Secrets Beneath Scars
Cyndi Brec
As a child, Cyndi Brec is a Christian who grew up struggling through school. She was diagnosed with learning disabilities and dyslexia and had to attend the “learning disabilities class.” But she never let that hold her back.
She became a “Recreational Therapy Technician” that helped the mentally challenged elderly folks – and she has incorporated some of those experiences into her stories as well.
Fast forward and she met and married the man of her dreams, and they purchased a 200 year old mill and built their home out of a “blacksmith shop.” That’s not something you see everyday. Amen!
Cyndi enjoys her writing and sets a struggling, affection and tension building pace in her writings. Full of conspiracies, intrigues and little twists on historical facts mixed in. All of this involves the mysterious ancient world in her “Theran’s Series.” Her first book in the series is titled, “The Secrets Beneath Scars.” Although not released as of today, as we do this interview, I’m sure it will be soon. Amen!
Help me welcome to the program, Cyndi Brec! Cyndi, thank you for taking the time to come on the program today!
First question I always start with is this… Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cyndi Brec?”
I would like to cover this next question first. I think it is important for our listeners to hear this before we get into some other topics.
Your books are not, let’s just say, “Christian” books… they have a dark side to them. As a Christian, why are writing fiction books revolving around evil and mystical things?
So, you grew up, and are, a Christian. But, growing up you struggled in school. At what age did you find out you had a learning disability and you were dyslexic?
Look at you now – writing a series of books! Did you use writing as a way to overcome your disability?
Who says God can’t can take someone that everyone says “No way” when He is always the One who says, “I AM the WAY?” AMEN!
I understand your grandmother is the one who continued to impart a little encouragement to you along the way. What did she say that stuck with you?
Now, tell us about your series, “The Theran’s.” And about the first book in the series, “The Secrets Beneath Scars.” What are these about?
You actually have a couple of the books written… but none are published as of yet. When do you think that will happen?
From what I’ve read, you enjoy taking some “facts” and twisting them just a little to build the tension and the intrigue of your stories. You like to involve history in your stories. Why is that and how do you do it to build the story?
Prior to publication, are you putting up a “pre-order” page? Or a page where your followers can get little bite size tidbits of the books to generate interest?
What is one of the big takeaway’s you would like the readers of your books to receive?
I do have one more question I have to ask…
You have a dog named after a famous scientist, correct?
You’ve included Tesla into your book, too?
Has he done anything to “shake the neighborhood” (so to speak)? You do get what I was referring to? Care to share that tidbit of history lore with our audience?
Cyndi, this is so interesting. I can’t wait to see your book out there. You’ll have to let me know when it gets published and I’ll update the show notes and blast it back out.
If someone has a question or would like more information or would like to ask you a question, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, Cyndi Brec is onto something here. We see television stories all of the time taking something that happened in real life and twisting it with fiction. It’s about time authors starting doing this. I believe Cyndi Brec is onto something here.
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to her. Get on her email list so you will be notified of updates on the release of her books. Help her to get to number ONE when it goes LIVE. Amen!
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