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#Ep.42 "WE ARE ROLLING PEOPLE" A Reel Talk On Directors, Movie Length and Philip Seymour Hoffman
Episode 4214th May 2020 • The Reel Debaters • The Reel Debaters Podcast
00:00:00 04:11:59

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Welcome back to all things regular on the The Reel Debaters. We have ended our Covid Watch and are kicking things off this week with a Reel Talk that went hard in the paint.

On this week's episode joining Micheal Petrow is cast members Danielle Kayahara and JD Renaud and returning guest audio/video professional and movie addict Rob Strachan. Rob and Micheal go over their love of David Fincher in a "Directors Centrefold", Danielle lets us know what the Lorena Bobbitt Doc is all about and how long should movies really be and JD and Micheal review their 6 favourite Phillips Seymour Hoffman films in a segment we are still working on called "Dead but not"

Danielle Kayahara 5:00-1:15:00

Rob Stachen 1:16:00-2:44:00

JD Renaud 2:45:00-4:10:00

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