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Weed at the Olympics, Sam is Mad and Moby Dick Visits the Pod
Episode 1710th July 2021 • Stats Don't Matter • Tim Cronin and Sam Smith
00:00:00 01:15:52

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Season 2, Episode 17 of SDM- Styrian GP Recap Rd 2, Weed, NBA Finals predictions, and an ode to Shoei Ohtani. In Our Cups this week is a Double IPA Gorham, ME from, and a WHALE from Boston MA. Talking weed in the Olympics, Formula 1, Baseball history being made, and some UFC. Follow us on IG (@statsdontmatter) and Twitter @statspodcast). Find Stats Don’t Matter wherever you get your podcasts: Stitcher, Apple, Spotify, and Google.

Stick around to hear Sam's reaction when he learned what beer I was drinking.





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