Wang Shein in a program manager, advocate and serves on the advisory committee for the Advanced Breast Cancer Clinic at MD Anderson. In this episode Wang reads his essay “Let the Mirror Shatter” from the the 2023 “MBC: Lessons Learned” issue of Wildfire. Wang’s piece is a caretaker’s view of living life with no regrets alongside his metastatic thriver wife Janice Choe’s cancer diagnosis for 10 years. Janice was diagnosed at 33, and Wang was a wingmate to his best friend and partner since high school for 25 years until her passing in May 2022. April and Wang will talk about what it was like writing about losing his wife not long after she passed, turning wounds into scars, and his loving advice for patients from the caretaker perspective. They will also discuss Wang’s decision to stay working in Cancer Land, and finding glimmers in life.