On the ramp at Tyabb airport following the Tyabb Airshow 2012, Steve & Grant are joined by ATC Ben to record this Australia Desk segment. In fact, we even had Steven Pam capturing the whole thing on video for posterity & including a few bloopers & extra bits. Check it out on the PCDU YouTube channel where it's called Airplane Geeks Australia Desk #188 video.
- Air Australia (ex Strategic) have gone bankrupt & were probably trading while insolvent
- The Federal Government have told Qantas the "Qantas Sale Act" is staying as it is & they can't break the company up into separate entities like Virgin Australia have
- Virgin Australia announces its Carbon Tax surcharge that will increase airfares
- The strong Australian dollar has led to heaps of Aussies travelling overseas which has helped Jetset Tours record a 738% raise in half year net profit
- ATC Ben is doing his VFR check flight tomorrow as a step towards refreshing the Multi Engine Command Instrument Rating (MECIR) he allowed to expire while focusing on becoming an Air Traffic Controller