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Ep. 193: Cynthia Brinkley Scott – Love The HopeFul (Homeless)
Episode 19322nd May 2019 • Chasing Dreams with Aimee J. • Aimee J.
00:00:00 00:46:47

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To continue highlighting Mental Health Awareness Month, today’s show shines the spotlight on someone who is truly making a difference in the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health of many, many people. Her mission field is the homeless population, those to whom she refers as the “hopeful.” Her unselfishness and compassion are evident in the way she cares for the underserved and needy with her unique brand of fierce love.

Cynthia Brinkley Scott is the founder and organizer of Love the HopeFul, an organization that provides for the homeless, or “hopeful.” The mission is to give back to the community, including providing a free Farmer’s Market for the homeless on the third Saturday of each month. The market offers fresh fruits and vegetables, protein, bottled water, baked goods, haircuts, books, and more----all for free. In this episode, we talk about how this mission came about and how Cynthia became involved with what has become her life’s passion.

Be grateful for everything

Do you believe that the impossible is possible? Cynthia has seen miracle after miracle in securing food and goods for the homeless. She secured a partnership with Costco through a friend, and she was blown away with the volume of donated goods. She says she would’ve been happy with a case of water, but she received cartload upon cartload of goods. Cynthia operates on the principle that if you’re grateful for everything, then God will bless you in abundance, and this mantra has proven itself true over and over again. Now, she is usually able to bless up to 8 organizations in one day, just from what they receive in donated goods from Costco.

TWEET: My life purpose is to motivate and inspire people of all languages all over the world. #chasingdreams

Motivating and inspiring people

Are you still chasing the dreams you had when you were 18? Most of us have big changes to our dreams since the age of 18---but not Cynthia. When she was 18, she wrote out her life’s desire, which was to motivate and inspire people all over the world--people of all languages. This has become her mission and purpose statement, and she has always been geared toward giving back. When she prayed for God to help her, He said, “When you need help, go help someone else.” This has become another mantra by which she lives day to day. She shares about an intense personal crisis that resulted in many tears, which Cynthia views as a way to water the path to her future. 

TWEET: Love always comes first. #chasingdreams

Find a better word

Have you thought much about the negative words we use every day? Cynthia refuses to call the homeless anything but “hopeful,” because it’s her nature to always try to think of a more positive word for negative things. She says there is always a “better word” we can use. The word “hopeful” provides Cynthia with many opportunities to give back to the community. In our everyday life, we can flip the negative connotation to a positive perspective---and make a huge difference.

TWEET: Who are you gonna call: 1-800-FEAR or 1-800-FAITH? #chasingdreams

Guest Recommendation: ONE action for a dream chaser to take: “Be open and receptive to the plan God has for you.”


  • [:33] How Cynthia and I were introduced
  • [3:15] Cynthia’s partnership with Costco
  • [5:25] Cynthia’s early life and dreams
  • [6:29] Giving back with your life purpose
  • [8:39] A personal crisis that turned it all around
  • [14:05] 1000 pairs of shoes
  • [16:42] Who are YOU gonna call?
  • [17:40] With God, all things are possible
  • [20:25] Why Cynthia calls the homeless the “hopeful”
  • [23:20] Changing negative connotations
  • [25:38] The point of no return
  • [30:09] Seeing the need and doing something
  • [33:17] How Cynthia believed and took action
  • [37:45] Growing and making a difference
  • [40:03] ONE action for a dream chaser


Cynthia’s Website 

Cynthia on Facebook

Cynthia on Instagram

Join our Fundathon:

Find my behind-the-scenes interview with Cynthia on YouTube!


TWEET: I’m so honored and blessed to have a partnership with Costco for the work we do every day. #chasingdreams

TWEET: God is our president, chairman, and CEO. I’m just the organizer. #chasingdreams




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