Artwork for podcast Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself
Every Phase VLOG #40 - Ovulatory Phase - Breath of Shakti
24th October 2024 • Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself • Meredith Ochoa
00:00:00 00:14:03

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Every Phase piece #40 - ovulatory phase

the 22nd cycle 

title: ‘Breath of Shakti’

👉Learn more + purchase a limited edition here

👉Limited edition mini Acrylic block piece here

👉 Learn more about the Ovulatory Phase - The 3 to 4 days in the middle of your cycle, right after the follicular phase (which lasts for 7 to 10 days) and before the luteal phase (just before your period).


Podcast Episode #5. Enter the Womb Room - Safa Boga, Kimiya Healing

Brett Larkin - What is Shakti Energy?

I am making videos of select pieces of this series, but for the full Every Phase journey and the newest releases, Subscribe to join my 13-year visual art journey

My experience healing myself of 17 years with endometriosis inspired me to actually live my art, so I created this ongoing art series about it called, Every Phase––where I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself as I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.  The artwork shows what's happening in the brain and the body during each phase and reveals how to biohack & leverage this energy in your life. 

I am actually living the art, so it's about more than just healing. The writing and art discuss truth, freedom & our current financial & healthcare system slavery–and the way out. When you subscribe for free on my website ( you will Be the first to receive the monthly seasonal art piece of the current phase, the first to know about my upcoming shows, shop all of my collections early, and I write a badass email.

Because We are talking about truth, freedom & real shit on this show, its exposure & reach are being censored, so thank you also for having the bravery to like (Apple), share (Spotify) & subscribe (Youtube) to my channel to help this information reach the people who need to hear it.


00:00 Introduction

#1 00:20 Breath of Shakti - Ovulatory Phase

#2 08:25 Female Brain Facts

#3 11:16 This Every Phase Series

🎨Art by me

🖊️Writing by me

🎬video made by me messing around with AI

Facing Your Shit & Healing Yourself is more than just this podcast, it is a movement.

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If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.

You can also pick up a signed copy of my printed book with a list of resources and doctors that helped me, and remember, as always...

The truth will set you free.

ALL art + photo services

podcast insta = @faceyourshithealyourself

art insta = @meredithwochoa



Linkedin= Meredith Ochoa


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absolutely fucking nothing..

This is every phase piece number 40. An ovulatory phase piece of 22nd cycle titled Breath of Shakti. An original cyanotype made with the sun and the water as my dark room.

What does it mean to be a woman? What does it mean to be a man? Outside of biological needs,

absolutely nothing.

Nobody can tell you who you are. Only you can, because it is up to your free will choice. It is up to you to choose to discover and see yourself for who you really are.

Your authentic self isn't invented or created, not by wearing makeup or putting on girl clothes or boy clothes. It is discovered and it is claimed. It just is and always has been, just as your needs and boundaries always have been your truth at the deepest levels. The truth never needs your permission to exist, but it will still be there when you decide to come around to embracing it.

That's when they say the truth will set you free. But really, it's your free will choice to accept the truth that has ended your suffering. There are biological facts and truths about both of the sexes. And facts don't have feelings. The most principle basic difference that cannot be changed No matter how many surgeries, it's within our chromosomes.

Females are XX, and males are XY. we all actually begin as females, XX, as a fetus, then around six or seven weeks into the pregnancy, the Y chromosome will appear, or not appear. This is actually why males have nipples. Looking at our culture where almost every word in our English language used to describe something feminine, especially body parts, is also used as an insult to describe someone as powerless or weak, you would never guess that we all start as female.

(you on video)


So it's no wonder that women feel weak being that every word almost That implies being weak is associated also with being a woman. as we are all aware, there are some pretty toxic narratives and attacks, not only on women, but the feminine polarity. Which has nothing to do with sex. It's on both sides of our modern culture. The left is mocking women and overtly attacking by allowing biological men can't change chromosomes in women's sports.

And the right is covertly attacking by ignoring any diminishment to women at all. Focusing on women simply as having babies and staying at home while men go out and lead, becoming manly again. And if you're a woman that does lead, you're overly masculinated, according to the right. So, why isn't staying home with the kids manly?

It certainly can be if you want it to be. You are nurturing and protecting your family. Any of it can be, because the term manly is made up.

but people are living by these terms, like what it means to be womanly and manly as if they are facts, they are collapsing and combining what is feminine and masculine with being a biological man, or a biological woman, these two concepts are completely separate. The feminine and masculine polarities are energy.

They are within every single one of us. Everyone needs to address both, regardless if you are a biological man or a woman. If you are a woman, that doesn't mean you are only feminine, because you have both polarities. And if you are a man, that doesn't mean you are only masculine.

Our physical bodies are physical expressions of these polarities, but we hold both polarities within because at the higher levels, there is only oneness and we are all creator.

These two polarities are expressions of and two halves of the same whole.

They help us understand the greater truth of unity and that all is one amongst all living things. Both sides of our political and media structure are using gender as a way to divide instead of expressing the truth, which is that these differences actually unite us like puzzle pieces fitting together because we need both polarities, masculine and feminine.

And both genders, male and female, to create, to grow, and to survive. We are being played with the illusion of division, not boundaries, but division. Boundaries are simply knowing ourselves and what uniquely defines us from others. Healthy boundaries are the most helpful communication you can have with anyone and bring us closer to others because we know ourselves.

This is the opposite of what the powers that be would like

the left wants control of your money and the right wants control of your morals or self concept. And it could be argued both sides want both. In my opinion, both sides fear the awakened feminine.

They fear you and me awake, not woke. Usually, people push against or deny what they fear. The warrior side of feminine energy that no one really mentions. The creative life force energy which destroys everything that distorts the sacred truth. instead of describing women as warriors. that destroy everything that isn't true. They feel safer describing women as the only sex that needs protection, which males need protection as well. And they present feminine energy in a way that is delicate, fragile, and very nice. Then the masculine polarity is presented as being the only polarity that carries forth any sort of leadership or action.

breathe deep into your sacral chakra, your womb, which yes, men have the womb center as well as we reveal the truth through my second piece inspired by my womb alchemy session with Safa Boga of Kamiya Healing, who I This is a magnificent previous episode on my podcast.

The link is in the show notes. The artwork highlights ovulation, a fertile and magnetic time where both estrogen and testosterone surge, inspiring bold conversations and high energy activities with others, which makes it the perfect time to address This polarizing subject. The title of this piece came from my experience in the session of breathing up the swirling waters of the womb into my heart space, which allowed me to see through my illusions and acknowledge myself on a deeper level.

This practice and way of being is related to Kundalini energy and the Hindu mother goddess Shakti, the divine energy counterpart to Shiva. I really love this quote from Brett Larkin that describes the relationship of Shakti and Shiva.

"Shiva represents the masculine aspect of divinity, and both represent the masculine and feminine energy of the universe.

A way to further understand the difference is that Shiva is like the container of pure consciousness, while Shakti is a life force inside the container that creates all life around us. It's not all daisies and babies, though. Shakti energy is also what fuels Kali, the goddess of destruction, whose energy clears paths for new growth."

Also important to note, in Hindu culture, the feminine polarity is actually the activating, initiating force, because it's feminine. The energy from which all life is created. Whereas unlike in the West, it's depicted more as passive and receptive. So I just point this out to note, it is really all made up just depending what culture you're in.

this is pretty opposite to our modern distorted perception of feminine energy being passive, inactive, or not suited for leadership. As I recently heard a right side celebrity, Amala Ekbenobi, imply that women aren't suited to be leaders because of an 80 hour work week and tough decision making. If you actually educate yourself on the biology of men and women, which does impact our behavior, you will discover the opposite of that statement is actually true.

Here's a few facts that disprove this statement from In The Flo, pages 70 to 71. women have a larger prefrontal cortex, a region that acts as your brain CEO and is involved in executive decisions and higher cognitive functions. The prefrontal cortex is involved in planning, judgment, and organization.

Number two, women have a smaller amygdala, the brain's fear and anger center. This points to a greater ability to diffuse tense situations rather than getting into a war or all out brawl. So women are really higher in negative emotion, Jordan Peterson? Number three, women also have a larger corpus callosum.

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, with nerve bundles called the corpus callosum bridging the two sides. Women possess more of these nerve bundles, providing greater connectivity between the sides, which allows us to harness the power of more regions of our brain when solving problems.

So what part of the statements I just listed sounds like someone who is passive or not suited for leadership?

I could list more and more biological facts, but the truth beyond this is that leadership is a free will choice that can be made by anyone, male or female. It can be approached in many different ways within a thousand different workflows. And in my opinion, To comment on the original Amala Ekbenobi statement above, if you're working 80 hours a week, you're not really running a business, it's running you.

But it may make your ego feel better to say you work that much because you're still trying to prove something to yourself and to others, but that's a piece for another day.

(Scene 13:) If you want to fly a jet in the military while pregnant, do that. If you want to stay home and take care of your kids, do that.

Do that,

but to say you should, or shouldn't, or can, or can't make a free will individual choice because of what's between your legs, what you were born with, your biology, is ridiculous and false. So what is a woman? What is a man? Decide for yourself. Decide who you are. And it isn't dependent on pronouns or body parts.

I am making videos of select pieces of this series, but for the full, every phase journey, and the newest releases, subscribe for free on my website, to join my 13 year visual art journey. My experience healing myself of 17 years with endometriosis inspired me to actually live my art. So, I created this ongoing art series about it called Every Phase, which is what you're watching right now, where I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself as I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.

You've probably heard of the everyday projects like a sketch a day, and like the crypto art breaking sale of Beeple's Every Days, in which he created an image from start to finish, every day for 5, 000 days.

In April,:

The art illustrates the different brain and body chemistry of what's occurring during that particular phase and reveals how to biohack and leverage this energy in your life. Follow this vlog series by subscribing to this channel as I actually live the art within each phase. And if you prefer writing, check out my Every Phase blog. In addition to the original works, I have created all of the images in the series as $50 limited edition bite size acrylic art block collectibles. So at the end of 13 years, the entire collection can be enjoyed as a whole without completely taking over your entire house.

Speaking of living the art, this series is about way more than just healing. These videos, as well as the writing and art pieces discuss truth, freedom, our current healthcare and financial system, slavery. And the way out.

(add in AR video of cover of book+ resources vid then transition to podcast intro vid with clip of intro guest speaking)


in addition to the book I also have an accompanying podcast that introduces some of the experts and practices that helped me achieve what I thought was impossible.

I kept the desire and I gave up the struggle, and my wish is for it to spread to all women dealing with endo, and all people in pain. Through my experience, I learned that all healing begins with being authentic, and that the truth really will set you free, once you decide to break the ice.

Thanks for listening.



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