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ACU-036 Eight Deliberate Steps To Grow Your Medical Practice with Stacey Whitcomb LAc.
Episode 362nd August 2022 • AcuSprout: Acupuncture Podcast • Stacey Whitcomb Dipl OM
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Using deliberate practice to grow an Acupuncture Clinic

In today’s episode I am going to give you 8 intentional and deliberate practices to grow a soul fulfilling and successful Acupuncture practice.

Having a vision for your future, your career and your personal life will help you stay aligned with your calling, contentment and goals. And it’s okay if it changes along the way, or ends because then you can gather the information and feelings for this new situation and create another path forward with another focused intention. If you live with intention you will be less likely to wake up to a practice ten years from now that you dread. Treating patients you don’t enjoy. Not making the money you would like or traveling the world like you always wanted.

Here is the magical pathway:

  1. Ask yourself what you want.
  2. Create a vision.
  3. Set goals.
  4. Create phases.
  5. Outline action steps.
  6. Be consistent.
  7. Keep your head in the game. Spend time visualizing yourself doing it and what it looks like when you ARE there.
  8. Celebrate.
  9. Repeat.

In order to create a practice that you love and are in alignment with try this, but be flexible. Because things will change. Stay in tune and set quarterly appointments with yourself to touch base and make sure you still want what you are working towards. If an amazing opportunity comes along and it is in alignment with your vision but not part of the plan, grab it! Because when you get in alignment with your inner drive and self so does the universe. Accept the gifts. And when nothing is going your way and everything is an uphill battle. Re-evaluate. Is what you want in your highest good? 

Be flexible.

Be consisteent

Be curious

Enjoy the process.

Be kind to yourself

Be yourself.

Let me know how it goes!

If you enjoyed this episode be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss future episodes! 

And be sure to join my monthly newsletter where I share more support and inspiration for your new career journey.

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Using deliberate practice to grow in Acupuncture

In today’s episode I am going to give you 8 intentional and deliberate practices to grow a soul fulfilling and successful Acupuncture practice.

Let me ask you something. Do you have an idea of what kind of shoes you want before you shop for shoes? Do you make a grocery list or even a meal plan before the grocery list before you go to the store? Do you know where you want to go on vacation?

Okay. Now let me ask you this. How much thought have you put into who you want to work for? Or who you want to treat? Or what your office colors are? Or what part of town you want to work in? Do you have a niche focus or are you a general practitioner? Or how much money do you want to make per year?

Why wouldn’t you? If you want to love your life, create a life you can love. But first you have to know what you want. Basically you have a choice. Adventure by default or adventure according to plan. If you choose a career adventure by default this episode is not for you. Want to create an intentional practice? Listen in, I’ve got you covered.

Having a vision for your future, your career and your personal life will help you stay aligned with your calling, contentment and goals. And it’s okay if it changes along the way, or ends because then you can gather the information and feelings for this new situation and create another path forward with another focused intention. If you live with intention you will be less likely to wake up to a practice ten years from now that you dread. Treating patients you don’t enjoy. Not making the money you would like or traveling the world like you always wanted.


When I was in my late teens and early twenties I was an amateur bodybuilder. I would get up at 6:30 AM and work out for 2 hours every day and while I hate mornings I worked out in a weight room on campus and at that time in the morning, my partners were the super hot football coaches and the love of my life whom I sadly dumped upon graduation.

I learned SO many great lessons during this phase of my health journey and I created some REAL successes because of it.

Let me back up. When I started college I was 5’7 and weighed 120 pounds which even for that age was really skinny for me. I was only that thin because I had spent the summer cocktailing until late at night followed by a trips across the state line where you could get into the dance clubs even at 17 years old. Then I would sleep until 11 and do it again. Couple that with a daily diet of one Reese peanut butter cup and a Mountain Dew. For the whole summer. Viola! Skinny, but super unhealthy.

I was living by default. Spending time and energy with people who were unhealthy doing things that were not in alignment with my innate desires and calling.

Then I started college and I started lifting weights. Which by the way was highly unpopular among women at that time. I don’t know why I was drawn to it. Maybe I just felt so unseen, and disempowered by my upbringing at that point that I just wanted to be strong and be seen.

So I bumped into cute Pete and he taught me how to lift. Same gym at 6pm when it was absolutely full of college boys. No girls.

Was I intimidated? Hell yes. Every move I made was watched. I was absolutely an imposter. But I had a vision, so I hung with Pete and he taught me and I changed my major to Exercise Physiology. And away I went. For the next 4 years I lifted and ran and perfected the stairmaster.

Here is what I learned and how it can help you.

I guess I didn’t know it at the time but I had a sort of vision board. As creepy as this seems, I had pictures of Miss Olympia, Lenda Murray on my closet door, not Guns and Roses, not Johnny Depp…No. Lenda Murray.. In hindsight maybe this is also why I didn’t have a boyfriend. That’s how focused on the goal I was LOL. OMG why did my friends never point this out?

Yes, if I could go back and ive18 year old Stacey advice it might have been some guidance around this oversight. But whatever, I’ve always been a little socially awkward.

Anyway. I was realistic about what I wanted.

I knew I would never get to that level and I knew that I would never look like that. Because it’s not possible without drugs. But I am competitive in a way that I like to chase. I don’t care about being the best but I do care about being my best and that always involves identifying people who ARE mostly where I want to be and chasing after them and learning from them. I knew that I would be strong and look super fit if I worked as hard as her.

So I did.

So I had a vision.

Then I set goals.

Then I created action steps to get to those goals. In phases of growth interspersed with rest. Because you can’t grow without rest.

Then I took those action steps.

But the whole time I took those steps my head was in it.

I visualized ALL the time. If I had a heavy lift to do and I didn’t know if I could, I would take a about 30 seconds, close my eyes and visualize myself doing it. Then I would do it.

Every day. Even when I didn’t want to. Even when I was on summmer break. Even when there was something more interesting to do.

By the time I graduated college 4 years later I had gained 22 pounds of muscle and my body fat was 18 percent.

Honestly, by today’s standards I didn’t look like a bodybuilder. I probably looked like a pro crossfit athlete.

Then one day my vision was shifted. Unexpectedly. In one second. I was working in a big gym in New York for the summer and a pro female bodybuilder joined a conversation that i was having with some co-workers. So, I quietly sidled over next to her and sized her up. I’m sure she didn’t notice. Standing next to her I was a miniature. I was easily 0 pounds less than her. And in that moment I thought. Yep! Success! Mission accomplished. I’m all thru here and that was the day I became a distance athlete.

So I thought about what I wanted, and I bought a bike…..

So, Let’s recap.

Ask yourself what you want.

Create a vision.

Set goals.

Create phases.

Outline action steps.

Be consistent.

Keep your head in the game. Spend time visualizing yourself doing it and what it looks like when you ARE there.



In order to create a practice that you love and are in alignment with try this, but be flexible. Because things will change. Stay in tune and set quarterly appointments with yourself to touch base and make sure you still want what you are working towards. If an amazing opportunity comes along and it is in alignment with your vision but not part of the plan, grab it! Because when you get in alignment with your inner drive and self so does the universe. Accept the gifts. And when nothing is going your way and everything is an uphill battle. Re-evaluate. Is what you want in your highest good?

Be flexible.

Be consisteent

Be curious

Enjoy the process.

Be kind to yourself

Be yourself.

Let me know how it goes.

If you enjoyed thiss episode be sure to subscribe sso you don’t miss future episodes!

And be sure to join my monthly newsletter where I share more support andd inspiration for your new career journey.

Look for the links in the Show notes!




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