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44: Use Content Pillars to Generate Strong Content
Episode 4417th August 2022 • Writing Pursuits • Kathrese McKee
00:00:00 00:11:59

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Use content pillars to generate content for your blog, social media posts, and newsletters. Stop struggling with what to write about in your blog and your author newsletter and your social posts!

Who Is Your Ideal Reader Avatar? goes with Episode 2: Who Is Your Ideal Reader?.

Use Content Pillars to Generate Strong Content

Content Pillars Exercise downloadable pdf file

The question of the week is: What are your content pillars?

Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.


Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Method Certified Editor

Mailerlite (affiliate link)


Kathrese McKee:

In the past, I have talked about blogging and

Kathrese McKee:

writing newsletters for subscribers. But I feel like

Kathrese McKee:

what stops most authors from getting started? Or being

Kathrese McKee:

consistent is a lack of ideas. Where do you continue to get

Kathrese McKee:

ideas? How do you know your ideas will interest your

Kathrese McKee:

readers? What topics will work? How do you niche down? If your

Kathrese McKee:

fans don't want to read about the craft of writing? What can

Kathrese McKee:

you write about? Answers to these questions and more on this

Kathrese McKee:

episode of writing pursuits? Welcome to the writing pursuits

Kathrese McKee:

podcast where authors like you discuss writing craft, author,

Kathrese McKee:

life and book marketing strategies. I'm your host

Kathrese McKee:

Kathrese. McKee. I own writing pursuits and write and produce

Kathrese McKee:

the weekly newsletter writing pursuits tips for authors. In

Kathrese McKee:

addition, I am a speculative fiction author. Writing pursuits

Kathrese McKee:

is for authors who drink too much coffee, endure judgemental

Kathrese McKee:

looks from their furry writing, convenience and struggle for

Kathrese McKee:

words. If you are a writer seeking encouragement,

Kathrese McKee:

information and inspiration, this podcast is for you. Let's

Kathrese McKee:

get to it. Hey, writing precedes authors. Welcome back to the

Kathrese McKee:

podcast. For those of you who are new, I want to extend a

Kathrese McKee:

special welcome. My name is Kathrese McKee. And I'm glad

Kathrese McKee:

you're here. Please leave a comment a star rating and follow

Kathrese McKee:

the show to help others find writing pursuits. Use content

Kathrese McKee:

pillars to generate content for your blog, social media posts

Kathrese McKee:

and newsletters. Stop struggling with what to write about in your

Kathrese McKee:

blog, and your author, newsletter and your social

Kathrese McKee:

posts. In the past, I've talked and written about blogging and

Kathrese McKee:

writing newsletters for subscribers, but I feel like

Kathrese McKee:

what stops most authors from getting started or being

Kathrese McKee:

persistent and consistent is a lack of ideas.

Kathrese McKee:

So content pillars are the solution. And if you keep them

Kathrese McKee:

in mind, for every post and newsletter, you will discover an

Kathrese McKee:

endless supply of topics to write about that will interest

Kathrese McKee:

your readers seriously. Wouldn't it be great to have a limitless

Kathrese McKee:

well of content ideas?

Kathrese McKee:

So what are content pillars? Content pillars is a marketing

Kathrese McKee:

term. If you Google it, you will find many articles about the

Kathrese McKee:

concept stick with me and you will understand the concept well

Kathrese McKee:

enough to get started. Think of a content pillar, like a silo or

Kathrese McKee:

a well, basically a cylinder to hold stuff. farmers use silos to

Kathrese McKee:

store grain and fermented feed called silage, the silo store

Kathrese McKee:

bulk products separately. I also like the mental image of a deep

Kathrese McKee:

well to draw ideas from how do you identify your content

Kathrese McKee:

pillars. Each of your content pillars supports your brand.

Kathrese McKee:

Your brand needs three to five pillars. If you choose five,

Kathrese McKee:

then you automatically have buckets for Monday through

Kathrese McKee:

Friday. kind of convenient. If you are a nonfiction author, you

Kathrese McKee:

should choose your pillars based on your area of expertise.

Kathrese McKee:

Actually, I think nonfiction authors have it kind of easy.

Kathrese McKee:

It's a little bit tougher for for fiction authors, but don't,

Kathrese McKee:

don't give up. Stick with me. So for the nonfiction author, let's

Kathrese McKee:

take an imaginary tennis pro we'll call him and the love for

Kathrese McKee:

our example. He might identify the The following content,

Kathrese McKee:

pillars, techniques, equipment, mindset, tournaments and events

Kathrese McKee:

and fitness tips. So let's five areas five pillars. Let me

Kathrese McKee:

repeat those techniques, equipment, mindset tournaments

Kathrese McKee:

and events, fitness tips. Okay, so fill each content pillar with

Kathrese McKee:

ideas all you need is about an hour to brainstorm and a means

Kathrese McKee:

to capture your ideas. After you pick your content pillars then

Kathrese McKee:

fill them with related ideas once you have your list more

Kathrese McKee:

ideas will come I promise. Keeping your content pillars

Kathrese McKee:

full is a never ending process. As you draw out ideas put more

Kathrese McKee:

ideas in be sure to capture your ideas in a permanent place where

Kathrese McKee:

you can access them from now on I keep mine in a Google sheet

Kathrese McKee:

that's accessible on my computer and my phone and you can put

Kathrese McKee:

like the the content pillar name at the top of each column and

Kathrese McKee:

then beneath the column just a list of ideas that's all you

Kathrese McKee:

need to do. And then when you use it an idea maybe shade it

Kathrese McKee:

you can always repeat it's okay to come back just come back from

Kathrese McKee:

different angle. So let's go back to our nonfiction example

Kathrese McKee:

Andy love should brainstorm as many potential topics as

Kathrese McKee:

possible for each of his content fillers. He might add tennis

Kathrese McKee:

elbow prevent chin and best hydration drinks and workout

Kathrese McKee:

tips to the fitness tips content pillar. The topics he lists will

Kathrese McKee:

serve his community of readers with important information they

Kathrese McKee:

can use. I really didn't mean to make a pun, but he will serve

Kathrese McKee:

his community. His topics will also support his credibility as

Kathrese McKee:

an expert. When he is creating social media posts each week, he

Kathrese McKee:

can choose ideas from his content pillars. He can even

Kathrese McKee:

designate themes like Mindset Monday, and Technique Tuesday

Kathrese McKee:

and fitness Friday. And like I said before, it's okay to repeat

Kathrese McKee:

topics. Just use a different angle to keep things fresh.

Kathrese McKee:

Writing pursuits is run by Kathrese. McKee, who has been

Kathrese McKee:

trusted by fiction authors since 2014. To take their writing to a

Kathrese McKee:

new level of excellence. Guthrie's is a three story

Kathrese McKee:

methods certified editor who specializes in story

Kathrese McKee:

diagnostics, coaching, and line editing to help you prepare your

Kathrese McKee:

story for the journey ahead. For more information, go to writing

Kathrese McKee: The link is in the show notes. And now, back to the

Kathrese McKee:

podcast. What about content pillars for fiction authors? You

Kathrese McKee:

are free to think of your own content pillars. For the sake of

Kathrese McKee:

this discussion, I'm going to suggest five content pillars for

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fiction authors and you then you can just kind of decide what

Kathrese McKee:

fits you best and knock out some and replay replace others. It's

Kathrese McKee:

okay. So my five are mindset, which is about author life

Kathrese McKee:

creative process, which would include things like quotes and

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art and your brand, marketing. And I think this one applies to

Kathrese McKee:

all authors. This encompasses all necessary communications

Kathrese McKee:

between an author and their fans. Interests, which is all

Kathrese McKee:

the common ground you have with your readers, and genre, which

Kathrese McKee:

is like news about movies, books and fandoms that are related to

Kathrese McKee:

your genre. Let's take the mindset content pillar. The

Kathrese McKee:

ideas in this silo would include your inspirations, your favorite

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movies, music, self improvement, because fans love to follow

Kathrese McKee:

their author on their life journey, striking a healthy

Kathrese McKee:

balance between art and life, appreciation and gratitude. All

Kathrese McKee:

those things come under the mindset pillar.

Kathrese McKee:

So I hope you're having some ideas kind of percolating in the

Kathrese McKee:

back of your mind. Start writing them down. Okay, in the creative

Kathrese McKee:

process pillar, you could include quotes, fan art,

Kathrese McKee:

journaling, humor, bad lines from you know, that you've come

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up with, or that you found in other places, irrelevant poems,

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and scribbles. That's your creative process and your fans

Kathrese McKee:

are interested. Every author needs a marketing column. Just

Kathrese McKee:

make sure it isn't your only column. This column would

Kathrese McKee:

include things like street team news, covers, back cover, copy

Kathrese McKee:

polls, giveaways and events. Make sure your newsletters are

Kathrese McKee:

not simply an excuse to say buy my book. So maybe make this one

Kathrese McKee:

out of every five things you talk about. It should not be the

Kathrese McKee:

only thing you talk about in your newsletter. That's a real

Kathrese McKee:

turnoff. Okay, let's skip interests for now and consider

Kathrese McKee:

the genre content pillar. This is an easy one to fill because

Kathrese McKee:

you can discuss movies, old and new books in your genre,

Kathrese McKee:

favorite characters, fandoms, and lore. Anything to do with

Kathrese McKee:

the genre you write in? Because you know that people who have

Kathrese McKee:

signed up for your newsletter are interested in that too. What

Kathrese McKee:

you need to do is blend your content pillars with your

Kathrese McKee:

avatars interests. All the pillars we've talked about are

Kathrese McKee:

strong contenders to connect with your reader. But you can go

Kathrese McKee:

deeper if you know your ideal reader avatar. Remember Marissa,

Kathrese McKee:

our fictional avatar from episode two of the podcast. She

Kathrese McKee:

is also featured in the blog post who is your ideal reader

Kathrese McKee:

avatar, and that'll be in the show notes. In a nutshell.

Kathrese McKee:

Marissa is a socially conscious, hardworking, single Moodle

Kathrese McKee:

millennial. Now most can say that single millennial who loves

Kathrese McKee:

clean romance and cats. If you are a romance author who writes

Kathrese McKee:

for Marissa, then you could tap into the following sub topics

Kathrese McKee:

for your interests, content pillar, clean romance genre

Kathrese McKee:

recommendations. So you can't possibly write books as fast as

Kathrese McKee:

your readers can read them. So you need to be like recommending

Kathrese McKee:

other books, and they'll love you for it that's providing

Kathrese McKee:

value to your readers. Funny Cat stories and photos. It shouldn't

Kathrese McKee:

be all funny cat stories and photos but that's a good thing

Kathrese McKee:

to add in. And fun date ideas because you're in romance,

Kathrese McKee:

right? You can write about serious topics for Marisa to

Kathrese McKee:

like social consciousness and single lady issues and concerns.

Kathrese McKee:

So that's perfectly acceptable. The main point is to connect

Kathrese McKee:

with your reader. Do you see the cross section between the

Kathrese McKee:

content pillars of your author brand, and your avatars

Kathrese McKee:

interests? Content pillars are a means of serving your current

Kathrese McKee:

and future customers. Let's say you write military fiction. Your

Kathrese McKee:

creative process pillar could include posts about military

Kathrese McKee:

bases as possible settings for your next book. past heroes

Kathrese McKee:

could serve as models for your story characters, your ideal

Kathrese McKee:

avatar, who loves all things military is going to tune in for

Kathrese McKee:

more. So the question for the week is what are your content

Kathrese McKee:

pillars? Leave your answer in the comments below. Also, there

Kathrese McKee:

is a content pillar exercise that you can download from the

Kathrese McKee:

blog post in the show notes. On the front there are pillars with

Kathrese McKee:

rooms for AI with room for ideas on the back, I am lending you an

Kathrese McKee:

abbreviated example. Just to give you something to start

Kathrese McKee:

with. Set aside an hour and do this exercise today. This is

Kathrese McKee:

only a start. I expect you will also have many ideas your

Kathrese McKee:

pillars will each grow to fill a page and start your spreadsheet.

Kathrese McKee:

Keep the information in a place for reference whenever you

Kathrese McKee:

communicate with your readers. And that's all I have for you

Kathrese McKee:

today. Until next time, keep writing. Thank you for joining

Kathrese McKee:

us today. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a comment

Kathrese McKee:

and follow the podcast. If you're new around here. I hope

Kathrese McKee:

you will sign up for the weekly newsletter writing pursuits.

Kathrese McKee:

Tips for authors that link and all the links mentioned in

Kathrese McKee:

today's episode are in the show notes at writing

Kathrese McKee:

Please join us on Wednesdays for new episodes and keep writing my




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