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Mark Littlewood om Brexit, modstanden imod EU og fremtiden.
Episode 86th January 2021 • Bag Om Nyhederne • CEPOS
00:00:00 01:07:16

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I dette afsnit taler vært Martin Ågerup med Mark Littlewood, som er generaldirektør for den britiske frimarkedstænketank Institute of Economic Affairs. For det første forklarer Littlewood, at sit syn på EU har ændret sig over tid fra at være EU-forkæmper til EU-modstander. Ifølge Littlewood, er EU blevet for centraliseret og regulerende. Derudover har EU ikke haft succes med at åbne sit marked til lande udenfor EU. For det andet mener Littlewood, at EU med Storbritanniens exit har mistet et klassisk liberal medlem, men han mener også, at Storbritannien kunne fungere som en frimarkedsmodel, som EU kunne lære af. Til sidst argumenterer Littlewood for, at de nuværende international institutioner ikke er i stand til at tackle Kinas voksende magt og demokratiske underskud. Derfor bør de nuværende international institutioner reformeres eller nye må grundlægges blandt ligesindet demokratier.  

Lyt til episoden, udvid din horisont og få et frimarkedssyn på Brexit. 


Institute of Economic Affairs:

Littlewood (2020) “Hard work is not the answer for our new Britain, but smarter work can be”, The Telegraph:

Singham & Tylecote (2019) “Plan A+ Creating a prosperous post-Brexit UK”:

Optaget: 31. december 2020

In this episode Martin Ågerup talks with Mark Littlewood who is the Director General for the British free-market think-tank Institute of Economic Affairs. First, Littlewood explains that his view on Britain’s membership of the EU has changed over time from a supportive to an opposed stance. Accordingly, the EU has become a centralisation project and a regulatory racket. Moreover, the EU has not been successful at opening its market to non-EU members. Second, Littlewood argues that the EU has lost a classical liberal member due to Britain’s exit, but he also believes that Britain can function as free-market model which the EU could learn from. Finally, Littlewood advocates that the present international institutions are not capable of coping with the rise of China and its democratic deficits. Therefore, the current international institutions need to be reformed or new ones must be created among like-minded democracies. 

Listen to the episode and obtain insights on a free-market perspective on Brexit. 


Institute of Economic Affairs:

Littlewood (2020) “Hard work is not the answer for our new Britain, but smarter work can be”, The Telegraph:

Singham & Tylecote (2019) “Plan A+ Creating a prosperous post-Brexit UK”:




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