As an online entrepreneur, I am learning just how crucial being agile is to running a successful business.
There s absolutely nothing wrong with being involved in a personal project — especially when you re passionate about it — but continually keeping your audience in mind is always a good thing.
Over the last couple months of running No Sidebar, I ve identified three types of people that I want to specifically cater to.
In this 24-minute episode Robert Bruce and I discuss:
Listen to No Sidebar below ...
Voiceover: This is Rainmaker.FM, the digital marketing podcast network. It’s built on the Rainmaker Platform, which empowers you to build your own digital marketing and sales platform. Start your free 14-day trial at Rainmaker.FM/Platform.
Brian Gardner: So are you in your closet with just you and clothes and a chair or desk or whatever?
Robert Bruce: Yeah. I’m thinking it might be too small of a space. I don’t know. I run a podcast network, but I don’t know this stuff.
Voiceover: One, two, three.
Brian Gardner: No Sidebar is brought to you by the Rainmaker Platform. A complete website solution perfect for creative entrepreneurs. Find out more and take a free 14-day test drive at Rainmaker.FM/Platform.
Alright, Robert, last week you and I discussed our obsession with greatness and how it gets in the way of being good. I have to say that, easily, it has been the most well-received show. The Nielsen ratings have shown a skyrocket.
Robert Bruce: Wait a minute. Is that because I’m on the show, or you’re saying because this show has taken another leap forward?
Brian Gardner: I think it is a combination of both you being on the show and the naturalness of the show that folks responded to. Unfortunately for me, what that means is I’ve set precedence here to go unscripted. As I discussed last week, the idea of writing a script and then trying to follow a script is often really difficult and time consuming, so I’m actually OK with this process now.
Robert Bruce: Good. Good. You should be. I think it was a great show. This works really, really well for you.
Brian Gardner: Last week, I kind of cut us off right in the middle of the episode, sort of on purpose, sort of to draw a little mystery around it, and to bring you back on the show as a guest again. One of things that you said towards the end of last week’s episode really struck me. I wanted to quote this back on the show today. “We don’t have control over whether something is great. Other people have that control.” In other words, that’s the job of our audience.
Sonia from our company recently wrote a great piece on Copyblogger called The Cure for Imposter Syndrome, where she says, “Your authority comes from your audience.” I think it’s interesting how so many parts of our company, so many people within our company, we’re talking about the same things congruently. It’s really relevant to a lot of our audience. It’s relevant to me as a podcaster, to you as the person in charge of the network, and just all of the content that’s going around. I love the synergy here.
You also say, “What we need to do is to show up, train ceaselessly, educate ourselves, and get better to do our job.” I think that’s great advice.
Robert Bruce: You going to hold me to that? I guess you quoted me, so we have to. I do think that, the idea of, can you call yourself great or claim greatness yourself or whatever. Certainly you can if you’re delusional, but this comes from the literary world — and probably well before that as well — your job is to, in that context, write the book. You can’t write an immortal work of fiction, for instance. It’s only, in many cases, generations after the people reading that book and whatever critical faculty is around in 100 years. Who knows what it’ll be? It used to be the New York Times Book Review.
It’s those people that bestow ‘greatness’ on your work. Certainly, you can claim whatever you want about whatever it is that you do, but I think that’s a bad road to go down. The best thing to do is just focus on the fundamentals of your craft and to practice it day in and day out. As Mr. Godin says often, “Ship it. Put it out there in the world, and let the world decide.”
Brian Gardner: It’s funny. Let’s talk about Pablo Picasso. His work back in the day, his daily efforts, it was generations down the road that really deemed it great and valuable. Other artists back in that day, their work is worth millions now. If it was worth millions then, I guarantee most of them wouldn’t have been as depressed as they may have been.
Robert Bruce: Yeah. Picasso is great. I could talk about Picasso all day long. That is a good example because he is one of those few that did actually enjoy great success during his lifetime, but he also went the other way with what we’re discussing here and called himself ‘great’ from an early age. However, there are examples of where it does work. He was striving for something beyond what I think most people strive for. Those cases are so rare. Very, very few could ever get away with what he got away with.
Brian Gardner: So one of the problems I think we have is that we focus too much on the audience and the user. It really taints and distorts why we do what we do. If it’s not a passion project and it becomes an audience project, then it becomes work. For me, I don’t like to design and do things creatively where I feel like the heat to do something successful or the heat to do something that might sell. If I do, those are the ones that usually fall flat anyhow.
Brian Gardner: I love the idea of creating to create. I even tweeted a couple nights ago, just saying, “I just want to create to create.” Those are the types of works that typically are the ones that end up more successful.
Pamela, from our company, also said something to me the other day in a call that we had which made a ton of sense. “We focus too much on pushing ourselves on others and should focus more on pulling them in.”
Robert Bruce: That is interesting. You are an example, though. We talked about this a few days ago. Take the WordPress premium theme market, which you pioneered. I don’t know, because I wasn’t there. I didn’t know you at the time. You were in a position where I bet there was a lot of fun and a lot of freedom in that, at least in the beginning stages. But you also had an idea that there would be, or likely was, a market for premium themes. It was kind of a perfect combination of the two things.
Then it went crazy and gets out of hand. It becomes more work than maybe you anticipated, of course, later on. In the beginning, I would bet that you had the audience in mind for that. Would you agree with that or disagree?
Brian Gardner: Yeah. It was a supply and demand situation. Clearly, I realized there was a huge demand for something, so I had to supply it. Back then, I was working a day job. At the very beginning of the premium WordPress theme deal, it was still a passion for me. I didn’t need to put food on the table with it. It just turned out that I was so passionate about it that it obviously transpired over to the users.
Brian Gardner: When things are new — ‘shiny new toy’ syndrome — it was all about creating and doing whatever anybody wanted. I was learning so much back then. I overanalyzed the market, and I tried to find holes where they’re not. It’s a different situation. I was young and dumb. I didn’t know what I was doing back then.
Robert Bruce: Bono had a great quote. This was years ago. He said, “When you’re 16, you think you can take over the world, and sometimes you’re right.” Sometimes in that ignorance, you can create amazing things that set the world on fire, or set a market on fire in the context of what we’re talking about here.
Brian Gardner: That reminds me a lot of Chrissie Wellington. I’m an endurance person. I run a lot. Chrissie Wellington is a triathlete. A few years ago, she was interviewed during her first Ironman World Championship down in Kona, Hawaii. She was asked, “Chrissie, how do you think you’re going to do?” She’s like, “I have no idea. I’ve not done this before.”
Robert Bruce: Let me say this. Back to the idea of creating for an audience. Last week we touched on it. You can create and build things without thinking about an audience or thinking about a market all you want. That’s a good thing to do. Projects for yourself, ‘passion projects’ as you put it.
Again, in the context of business, that is tough. If you want to go that route, very few, a tiny percentage of those who are doing ‘passion projects’ can make a business out of it. What we go back to over and over, though, is don’t count on it. If you want to make something into a potential business, you have to consider the market and the audience there and move towards them as much, and serve them, as much as possible with what you’re doing.
The magic happens, though, in an overlap where something like you using your design skills back in the day. You were able to be a designer. You were able to be this theme developer, but it also overlapped with, like you said, there was a ravenous market for these premium themes at the time that you largely created.
Brian Gardner: Alright. This week on No Sidebar the Newsletter, Allison wrote something that really just goes along everything we’ve been talking about. She says, “What’s stopping incredibly smart, creative people from becoming as successful as they hope to be and can be is their own mindset.”
Again, Ruthie Lindsey says this — and I’ve quoted her before many times — “All of us are longing for connection and authenticity, and what we believe will repel people does the exact opposite.”
Brian Gardner: The response I got last week from the show was so incredibly encouraging. It made me realize George Costanza got it right. Remember that Seinfeld episode where he said he was going to just go and do the opposite of everything he wanted to do.
Robert Bruce: Right.
Brian Gardner: Sometimes I think I should do that. If I want to create something that’s simple, go create something that’s complex. If I want to succeed and do it with a script, maybe I should drop it and go scriptless. It’s so counterintuitive to think some of the things that we do will be successful when it comes to results, or our audience will receive it the way we don’t expect them to.
It makes me think about something Ally and I talked about a couple weeks ago about our online personas and just how we want others to perceive us. We spend so much time and energy trying to present ourselves a certain way. Like I said last week, I think sometimes people look at us and they say, “Dude, you’re wearing a toupee. I can clearly see that. Just go natural. Do the Bruce Willis thing.”
Robert Bruce: Yeah. I need to make a correction, a follow-up with that by the way. That anecdote, the Bruce Willis hair restoration anecdote, was John Gruber talking about comparing it to design. And actually to fit even better into this No Sidebar podcast of yours, he was talking about — he’s a very minimalist aesthetic himself, doing Fireball — when a designer is hired and the price is agreed upon, the client will many times say, “I’m going to get a lot of design for this price, right? I’m paying you, I want that much design.” That’s really not always, and rarely the best choice. You let the designer do their job based on what the client’s needs are, of course. It really is the Bruce Willis school of web design. Forgive my misquote of that last week. But you’re right.
I actually would love to ask you a couple of questions about No Sidebar specifically — full disclosure, you and I had a conversation a couple days ago that was really interesting — if it’s OK with you, but before that, what was your idea? We talked about this early on — I think it was in the first episode — of the why, but as a little bit of a primer for what we be moving into possibly in the next couple of months.
Brian Gardner: For me, as I’ve discussed a couple of times, the whole No Sidebar thing came about as I was designing. Naturally, for me, I was incorporating a more minimalist and simplistic approach to design. You and Brian had done a podcast about content curation, which I was learning a lot from at the time. He was talking about his landing page, and he was talking about how he wasn’t going to have a sidebar on there. Then it stuck. I’d be like, “OK.” So ‘no sidebar’ as a whole was a good ideology. In other words, to me, it’s sort of similar to the whole Chicken Soup for the Soul. It was a way of doing life.
I knew it was going to be something that was more than just a podcast or more than just a website. It made sense for me to make No Sidebar into a conglomeration of effort, which was the podcast, the site, the Facebook page, things like that. I really wanted to make it a movement and have it be a personal project, but one that made sense for the company.
Robert Bruce: Yeah. This is really interesting because you are in a position where you really need to align with the goals, the larger goals of the company and the larger goals, in terms of the podcast anyway, of the network. Like we talked a few days ago offline, you’re really starting to think about that and think about the next evolution of No Sidebar as a whole.
What are some of those things that have come to you in terms of what may be coming shortly for No Sidebar?
Brian Gardner: I really wish we could’ve recorded that call because there was a lot of epiphanies that came for me. I came to you because I wasn’t sure of the direction of the current No Sidebar movement. It felt like it was off track a little bit. As you just alluded to, I really wanted to make it line up in sync with the long-term goals of the company, but also have it be applicable and make sense for me to do. It would just feel more natural for me to reconsider, not so much the movement, but one thing we talked about was the show description and how I felt like it was a little bit off of where I want to take this.
Brian Gardner: As I talked a little bit earlier, there’s three things that I really do right now within the company. I write, I design, and I podcast. As a creative person, I think those three are the mediums in which 95 percent of online anything is going down. I want to speak to my audience, which is those three types of people. As we move forward, I’m going to do a little bit of a shift with the branding of No Sidebar, with the direction of the podcast. It’s not going to be far from where we’re at now. It’s just going to be a lot more focused and intentional.
Robert Bruce: Will part of this be maybe allowing me to drop an episode of Allegorical into your RSS feed every once in a while?
Brian Gardner: Yes. I still need that creative inspiration.