Artwork for podcast Anime Roundtable
May 24 2019
Episode 1025th May 2019 • Anime Roundtable • Anime Roundtable
00:00:00 01:12:10

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Editor’s Note: This version of the episode has been updated with edits to take out as much of the stammering (“umm”s, “ahh”s, and “like”s) as possible, and keep the episode easy to listen to. Expect this type of editing in future episodes

Mike became so tired and confused by the time we taped this episode, he wasn’t sure if this was episode 10 or digest 3.

Night one at Anime North starts off with the final touches for a hopeful special guest later during the con. Then becomes pretty much an open mic episode as Mike and James invite a volunteer to tell us about his day one before Mike, James, and then Kevin do the same (4:50). With Mike doing a preview of the Fred Schodt sit down by talking about his first panel on the Four Immigrants manga, and Jesse Betteridge’s panel on Anime Deaths (39:45), and Kevin talking Nominoichi (43:40). Mike and Kevin then invites one of the con goers to the mics, who talks about the lack of DVDs in the dealers room (47:50), and the Black Folks Like Anime Too panel (51:54). Then we end off looking ahead to day two (1:00:22)

And who would have thunk it, trying to edit out all of the “umms” and “ahhs” and other types of stammering took out almost five minutes from the orginal product. Five minutes you can have back, you’re welcome….are we that bad?

Mike Nicolas, James Austin. With Sukhee Hong, Lawrence Black, and Kevin Ng


And don't forget to check our website for further show notes and links





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