory for cooking meth.


Even better.


He's got a new eager to please assistant Gail.


, boacher.


There we go.




Who seems like a serious upgrade compared to Jesse.




Waltz, brought Jesse, waltz brought back.


Ah, unfortunately Waltz brought back into Jesse's orbit when Hank accidentally warns


Walt that he's closing in on their old rv.


Walton Jesse managed to distract Hank away from their old cook site


with a phony call that alleges his wife, Marie, is in the hospital.


Things get even worse for Hank when Gus forced to bargain with the twins, offers


them Hank's life instead of Heisenberg's.


On the basis that Hank is, the one who actually killed their cousin Tuco,


which makes sense like, oh, I don't wanna kill the guy who killed my cousin.


I want the guy behind it.


think you'd want the guy who killed your cousin.




believing Jesse to be behind the fake phone call Hank attacks Jesse


Savagely beating him after Jesse threatens to use the illegal beating


to make Hank's life miserable.


Walt tries to placate Jesse, offering him a job in the meth lab.


Jesse accepts the deal, which means Walt has to fire Gail.


Why can't you just have two assistants?


I don't know, about this time.


the, Akia twins attack Hank, but the de agent kills one and


puts the other in the hospital.


Although he's wounded himself, Walton Jesse resumed their cooking


for Gus, although Jesse begins to take some of the excess product


in order to sell it on the side.


Man, that's dumb.


is dumb.


With Walt making plenty of money and Hank's Hospital bills stacking


up, Skyler agrees to pay for his recovery.




with the cover story that Walt Smith money is actually earnings from a gambling Yep.


so that's why he tells, Walt Junior that he's






but things never run smoothly for long.


In Breaking Bad.


After getting involved with Andrea tlo, a woman at his Narcotics Anonymous in


meetings, Jesse is horrified to discover that the drug dealers who killed his


friend last season were also using Andrea's 11 year old brother to sell meth




Skyler now fully aware of Walt's criminal enterprises hatches a plan


to safely launder their money through the car wash that Walt Walt once worked at.


Meanwhile, Jesse's moving on the drug dealers first by asking Walt


to prepare rice and poison, then by threatening to kill them anyway that


he can with or without Walt's help.


His plan is interrupted by Gus Ring, who's known about Jesse's plan the entire time.


The three of them have a meeting where Gus tells the drug


dealers to stop using children.


In response, they kill Andrea's brother and Jesse responds by driving up


with a gun of his own to act revenge.


He's saved by Walt who kills the dealer, who kills the dealers, putting


his own relationship with Gus at risk.


So that's why he talks about driving his car into a bunch of gang bangers.




Jesse goes into hiding while Walt begins to suspect that Gail,


who's returned to replace Jesse is operating under orders from Gus to fully


replicate Walt's meth formula so the kingpin can get rid of Walt for good.


With the help of Saul, Walt lays a trap for Gus giving Jesse enough time


to murder Gail, ensuring that the drug Lord won't be able to kill them


without crippling his meth operation.


Their plan more or less works.


But Gus responds by isolating himself entirely from Walton Jesse.


instead all communication will be handled by his fixer.




Erman Trout.


Erman Trout.


As a result, both Walt and Jesse begins spiraling into darkness.


Walt decides to buy a gun in case he needs to kill Gus before Gus kills him.


And while dealing with serious guilt over Gail, Jesse starts


throwing money into the wind.


Jesse's unhinged.


Depressed behavior is bad news for Mike and Guss.


So Mike begins taking the young chemist on some of his errand


runs in attempt to provide a bit more purpose to Jesse's life.


Jesse's not the only one acting erratic though.


When Gail's body is discovered, law enforcement assumes that he's Heisenberg.




And that nearly throws Hank off the trail until Walt's ego gets in the way


and he convinces his brother-in-law that Heisenberg is still out there.


You fucking




it's them that they are their own worst enemies.


They are.


I never disagreed with you on They are their own worst enemies.




No one ever Trying to turn them in though is a different With Hank renewing


his investigations in the Heisenberg and Gus Spring, Walter is spending


money wildly even buying a sports car for his handicap son, Walt Junior.


But while he's also worried about Gus's vengeance, but while he's.


While he's also still worried about Gus's vengeance, Walt convinces Jesse to kill


Gus with Ryson hidden in a cigarette.


But Jesse misses the opportunity, so they almost kill people with Ryon


like a dozen times, but never do it.


So it's actually rice in and not thermite.


Well, they never,


I, I like our version better.


Me too.


However, Gus has other fish to fry besides Walt has a meeting with the


cartel, involves completing a decades law vendetta with Hector, Salamanca.






So Hector is related to Tuco then?






Who killed Gus's business partner years earlier?


The cartel is soon destroyed in an epic massacre.




with Jesse's usefulness proven on the trip.


Gus asked him to take over the lab in Walt Stead.


Gus then tells Walt two pieces of very bad news, first Watt's out with the


understanding that the only reason he's even alive is due to Jesse's intervention.


Second, Gus is going to kill Hank for investigating him with worse


consequences for Walt and his family.


If ever anyone interferes.


Around this time, Andrea's son Brock ends up in the hospital


with a flu-like illness.


And when Jesse finds the ryson hidden in his cigarette gone, he blames


Walt thinking that he poisoned Walt convinces him that it was Gus and the


two agree to kill the drug, Lord Ul ultimately succeeding with the help of


Hector and his explosive wheelchair.


Okay, so they do, they do thermite him.


next Gus is dead.


The underground laboratory is destroyed.


Hey, some points.


Uh, and Walton Jesse both managed to survive.


However, Gus kept a laptop with security footage of the lab.


And with Gus's death, it has been confiscated by the police, Walt teams


up with Jesse and a reluctant Mike now healed from his cartel shootout to wipe


the laptop and keep them out of jail.


The plan goes smoothly, but their use of a giant magnet accidentally


reveals some of Gus's hidden bank accounts, giving the police a fresh


lead on fringe's secret meth empire.


It's also revealed that Walt did, It's also revealed that Walt really did poison


Brock in order to turn Jesse against Gus, and that Walt has no intention


of stopping his criminal activities.


With Gus out of the way, Walt sees the potential for a replacement


in the criminal underworld.


Gus ran a massive organization with multi-state distribution, and Walt


believes that he, Jesse and Mike are just the men who can fill the shoes.


Mike initially refuses.


But with the police seizing Gus's secret accounts, his own savings are


compromised, which forces him to work with Walton Jesse With the help of Lydia,


RAR Quail, an executive at Madrigal, an international conglomerate with ties to


Gus's old organization, the Three Men Plan to take over the distribution of Gus's


Empire with Lydia, Mike, and Saul's help.


Walt and Jesse start a new operation moving their meth lab from house to house


under the guise of a pest removal However, heavy is the head that wears the crown.


And even though Walt is now the boss of a huge business that comes with


a so assorted costs, like payouts to the pest removal company, to his


partners and Augusta's, former men serving prison prison sentences, in


order to keep their silence, Walt bristles against these payouts.


Jesse ultimately convinces him to let it lie still.


Walt's success in business comes with a failure in his personal life.


Skylar is becoming increasingly depressed and horrified by Walt


and Wal sown Separation between his Heisenberg identity and his


day-to-day life are becoming blurred.


When d, when the d e A begins tracking one of the key ingredients, for


their meth business at Madrigal, Lydia offers them an alternative.


A daring train robbery that if executed properly, will mean enough


methymine for plenty of cooks in order to make their operation go smoothly.


Walton and Jesse bring in Todd Alquist Boo Boo.




Todd, one of the pest removal employees.


The robbery seems to go smoothly, but it ends in tragedy.


When the trio notice a young boy watching them as they celebrate their desert


heist, Todd immediately shoots the kid.


Which forces Walt and Jesse and Todd to dispose of the body in a


barrel full of hydrochloric acid.


Although the team managed to get away with all the


methymine they could need, the boy's death weighs heavily on Jesse.


When Mike tries to buy out of the business on the basis that increased d


e a surveillance is too much for him.


Jesse tries to leave too.


However, Mike's buyer for his share of the Methymine will only


accept all of it or none of it.


Since the offer is contingent on getting rid of the blue meth that Walt makes, Walt


refuses to give up on his criminal empire.


Since with Skylar becoming increasingly horrified he has nothing left but his


money and his criminal reputation.


Walt eventually manages to convince the buyer to take over


his distributor for his meth while buying out Mike's share of Methymine.


Mike agrees to continue paying for Gus's imprisoned men out of his


own share, but his plan is steamed.


When the d e A catches lawyer making the money drops, Mike's forced to flee town.


But Walt refuses to let him leave unless he gives up the name of


Gus's men so that Walt to talk.


The two men argue and Walt shoots Mike to death before remembering that


Lydia also has access to information.




With the help of Todd's uncle who runs a crew of neo-Nazis.


Walt has Gus's men killed before Hank can get to them to give up any


information on Heisenberg with his business safe and Todd proving to be


an adept lab Walt Rakes in the cash for months before finally retiring.


That is until Hank finds a book given to Walt by Gail on the toilet, and


finally connects all the pieces.


Even though Walt is retired with plenty of


money, Hank is on his trail.


In response, Skylar and Walt Concoct an elaborate cover story alleging that


Hank was actually Heisenberg all along, using the fact that Hank's, medical bills


were paid for with meth money as proof.


But just before leaving town to start a new life, Jesse realizes


that Walt was actually behind Brock's poisoning, which sends him on a


crusade against his former partner.


Hank picks Jesse up before he can burn down the white household.


And the two join forces to gather evidence to take out Walt.


Together they trick Walt into revealing where he stashed his drug money and


desperate Walt calls his former neo-Nazi partners For help the Neo-Nazis arrive,


kill Hank, kidnapped Jesse and Gomez.


They killed Gomez.


Why are you leaving Gomez out of this?


He's the most important character,


intending to use him to cook the blue meth for their own criminal organization.


Walt goes into the criminal equivalent of the Witness Protection Program.


But after seeing Elliot and Gretchen Schwartz on TV denying


his involvement in the company he co-founded, he comes to wrap up.


he comes back to wrap up his loose ends.


He forces Elliot and Gretchen to launder the rest of his drug money for his family.


And he admits to Skyler that everything he did was for himself instead of for


his family, as he so often claimed.


He then heads up to the neo-Nazi compound, kills the skinheads and ultimately


saves Jesse's life in the process.


Dying of blood loss from a stray bullet.


Is it a stray bullet when you have a robot machine gun?


Um, and his own inevitable death from cancer?


Walt collapses in the neo-Nazis meth labs surrounded by chemical equipment as


the police arrived, and really for a man who loved cooking meth so much, it's the


perfect way to end the Breaking Bad story.




Ted is not even in this recap.


Neither is Gomez.


Yeah, we don't know anything about Marie's kleptomania.






So we're just gonna have to go on our gut.




And go through these predictions and score 'em up.


Let's see.


Jesse is gonna get shot.


That didn't happen.


Walt cheats on his wife.


No Walter's cancer diagnosis is incorrect.


No nothing for me from the first episode.


Skyler never actually writes anything.


You get that point?


That's, that was your daytime.




One point.




Bogen gets a run over by a car in the car wash.


It's a feel good moment.


Not happen.


and Gomez is murdered violently by Hank.


did not happen.




Uh, episode two, let's see.


Jesse accidentally spills a bag of meth because it isn't sealed.


That totally happened.


Hey, if I don't get bogged in, you don't get,


oh, come on.


That totally actually happened.


Bogged in is pure conjecture.


This is a thing that we've both admitted has happened.




Um, Marie comes over to visit and steals Walt hat.


That doesn't happen.


Hank catches.


Walt Walt cuts him in on the operation.


No, he doesn't catch him.


But Hank does benefit from the


That's no.


investigation slows because of it, but it is not a.


On purpose.


He's not aware.




Uh, Togo ends up working for Walt.




Hank chooses between Marie's Club Dominion's job.




no one ever actually tries to turn.


Walt and Jesse in every problem is because of their own paranoia.




No one tries to turn them in.


Hank is very actively investigated them


The cops are chasing them.


No one is trying, oh, the only person who's trying to turn Walt in is Jesse.


No, Hank is trying to catch him.


That's not turning them in.


That is


How is that not, I'm a co, I'm, I am a d e


A agent investigating them.


That's, that is different than somebody snitching


on That is somebody turning you in.


Not I investigated


so someone snitches on them.


That's what you meant to write.




That's what turning you, uh, turning you in is I know about the, the criminal


conspiracy because I see you doing it.


investigating it from the police side.






what turning somebody in means.




If you make the police doing their jobs exempt from


that's not turning somebody in.




Catching someone.


It's different.


No one tries to turn them in,


But we do know Jesse tries to turn




Well, no.


Well, no, that's actually not true at all because they pay off


Gus's people to not turn them in.


That's a whole plot point for the last season.


you pay them off.


It's not we're paying them off.


'cause they're trying to turn you in.


It's you pay them off so that.


They're comfortable in prison.


What is that?


Is different.


No, it's not.


It's they're not, it's they're not paying, they're not paying loss.


So they're comfortable in prison.


They're paying loss so they don't turn them in.


Well that is a,


that is stated explicitly.


That's hush money.




a common hush.


Money is different than I am going to turn




No, no, because hush money wouldn't be hush money without


the threat of turning you in.


That is, it is a common, it is a common.


Organized crime thing to I pay you money while you're in prison


for not talking about the rest


stuff, you know?


Yes, yes.


That is turning someone in.


I don't, no, it is




Yes, it's, no it's not.


That is the definition of what you just said.


That is a criminal saying, Hey, I'm gonna tell you about Heisenberg now


to get my prison sentence reduced.




Nobody is threatening to do that.


They are preemptively paying people




That is


so, because they preemptively pay




what I'm saying is narratively no one is like, I'm going,


I'm about to go turn you in.


And they have to react to that.


God, if I don't give you this point, is our friendship over?


I'm not getting the point because Jesse tries to turn Walt in.


We are just very much in disagreement of what turning somebody in means.




I don't get that point.


That is fine.






Jesse works with the d e a at


Jesse works with the d e a to try to catch Walt


that is turning somebody in.






Uh, let's see.


Uh, the lab upgrade.


I get a point, Skyler finds out about the Walt.


I get two points.


They lose the baby.


I do not get any points.


two I have Kristen Ritter becomes a capital problem






the RV explodes.


They don't say how they get rid of the rv,


But they get rid of the


They get rid of the rv.


I'm willing to give you that


I, I think the RV


I think the RV explodes.


It's it's way too fun for the RV to not explode.


And, uh, skinny Pete is never seen, but is


called at least three more times.


He was one of the main characters.




Walt and Jesse bury the hatchet and cook together again.




That happened.


Walt and Skyler get back together.


That happens.


Walt and Jesse's rift deepens leading them become rivals on the meth scene.


We did find out, Gus does make this happen to convince Walt to cook again, but


but they are never actively cooking at the same time


for different


each other.




They are played against each other within the same






well, Jesse and Walt reconcile, they're both


back in the rv, but to live No.


And Gus becomes a chicken magnet and leaves drug behi drugs behind.


No, I wish.


He was already a chicken magnate.


Saul changes his name to Sal.


Doesn't happen.


We never see Mike again.


Doesn't happen.


Gomez returns to finish the job.


Hank can't, doesn't


they kill Gus in an incredibly over the top fashion.


that happens.


That happens.


A exploding wheelchair.




yep, yep.


That counts.


Mike kills a lot of people all at once.


he's there for it, but he didn't do it.


And Wal and Jesse blow up the lab.




That happens.


that was a


pointer, wasn't it?




that was a three pointer.




Hank keels up and gets on the back on the trail of Walton Jesse.




That happens.


Mike a abandons Gus to work for Jesse and Walt.


That does happen, and then Skyler gets killed.


That does not happen.




Uh, Skyler kills Ted, what are we gonna do about this one?


Are we gonna look it up?


We can look it up.


Let's look it up real I'll put a little girl from me in here




Google Ted.


Breaking bad.


Scroll to the end of what happens.


Yeah, Ted Breaking bad death came up, so maybe the actor




If it's like Marie kills Ted, I'm going to be so mad.




Ted runs past Huel in an effort to escape from headfirst It appears he may have So


he hurts himself running from Hue when Skylar predict Ted will never walk again


So he is just left


a para.


he's cri.




Well I'm fine with that.


Fuck Ted.


Saul has a full, uh, mental breakdown, probably, um mm-hmm.


And Gus finally gets on top only for someone else to rip his whole


organization down and kill him.


That happens.




That was the three pointer there at the end.




I got Todd dies.




Walt Jr.


Learns the truth about his dad.


Pretty sure that happens.




Then, uh, Hank kills Walt and adopts the baby.




we are getting more points than I anticipated.


I think it's a testament to how good this show


I, I think so too.


Hank and Marie keep the baby.




Flynn learns what his dad, uh, is doing, but not Skylar's involvement.




That seems to be the case.


a point.


It's two points for you.




And the gang frames and kills Lydia.


They just killed




Alright, and final predictions.


Rest in peace.


Saul Goodman,




I'm gonna look it up real quick here.


Oh God, that's not his name.




Wikipedia article.






He makes it.


I don't


have to read the article.


Status alive.




Incarcerated for 86 years.


Oh, he gets caught.


He gets caught.


So I'm gonna say he did totally have a nervous breakdown then.


Alright, rest in peace.


Jesse Pinkman.


We see him survive.


And then Walter White, rest in peace.


My final points for the season putting me at 15.




I have Walt dies.


Hank dies.


That's two points


we're gonna quibble on this one.


Everyone dies.


well, Ben,


here's what I'm gonna say.


So many people are dead.


So many people are dead, but they're Nazis.


And Nazis aren't people.




but our of our, our main characters, most of our main characters are dead.


Most of the main characters are dead or incarcerated.


They're all taken off the table, but that's the finale.


Um, I will say it doesn't matter, Ben, because even without those,


you're at 16 points beating me by one.






so it's your pick regardless.


So if you want the three points, you can have 'em.


Nah, that's okay


you don't need 'em


there's still people alive.




Skinny, Pete made it


skinny, Pete


made it, maybe not in El Camino, but.




T b d


if you would've just said, Hey, uh, what's the over under on skinny


Pete making it out of this one alive?


I would've said, oh, he's not making, so,


alright, well Ben, you'll get to pick our next show,


but we're gonna watch season three, episode 10, fly next week.


Before we do our thanks, final thoughts on the show?


This show was excellent.


This show was like, this is one of those things where,


Sometimes like you don't do a thing for a long time and then it becomes like


a thing that you just haven't done.


Like, yeah.




I never watched Breaking Bad.


My life is fine and full without it.


It's just like, but it was really good


was really good.




Like I'm a ha, I have, I live a happy life full of friends and my son,


but Breaking Red was really good that.


really good.


Um, I, I will propose that at this point we do a, are you going


to go back and watch it all?


And I think the answer for me is definitely yes.


I, I am definitely tempted.


I, I do appreciate a show who's just like, all right, so we've


gone from crazy meth dealers.


Let's, how, let's ratchet that up.


We crazy meth cartels.


How do we, uh, how do we come, how do, like, how do we beat meth cartels?


Meth Nazis, meth


Meth Nazis is how you do it.


Job well done.




just a super interesting show.




lots of


man, Walt watching Kristen Ritter dies.


Shaking me right


now too.




Uh, Plane crashes being a thing.




I did not expect this to be a show involving plane crashes.






But for sure, I think, I think this was it.


I think we, as a proof of concept for this show, I think we have failed


because this was such a


because this was so good.


and I wonder if for the next show that we do, if it is not as good, if it is harder


to follow, if it is more ridiculous in our predictions, if we are completely,


wildly wrong about a bunch of stuff.


alternatively, if I'm like, man, I'm glad I only watched seven episodes of blank.


is also something that could happen.


So I don't feel like it, this podcast has saved me time.




Which was one of the goals.


but as far as, getting me to actually finally watch Breaking Bad.






Well now I'm going to have to spend our next, uh, next week


ruminating on, what our next show is going to be, because I have to remember


that as much fun as it might be to do something at you, I have to watch it too.


So, uh,




So no mushroom hunter or


Yeah . Or like, no.


Uh, Hey, we're going to watch this obscure, uh, azerbaijani soap


opera that ran for 5,000 episodes.


We will be keeping the two episodes of season math,


so the dice we roll will change.




So if it's like a 26 episode, a season thing,


the, the rolls will be the roles


will be hypothetically higher?




It'll be hypothetically higher.


If it's shorter seasons or shorter overall episodes.


we'll talk about that when we get there.




Just like if it's like one piece or something that has 50 seasons


or something stupid, whatever that anime's on a thousand plus episodes.


Maybe we set it to one episode a season or something.


Or even in that case, maybe one episode every other season.




like if I decided to be like, okay, we're watching, uh, dark Shadows.


Oh, the original one?




I was thinking one of the CW




I was talking about the original, like actual soap


opera, but we were just vampires








not True Blood.


I've seen the first season of True Blood.


It's out




really, really mad.






Not my gig.


Uh, but no, this, breaking Bad was amazing.


some wonderful actors doing some wonderful acting.


Oh yeah.


I'm actually kind of looking forward to watching a worse show.






I don't wanna say that we weren't funny.


I feel like we made some good jokes.


but it was hard.




Sometimes it was just like, oh man, this was so great and this


was so great and this was so great.


And it's like, maybe we need to watch Baywatch nights.


I, uh, I have this problem on Who are you occasionally as well?


Uh, which is my Babylon five watch cast, listener.


If you were unfamiliar, And Laura and I, my co-host there, we've talked about


this at length too, where it's like sometimes an episode is just so busy or


just so good that it's hard to stop and make dick and fart jokes at its expense.


And some of the funniest episodes come from some of the worst shows.




And that was not only did we watch an excellent show, but


we also randomly rolled into banger.


After banger after banger.




like now, knowing what happens in this show, knowing the plot points that


we saw that were important and what we saw and wasn't, and also looking


at the top 10 lists, I would not believe us that we randomly rolled




Like we could've just missed Tuco.


We almost missed Tuco.








Well, I guess it looked, sounded like he was in a lot more season one.


He was in four episodes.




Because I, I know because I, I saw he was in just as many episodes as John Delancey.




Well, it's been a good ride and I'm looking forward to this next show,


but before we do that, we've got fly.


So we'll be back.


We, we will be back next week with that.


But until then, we want to thank Ripe for their lovely theme song.


Our lovely theme song.


Their lovely song.


Goon Squad.


They are off tour at this point.


They were touring very recently.


They'll probably announce some more stuff soon.


You can check 'em out on their website and see their tour dates.


I'm super disappointed.


They're in Michigan while I am in Arizona.


Um, it's not while I'm in at Comic-Con, is it?


Uh, it is the 14th.


Oh, it's like right before I leave for Comic-Con.






Anyways, thank you so much Ripe.


We love this fucking song And


If you wanna listen to more of their music, hit up Spotify, wherever you listen


to music, they're all over the place.




Thank you Annette Lucina for the lovely image of a TV that you licensed


under creative comments that we could repurpose it as our podcast art as well.


We really appreciate you doing that and the image itself, it's lovely.


Thank you.




we will see you next time on.




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