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Episode 144 – Living With A Purpose – Heneka Watkis-Porter Interview pt 1
17th October 2017 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:21

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Episode 144 Show Notes for Henka Watkis-Porter Interview pt 1

Today I want to introduce you to a woman who is out to make a difference in this world. A woman who knows what she wants and is out to change what people often perceive as unchangeable…and she does it with a passion. Amen…

Heneka Watkis-Porter is a serial-entrepreneur, author, fashion designer, speaker, and podcaster from Jamaica, where she lives with her husband Adolph. Her journey is a testament to the power of self-belief, determination, resilience and to the miraculous wonders of God.

Raised in the rural parish of Jamaica (St. Mary) by her grandparents, she was born to a teenage mother and an absentee father. Prior to her birth, her maternal grandmother would often utter piercing and destructive words to her mother, cursing Heneka while in her mother’s womb…

She is an author three books, 15 Hints to Entrepreneurial Success; Motivate – Inspire – Provoke and, the book we will discuss today, “A 52 week devotional of quiet meditation.”

Background and Bio of Heneka Watkis-Porter

Heneka, it sounds to me like your childhood may not have been something that would make you want to live it over again…what was it like to grow up in an environment like that?

Tell me, what was the turning point in your life – that moment when you realized a change needed to happen…

Tell us about when you came to the Lord…when was that moment?

Explain what you mean by “living with a purpose.”

What motivated you to write this book, “Sermon Notes: A 52 Week Devotional for Quiet Meditation” ?

How are you helping others to “Live on Purpose.”

You also help others to get started in the Fashion Business…correct?
Tell us a little about that…

Tell me about your public speaking ministry…

You have a podcast as well, correct?

I gain insight from almost every guest I interview…
You have interviewed some notable names in podcasting…can you share a few of your memorable guests and what you were able to take from interviewing them?

Are all of your books available on your website and also Amazon?


Instagram: heneka_watkis_porter

Podcast: The Entrepreneurial You:

FaceBook: Heneka Watkis-Porter

Books Available at as well as at from the links below:

15 Hints to Entrepreneurial Success: Lessons From A Caribbean Business Woman –

Motivate – Inspire – Provoke: Quotes to Motivate, Inspire and Provoke Thought from Those Who Have Changed and Are Changing the World –

Sermon Notes: A 52 Week Devotional for Quiet Meditation –

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