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Three Proofs of God – James Brown
Episode 152516th June 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:35:25

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Three Proofs of God

James Brown

Have you ever tried to conduct your own Bible study about timelines in the Bible?  Especially trying to calculate the “Soon Return of Jesus?”  It’s difficult to do… and when you finish – or at least when I finish – my notes are so jumbled, I’m more confused than when I started… Amen! Well, today we are going to have a very special discussion on the soon return of Jesus! We are living in times where many are wondering just how close we are to this pivotal moment. To help us dive into this topic, I am thrilled to introduce our special guest, James Brown, the esteemed author of "Three Proofs of God." His book provides detailed information on the prophetic timeline of the first coming of Jesus, the timeline of His life, and most intriguingly, the timeline of His soon return. James has pinpointed exact dates that bring new insights into our understanding of these events. He’s conducted detailed research and I'm excited to get into today's interview and explore the profound implications of these timelines. Join us as we uncover the signs, prophecies, and current events that point towards the fulfillment of this significant promise. Amen! Help me welcome to the program, James Brown!   James, I do appreciate your time today and I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to today’s interview! First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is James Brown?” Three Proofs of God presents a new and surprisingly precise solution to Daniel’s passage and verifies it using objective evidence. This solution confirms God’s existence, Jesus’ Messiahship, and Scripture’s reliability. Your book is unique… I’ve never encountered one that goes into so much detail – but makes it easy to comprehend what you are sharing… What motivated you to write this type of book? How long did it take you from concept to publication? In the Bible, Jesus directly asked us to understand a key passage from the prophet Daniel. To this day, people have not yet fully agreed on that passage’s precise meaning.  Why do you think that is? Share with us the “Three Proofs of God?”  What are they? You’ve demonstrated in your book that the “Seventy Weeks of Daniel” are accurate… very accurate. That being the case, can you give us the “window” of the “Return of Jesus?”  Are we “in that window now?” There have been many different books over the years that tried to pinpoint these dates… why did they get it wrong all of this time? One thing I’ve noticed lately is the prophecy coming true that “the entire world” will be against Israel. Recently, the United Nations, the United States and other nations have come out against Israel, basically “demanding” they surrender to Hamas by stopping all military action and leave Rapha and the Gaza Strip.  The Prime Minister issued a statement that said, basically, that “Israel would fight on by itself if necessary.” Do you see the Hamas war as something that was included in your book? You have a QR code for each chapter. Can you explain how that benefits the reader? Your book, “The Three Proofs of God” – how can someone obtain a copy of your book? Is it on Amazon? James, this all so interesting… I could keep picking your brain for hours… but we are about out of time. If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or do an interview like this – how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you? I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below… Folks, I have never seen a detailed outline of the arguments put for the timeline of Biblical events – all of which we KNOW have been prophesied to lead to the “Soon Return of Jesus” – but have not had an understandable presentation of them.  This book, the “Three Proofs of God” is that book we have been waiting for! Amen! I highly recommend you drop down into the show notes, right now, and get this book into your hands as soon as possible. In fact, order two or three books and pass them out to friends… give one to your pastor. Amen! Just drop down into the show notes and click the links right there.


  Email:  Website:  Book:  “The Three Proofs of God” – on Amazon 

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