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S4 EP136: Emma Maidment: Second Homebirth + 29 Hour Labour
Episode 13617th November 2023 • Positive Birth Australia • Skye Waters
00:00:00 01:18:19

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Today we warmly welcome back Emma to the podcast sharing her most recent birth. Emma’s first birth can only be described as a dream unfolding, one you can hear in detail over on episode #102. While Emma maintained the awareness that each birth is a unique journey, as she approached her second birthing experience, there was a natural sense of anticipation that it might progress more quickly. However, this labour would unfold over a span of 29 hours..

Emma guides us through the series of events that triggered enough disruption for her body to react in its innate protective manner. Recognising the impact of these subtle yet profound interruptions on her labor and observing a slowing of surges when she felt ready to push, Emma drew upon the wisdom accumulated over her years as a wellness expert, skilfully realigning herself and making the necessary adjustments to her environment so her birth could unfold undisturbed.

Today's story stands as a testament to our biology and the instinctual response of our bodies, highlighting Emma's extraordinary strength and wisdom. Wisdom that enabled her to maintain trust and reclaim control over her space, creating the environment she needed to guide her son home on the 29th hour, by the fire and witnessed by her firstborn.

Show Notes:

Instagram: @emmamaidment_

Business: @flowstatescollective

The Flow State Podcast HERE.

Emma's first birth story HERE.

Mentioned in this episode:

Positive Birth Australia Birth Affirmations Tracks Available Now!

Did you know that studies have shown affirmations can significantly boost self-esteem and reduce stress? Here at Positive Birth Australia, we’ve crafted a 20-minute affirmation to guide you to deeply remember the power you hold within. And to my fellow Belly Birth mothers, we’ve created a track specifically for you, to honour that all birth is sacred. For only $5, you can download at and immerse yourself in our affirmations track to transform your mindset.

Positive Birth Australia




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