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Podcast# 278 Your Money: I Don’t Remember Giving Biden Access to our Checkbooks, do you? The Earnest Mann Show
Episode 27823rd October 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:16:13

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The Financial Impact of U.S. Aid to Israel

Unraveling the Corporate News Feed

Hello folks, it's me, diving into episode number 278, where I discuss the financial repercussions of the U.S.'s involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Did you know that in January of 1835, President Andrew Jackson achieved a balanced budget and cleared our national federal debt? Fast forward to today, and we're looking at a staggering 20 trillion in debt. And yet, amidst our domestic challenges, Biden flies to Israel, pledging $14 billion in aid, on top of our annual $4 billion commitment. All this while many Americans struggle with homelessness and economic hardships.

The Bottomless Money Pit

Israel, in its current state, is akin to a money pit. No matter the resources poured into it, achieving long-term peace seems elusive. The state's origin in 1948 is marred with disputes, and the surrounding Arab nations have never recognized its legitimacy. So why are we, the American taxpayers, funding this endless cycle?

The Hidden Cost of Borrowing

Our government borrows from the Federal Reserve (which, by the way, isn't federal at all). Every borrowed dollar decreases the value of our money, leading to inflation. The rich might not feel the pinch, but for the majority living paycheck to paycheck, it's a different story.

A Potential Solution

Could there be a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? One radical idea: Israel could purchase the land they occupy, granting them legitimacy. In return, Palestinians would recognize Israel as a sovereign state. Trust would be the cornerstone of this arrangement.

In conclusion, before meddling in international affairs, perhaps our leaders should address the issues in our own backyard. Until next time, this is Earnest, signing off.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 [Music] yes indeed yes indeed I couldn't have said it better myself hello folks it's um episode number 278 your money I don't remember giving Biden access to our checkbooks do you what I'm going to talk about today folks is a different take on the corporate news feed about the so-called war between the Israelis and Palestinian Arabs which I also discussed in previous episodes 273 and 274 what this episode is about specifically is the financial impact this smoke and MIRS deception is going to have on most working

historical fact in January of:

02:02 the US and have had for a very long time that Biden has to physically fly over Israel of course at taxpayers expense an Air Force One ain't cheap to run baby 140 to 90,000 dollar per flight hour just to wrap his arms firmly around Benjamin nanyu and reaffirm his love Bromance to the tune of $14 billion in Aid to Israel which is on top of our annual commitment of $4 billion to Israel and all this was done in a matter of days Days people [ __ ] days yet the growing hordes of homeless some because of drugs mental illness or just plain

03:08 damn bad luck have received relatively little if anything to get and keep their ass off the street and this has been going on for years as I'm sure most of you know Biden basically acted like a pimps [ __ ] it wasn't enough to give the bullying fascist leader of a failed State our money no Biden had to do it in person just to add more insult to injury to the American people I truly believe at that moment when Biden was embracing him that Biden would have went down on his knees and sucked nyu's [ __ ] if Benjamin would

y ever since its Inception in:

04:54 will never change because their state was stolen from the Arabs it is not legitimate and the Arabs have never forgotten what was taken from them and they never will my point is that the current state of Israel is in real terms absolutely nothing but a gigantic dysfunctional Money Pit no amount of money or resources you throw into it will have the desired result of long-term peace and stability and this is especially the case when all those surrounding you in this case Arabs will never recognize the state of Israel and that is something

05:44 that's really not going to change either yet we the American people are forced to pay for this dysfunctional [ __ ] storm because a corporate controlled semi consen empty suit thinks it's a good idea I'm saying everything that I've said so far to hopefully clearly explain two major points first it's really stupid not to mention criminal to be throwing us taxpayers money around when in real terms the American people will have absolutely nothing to show for it and second it's doubly stupid when your taxpayer's money is

06:37 being spent on a situation that will never get resolved as I said before this is a bottomless Money Pit that will never have an end now let's move on to the next big problem Biden's theft causes an crisis here in the US remember when I was talking about Andrew Jackson earlier so right now we're about $2 trillion in debt and apparently we just added another 18 billion total to Israel damn our government our government our government must have some Deep Pockets where the hell is all this money coming from the short answer is

07:36 it's coming from you they just never seem to go into explaining that from the corporate news media so I'm going to explain it to you now I realized I risk being accused by specialist and Scholars of being non-technical and oversimplified it won't won't be the first time and certainly not the last but it doesn't bother me in the least because I know that these kinds of objections come from people who believe that Windchimes are a musical instrument and just because they have them on their porch or apartment balcony it

08:23 automatically makes them a [ __ ] musician the government has its own personal printing press for printing money it's called the FED which is short for Federal Reserve but it's important that you know that the Federal Reserve is in no way Federal it is not a government agency it is a private company that apparently cleverly chose that name to deliberately confuse the average citizen but they are in no way any part of the government they are a separate private business that loans and produces physical and nonphysical money on demand

09:13 for the US government for a fee remember nothing is free so we have a huge debt to the Federal Reserve so what happens in turn is every every time the government decides to borrow more money from the fed the value of the overall money supply drops this in turn causes another Chain Reaction generally speaking prices for goods and services start going up while the buying power of your money keeps going down this is why if you're one of the majority of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck each month that

10:00 paycheck basically becomes smaller and smaller because its purchasing power keeps going down now this does not however very much affect the rich but I suppose it might be helpful if I told you what I considered to be rich just some kind of you know Rough Guide so we are on the same page so to speak of course there are some very poor places to live in America as well as some ridiculously expensive places that are meant for the very rich but we have to have some kind of idea so I'm just going to say if you're a couple with no kids and you're

10:49 sensible with your money not blowing you know not blowing it away on gambling expensive cars jewelry and doing World Travel every other week I'm calling 100 to 200k a year rich and at that income you really shouldn't be having lack of money related issues in your life so now that I've given you some parameters for how I'm defining rich I want to tell everyone else who is not rich and that certainly includes Yours Truly that everything I explained about the fed and the dollar losing its buying power uh doesn't really affect the rich

11:43 so as a consequence they really don't give a [ __ ] they're doing fine the very wealthy corporate type may be forced to occasionally do some PR work if you're a Democrat you're supposed to be the working man's friend so they Babble about possibly helping with this or Babble about trying to do something about that but the truth is democrat or republican they are all corrupt to one degree or another pardon me but I'd like to take a moment for just a brief message most people in this world world

12:29 have to do something to live some people sing for their supper others dance except for politicians they don't do much of anything but I believe I do something I try to give you something you can use information and entertainment and it's commercial free so if you think that has value please click on the Kofi Link in the description below and maybe buy me a coffee or whatever you can give it keeps the lights on and is sincerely appreciated besides anything I tell you definitely has more value than a politician and you sure as hell don't

13:13 want to see me dance they being politicians after all are very good at talking the talk but virtually none of them walk the walk so is there a solution to this conflict yes it may seem radical but it's the only solution I see that is feasible Israel needs to purchase the area they currently occupy from the Palestinians they would actually own the area that they uh well that they currently occupy and then legitimately have a state they would also have to recognize the Palestinian territory as a state and cease all military presence and activity

14:08 in the Palestinian State and cease micromanaging that area and allow the Palestinians free autonomy to do as they please as a consequence of this the Palestinian Arabs agree and commit to end any and all hostilities toward Israel and recognize Israel at that point as a sovereign state now of course due to the long history of tit fortat arguments and disputes between the two this transition could at times be a bit difficult because it comes down to an issue of trust but with enough time I feel as though this is an arrangement

14:59 that could certainly work as a matter of fact it's the only arrangement I can see at this time that could work I'm going to wrap this up now but I'll just say as far as Biden is concerned yeah I'm pretty damn sord him and if I could tell him anything I'd say Mr President good fences make good neighbors you should take care of the problems in your own home in your own backyard before you go meddling and somebody else's until next time this is earnest thanks for listening wishing you health

15:46 wealth and good luck



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