Artwork for podcast Flies In The Jar
Flies In The Jar - EP #12 – Los Milagros
Episode 127th April 2021 • Flies In The Jar • Deep Drag
00:00:00 00:13:35

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Jimmy and Mia go to a trip-hop concert while Elsa catches a flight.

Deep Drag presents, Flies in the Jar, a serialized radio-drama based on true events.

This episode stars: Jon Jeffers, Lady Zen, Kent Evans, Clara Dunham, David Galitzky, Angel Schmeck, Joshua Holloway, Salomon Rogberg, MayaTrujillo, Mittie Roger, Martin James Grapengeter, Maëlle Jayet , Sean Reagan, and Kevin Holloran

Special Thanks to  patrons:  Tina Bueche, Marsha Filbin, and  Adam Fauser.

Music and Sound Effect Credits:

"Muddy Feet" by Dan Capaldi and Lady Zen

Thanks to voxlo and flsouto for our theme song which uses the loops “Voodoo” and “Hell Awaits Part 10”.

“Round and Round” by Joshua Holloway

My Name is Eendee II and ErchestraH by Eendee

Jarabe Tapatío / Mariachi by Lenguaverde

FM 006.aif by G_M_D_THREE

Classic Cha-Cha-Cha 2, Latin Rock Drumgroove, and Wheres My Cha-Cha Heels by Rasputin

Tragedy - Sub Stem 5, Tragedy - Pipe Stem 4 , and Tragedy - High Piano Stem 3 by derekloops

And Thank You to the folks over at and . A full list of all the SFX, Music, and loops with credits can be found at




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