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How to Start with YouTube: Beginner’s Guide
Episode 13910th June 2022 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
00:00:00 00:52:15

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Jen McFarland:

The Women Conquer Business show is an educational, how to, women

Jen McFarland:

in business podcast that features stories, marketing news and real life

Jen McFarland:

experiences from fun and friendly hosts, Jen McFarland and Shelley Carney.

Jen McFarland:

Join us as we dive into the details so you can slay marketing overwhelm, streamline

Jen McFarland:

processes, and amplify your impact.

Jen McFarland:

You'll learn strategies and tactics, leadership skills, and practical

Jen McFarland:

advice from successful women entrepreneurs to help you grow,

Jen McFarland:

nurture, and sustain your business.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Welcome to Women Conquer Business.

Jen McFarland:

I am Jen McFarland joined by my lovely cohost Shelley Carney.

Jen McFarland:

Today, we are going to talk about how to start with YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

It's a beginner's guide because YouTube is the second largest search engine

Jen McFarland:

also owned by Google by the way.

Jen McFarland:

And it's actually the most popular social media channel, even though

Jen McFarland:

a lot of people don't think of it as social media, at least when I

Jen McFarland:

poll people and talk to people.

Jen McFarland:

So we're going to teach you how to set up your channel, the basics for how

Jen McFarland:

to use YouTube to grow your business.

Jen McFarland:

And of course, how to get started with live streaming.

Jen McFarland:

So Shelley, how are you doing?

Shelley Carney:

I'm doing super.

Shelley Carney:

I'm here in sunny Arizona, where there's a heat advisory for the next few days.

Shelley Carney:

Stay indoors, drink lots of water, get air conditioning.

Shelley Carney:

I grew up with this, so it's nothing new.

Jen McFarland:

Later on this afternoon, here in Portland, it's

Jen McFarland:

going to start pouring down rain and it'll stop on Sunday, allegedly.

Jen McFarland:

But I'm getting really tired of Junuary, which is what my

Jen McFarland:

husband and I are calling it.

Jen McFarland:

So what else is going on?

Shelley Carney:

The News and Views show is doing well.

Shelley Carney:

What we ended up doing, since we're talking about YouTube today, we had

Shelley Carney:

a YouTube channel that originally was called uh, A Gypsy's Kiss where we

Shelley Carney:

talked about treasure hunting and we grew it to almost 7,000 subscribers.

Shelley Carney:

And then the treasure was found and then everything dropped off and

Shelley Carney:

we had to pivot and we were trying to decide what to talk about next.

Shelley Carney:

So we came up with Messages and Methods where we were talking about

Shelley Carney:

live streaming, content creation, YouTube, all of those things.

Shelley Carney:

And then we decided, we needed more interaction and more

Shelley Carney:

trendy things to talk about.

Shelley Carney:

So we started a show called News and Views.

Shelley Carney:

First it was Headlines and Conversations.

Shelley Carney:

This is how you grow a channel.

Shelley Carney:

We have to start, you do what you gotta do.

Shelley Carney:

Headlines and Conversations turned into News and Views.

Shelley Carney:

Then we went from Saturday nights to Saturday and Wednesday nights

Shelley Carney:

and people who had followed us before started showing up.

Shelley Carney:

The new thing is that they're not just talking about the treasure

Shelley Carney:

hunt from two years ago anymore.

Shelley Carney:

They're also talking about whatever we're talking about.

Shelley Carney:

So if we're talking about the news, gun violence or that sort of thing,

Shelley Carney:

they'll give their opinion on it.

Shelley Carney:

If we're talking about, the coronavirus update, they'll give their opinion.

Shelley Carney:

They continue to follow what we're talking about.

Shelley Carney:

This is the first time that's worked, that they have an interest

Shelley Carney:

in something outside of the treasure.

Shelley Carney:

So that's awesome.

Shelley Carney:

We had another channel called Videotero and it's monetized, but

Shelley Carney:

we never know what to do with it.

Shelley Carney:

We've done different things with it over the years.

Shelley Carney:

So we took Messages and Methods, moved that over to Videotero

Shelley Carney:

and changed that channel over.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

So now we have two monetized channels that we work on every week.

Shelley Carney:

That way, the content isn't fighting against each other, because when

Shelley Carney:

you do that, your audience tends to leave because they don't get you.

Shelley Carney:

They don't like everything on your channel, so they just leave.

Shelley Carney:

So that's what we've been working towards and it's going pretty well.

Shelley Carney:

We're getting a lot more attraction with trending topics because people

Shelley Carney:

join us and they want to share their opinion and they stay longer and

Shelley Carney:

watch time is a big thing for YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

So keep that in mind as we're talking today.

Jen McFarland:

So cool.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

It's funny, I've been thinking a lot about YouTube and then also thinking a

Jen McFarland:

lot about where you send people after a show or what happens next, that next step.

Jen McFarland:

It came up in a talk recently about marketing your small business.

Jen McFarland:

I teach these classes all around Portland in Oregon.

Jen McFarland:

It was an e-commerce panel.

Jen McFarland:

And somebody else on the panel said, when you start, you should

Jen McFarland:

really talk to a branding person.

Jen McFarland:

It went through all of that, and I said, can I give like another side of this?

Jen McFarland:

I didn't want to say devil's advocate 'cause it's used all the time.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's a valid way of doing it and then I think there's

Jen McFarland:

another valid way of doing it.

Jen McFarland:

I said, the other way that you can go about your business is you work on

Jen McFarland:

providing really good services and you have a website and maybe it's not really

Jen McFarland:

everything that you want it to be, or everything that you say, but you work

Jen McFarland:

on getting to know people and getting the word out and doing all of that.

Jen McFarland:

Then when you're really ready do the branding thing and

Jen McFarland:

really start working on it.

Jen McFarland:

I feel like everybody else on this panel, when they met me, here I am this

Jen McFarland:

marketing person with a terrible website.

Jen McFarland:

I'm teaching everybody how to design websites and I'm doing

Jen McFarland:

it for people and my own is like the cobbler's kids have no shoes.

Jen McFarland:

That was fine because I was still getting clients and everything like that.

Jen McFarland:

Things have shifted now over the last year, as I really got my voice and

Jen McFarland:

my branding really into my own stuff.

Jen McFarland:

Now I'm in a different phase of my business and I have a new platform.

Jen McFarland:

Things are very clear.

Jen McFarland:

The messaging is very clear and I'm starting to get people I

Jen McFarland:

don't know, coming in through the funnel in a different way.

Jen McFarland:

That's another way of doing all of this.

Jen McFarland:

All of which is a long way of saying, when you start your YouTube

Jen McFarland:

channel, you want to make sure you have a link back to your website.

Jen McFarland:

You want to align the brand as much as you can.

Jen McFarland:

It's really about having a place for people to go as the call to action

Jen McFarland:

and the branding will catch up.

Jen McFarland:

One of the brilliant things about having a YouTube channel and having a

Jen McFarland:

podcast or anything is it's practice.

Jen McFarland:

When I first started doing all of this stuff, it was so that I could talk about

Jen McFarland:

the things I knew about and practice saying these things over and over again.

Jen McFarland:

So that when I went to speaking engagements or when I went to help a

Jen McFarland:

client, I sounded consistent I had practiced it in some way or another.

Jen McFarland:

Even though it was a super public way of practicing, it really helped me

Jen McFarland:

get over some of my fears and some of the different things that you can do.

Jen McFarland:

Whatever your journey is it's really important to think holistically

Jen McFarland:

and look at all the different elements of how it can help you.

Jen McFarland:

It's just what's been on my mind about all of this.

Jen McFarland:

I've been thinking a lot about YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

My journey with it.

Jen McFarland:

I will admit that, I've sent podcast audio to YouTube before.

Jen McFarland:

It's always been that thing that I played with and then we got

Jen McFarland:

more serious about it starting in January when we relaunched the show.

Jen McFarland:

It's been an interesting journey.

Jen McFarland:

This stuff evolves and changes and it's really fun.

Jen McFarland:

So speaking of evolving, even YouTube is getting into the podcasting business.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

It's our breaking news.

Jen McFarland:

Do we have sound for that?

Jen McFarland:

We're still working on that, so don't worry about it, Shelley.

Jen McFarland:

That's cool.

Jen McFarland:

I can't figure out how to do it either over here.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

I kinda do, but I tried it last night and then I ended up with

Shelley Carney:

some echo and it was not a pretty sight.

Shelley Carney:

Or a pretty sound.

Jen McFarland:

So we don't have sound effects.

Jen McFarland:

Sorry, everybody you'll have to just be okay.

Shelley Carney:

Duh duh duh dut dut.

Shelley Carney:

Breaking News.

Jen McFarland:

So there are some signs that YouTube is getting

Jen McFarland:

into the podcasting business.

Jen McFarland:

If you have been a podcaster for a long time, you're like I

Jen McFarland:

can already send audio there.

Jen McFarland:

This is a little bit different because there are some signs that

Jen McFarland:

YouTube will allow you to connect your RSS feed so that it can just

Jen McFarland:

pipe in to YouTube automatically.

Jen McFarland:

That sounds like a nice thing.

Jen McFarland:

I had done it before with

Jen McFarland:

As soon as the podcast went live, it automatically generated an audio

Jen McFarland:

video, which is just like the cover of the episode with the audio under it.

Jen McFarland:

So it was still technically a video.

Jen McFarland:

That's what it was.

Jen McFarland:

This is different because it would be tracked in your stats, as

Jen McFarland:

people listening to it on YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

The statistics are all over the place about whether or not that's

Jen McFarland:

valuable, whether or not people do it.

Jen McFarland:

I wonder as we are live, people can listen to this if they want to.

Jen McFarland:

I think a lot of people do, you might have a tab open on your browser right now.

Jen McFarland:

We know that people are watching because we can see it.

Jen McFarland:

So you bebop in and out.

Jen McFarland:

Later in the future, if you get an email from one of us talking

Jen McFarland:

about this episode, you can do the same thing and just listen to it.

Jen McFarland:

So it's an interesting thing.

Jen McFarland:

What's your take on YouTube getting into podcasting?

Shelley Carney:

One of the things that YouTube offers is that you can upgrade

Shelley Carney:

and you get rid of some of the ads, and it also gives you the ability to turn

Shelley Carney:

off your phone, but still play the audio.

Shelley Carney:

So you can use YouTube as a podcast player, if you give them money.

Shelley Carney:

So that might be one of their incentives to make that happen for themselves.

Shelley Carney:

There are more and more podcasts all the time.

Shelley Carney:

So if they were to convince people, Hey, you put your podcast on and then

Shelley Carney:

we'll talk people into upgrading, give one month free or whatever.

Shelley Carney:

I think it's about money.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I agree.

Jen McFarland:

It's about money.

Jen McFarland:

It's interesting for podcasters.

Jen McFarland:

I think if you had a monetized channel and there was some need for it, you

Jen McFarland:

were talking to people, you could do it.

Jen McFarland:

I would be curious to know if people like Ali Abdol and people who have millions

Jen McFarland:

of followers on YouTube and also have a podcast if they have any interest in this,

Jen McFarland:

or if this is really for smaller creators.

Jen McFarland:

I haven't been able to get a lot of information on it because

Jen McFarland:

there's just signals out there that YouTube is doing it.

Jen McFarland:

It hasn't been like a lot of big announcements about

Jen McFarland:

it, as far as I can tell.

Shelley Carney:

If they're just following along, it's not going to be much.

Shelley Carney:

But if they're doing something innovative, that everybody goes,

Shelley Carney:

oh, that's really different.

Shelley Carney:

I really needed that.

Shelley Carney:

I didn't even know that could exist.

Shelley Carney:

Then people will get excited about it.

Shelley Carney:

But if it's just, oh, Spotify already does that, then nobody's going to

Jen McFarland:

Nobody's going to do it.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

My second piece of breaking news, and if you've been listening to me

Jen McFarland:

or following me for awhile, you're going to be like, Jen, why you

Jen McFarland:

got to keep hating on Clubhouse?

Jen McFarland:

For reals.

Shelley Carney:

I think we should follow the evolution of products like that, yeah.

Shelley Carney:

It did better than Quibi, we'll say that.

Jen McFarland:

So now Clubhouse is laying people off.

Jen McFarland:

They're saying that they're changing their strategy.

Jen McFarland:

I think that if you look at Clubhouse and Spaces and all of these, there were all

Jen McFarland:

these competitors who popped up, Wisdom, Shelley mentioned before we went on live.

Jen McFarland:

All these platforms popped up and said, oh, okay.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, we're going to get into the audio only space.

Jen McFarland:

Whether it was a part of Twitter or a part of LinkedIn or Wisdom, which was

Jen McFarland:

another standalone platform, you might even look at Fireside as another one that

Jen McFarland:

you can talk and it's free audio content.

Jen McFarland:

What they're finding, not just with Clubhouse, so it's not just hating on

Jen McFarland:

it, although they're the ones laying a bunch of people off, is that now that

Jen McFarland:

the pandemic is over, people don't have time to just sit around and listen to

Jen McFarland:

people with unstructured content talking.

Jen McFarland:

I was sharing with Shelley, the reason I've never been super hot on Clubhouse

Jen McFarland:

is because ,aside from Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today, people who

Jen McFarland:

just talk about social media platforms and users, there really hasn't been a lot of

Jen McFarland:

marketers saying this is the place to be.

Jen McFarland:

It was not really ever like that.

Jen McFarland:

And it's because you can't monetize it.

Jen McFarland:

You have to be there and sitting there.

Jen McFarland:

The engagement's different.

Jen McFarland:

I had concerns when I went on there and I was like people just

Jen McFarland:

want me to consult for free.

Jen McFarland:

I can't do that.

Jen McFarland:

I don't have time to sit here all day and consult for free.

Jen McFarland:

So I had personal, like from a service provider and someone who guides people in

Jen McFarland:

providing services, issues with Clubhouse.

Jen McFarland:

I also thought it might not be a good platform in the long run.

Jen McFarland:

What I like Clubhouse for when I'm on there is actually listening to

Jen McFarland:

music and discovering new artists.

Jen McFarland:

Then I go donate or buy their downloads and listen to it later.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So Clubhouse is laying people off.

Jen McFarland:

We're also seeing contraction in the audio only space.

Jen McFarland:

A few weeks ago I talked about Heartbeat as a community platform akin to Circle.

Jen McFarland:

Here's where you see the contrast.

Jen McFarland:

They actually have audio only water coolers, where you can hop on audio only

Jen McFarland:

with somebody else in the community.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's great.

Jen McFarland:

So you're in a community with other people, you just want to work

Jen McFarland:

through something really quick.

Jen McFarland:

That's what those audio only spaces are for.

Jen McFarland:

You don't have to call somebody.

Jen McFarland:

You don't have to exchange any information that you don't want to, you can hop on,

Jen McFarland:

have an audio conversation and hop off.

Jen McFarland:

Spaces like Clubhouse is just so time-consuming and I think we're going to

Jen McFarland:

continue to see contraction in that area.

Jen McFarland:

If you're using it and it's working for you, go for it.

Jen McFarland:

But if you're not really getting a lot out of it, just know that fewer and fewer

Jen McFarland:

and fewer people are actually on there.

Shelley Carney:

My brother was talking about, he works for a corporation

Shelley Carney:

where instead of doing everything with email or just calling a person,

Shelley Carney:

they've gone to Teams, which is like a Slack type of a thing.

Shelley Carney:

Microsoft Teams.

Shelley Carney:

Once you find something that really clicks for you, then you dig in deep.

Shelley Carney:

Not that many people really dug in deep to audio only like Clubhouse

Shelley Carney:

and those types of places.

Shelley Carney:

They tried to make it into some kind of a top of funnel thing or

Shelley Carney:

just grow a community through it.

Shelley Carney:

People don't have time for that.

Jen McFarland:

My friend and colleague Julie Fry, she does a

Jen McFarland:

top of funnel that's audio only.

Jen McFarland:

But she's catering to podcasters and she created a basic, private series

Jen McFarland:

podcast as the top of funnel to bring people in, go through some basic lessons.

Jen McFarland:

Then, if you want to have somebody who's booking you on podcasts,

Jen McFarland:

then, I think that's how it's done.

Jen McFarland:

If you want to do something audio only as a top of funnel, make it something that's

Jen McFarland:

within your environment, a space that you own and that you are structuring it.

Jen McFarland:

So you're always putting your best foot forward.

Jen McFarland:

The unstructured piece is really hard for some people and for a top of

Jen McFarland:

funnel, it really is about bringing people in and then they decide if

Jen McFarland:

they want to engage with you further.

Jen McFarland:

And then they work their way, through the funnels.

Jen McFarland:

That's the issue with something like Clubhouse as a top of funnel, you have

Jen McFarland:

to put some real limits around it.

Jen McFarland:

I think a lot of people, unfortunately, haven't done that.

Jen McFarland:

They'll go on there for a long time to have a show and they provide way too much.

Jen McFarland:

All of which is to say, Clubhouse is different than YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

It is.

Jen McFarland:

Let's start getting into talking about YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

The first bullet point we have is like, why YouTube?

Jen McFarland:

Why would you even start with YouTube?

Jen McFarland:

I alluded to it in the quick intro.

Jen McFarland:

It's the second largest search engine.

Jen McFarland:

It's also owned by Google.

Jen McFarland:

So what that means is Google is more likely to serve it up

Jen McFarland:

as a result, because, Hey, it's another product that they own.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Jen McFarland:

This is why, if you have a podcast, you put it on Google podcasts.

Jen McFarland:

If you have videos, you put them on YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

You use terms that it's likely that people are going to use in search for how

Jen McFarland:

you describe whatever you're creating.

Jen McFarland:

That's going to be on Google, whether it's your website or other places.

Jen McFarland:

A lot of people really just go to YouTube as a search engine now.

Jen McFarland:

Everybody wants to see things.

Jen McFarland:

They want to know how things work.

Jen McFarland:

There's an explosion, and it started before the pandemic, and then

Jen McFarland:

it's just continued to explode.

Jen McFarland:

Unlike some of the statistics around marketing, people searching for videos on

Jen McFarland:

how to do something has really not waned.

Jen McFarland:

And they don't think it's going to.

Jen McFarland:

I think a lot of people were like, whoa, I can learn a lot of

Jen McFarland:

stuff, and this is how this works.

Jen McFarland:

So all of that is on YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

The second piece is really interesting because the Pew

Jen McFarland:

Research Center has done basically a longitudinal study of social media.

Jen McFarland:

It's what I talk to people about all the time in my presentations.

Jen McFarland:

If you really want to figure out which of your customers are where,

Jen McFarland:

you use that to go out and look at all the demographic information

Jen McFarland:

about every social media platform.

Jen McFarland:

So it's really good stuff.

Jen McFarland:

The most popular social media channel is YouTube and then

Jen McFarland:

Facebook and things like that.

Jen McFarland:

But when you ask people and I've done this, 'cause I've talked to

Jen McFarland:

people, I had a poll on LinkedIn, different things like that.

Jen McFarland:

A lot of people don't think of YouTube as social media.

Jen McFarland:

And I'm like, why?

Jen McFarland:

You're posting content, you're writing about it.

Jen McFarland:

People can comment and share it.

Jen McFarland:

What part of YouTube isn't social media?

Jen McFarland:

So it's really important to remember the value and it's really a two-prong value.

Jen McFarland:

Google and Facebook don't really like each other.

Jen McFarland:

So if you post something on Facebook, that's like its own ecosystem.

Jen McFarland:

You post it on YouTube, it's going to show up in Google search.

Jen McFarland:

Google has relented a little.

Jen McFarland:

So now Instagram videos might be searchable.

Jen McFarland:

TikTok videos might be searchable.

Jen McFarland:

They haven't really let up when it comes to Facebook.

Jen McFarland:

So if you want to share on a platform in LinkedIn articles, you might get

Jen McFarland:

some traction if you post them there.

Jen McFarland:

But if you really want to get some traction in your content, then you have

Jen McFarland:

to be on YouTube at least a little bit.

Jen McFarland:

When a business is just starting out, the advice is you set up platforms everywhere.

Jen McFarland:

You set up a brand account on YouTube so that you can put a description of

Jen McFarland:

your business, a link to your website, all of this stuff, because they're

Jen McFarland:

giving that space to you for free.

Jen McFarland:

So you claim it and then if you ever want to use it, then

Jen McFarland:

it's there for you and waiting.

Jen McFarland:

But it's also, so you show up in listings, right?

Jen McFarland:

You have your business name, you have a link to your website.

Jen McFarland:

Maybe you have a link to your favorite social media platforms that you

Jen McFarland:

actually do use, a little bit of branding, and you just started off.

Jen McFarland:

So I believe as someone who's toyed with YouTube, again, for years,

Jen McFarland:

there are a lot of really compelling reasons to use YouTube as one of the

Jen McFarland:

channels that you look at seriously.

Jen McFarland:

Especially if you are a content creator.

Jen McFarland:

Do you have anything to add to that?

Shelley Carney:

I was typing notes.

Shelley Carney:

So I agree with everything Jen said,

Jen McFarland:

Gosh, you probably don't, you weren't even listening.

Jen McFarland:

So there's, I can see people are watching.

Jen McFarland:

So if you have any questions about YouTube, please be sure to hit us

Jen McFarland:

up and let us know in the comments.

Jen McFarland:

If it surprises you that YouTube is social media that would be interesting.

Jen McFarland:

The third most popular search engine is Pinterest and they show

Jen McFarland:

up actually in Google search too.

Jen McFarland:

It's all very interesting, how Google picks and chooses

Jen McFarland:

the elements that show up.

Jen McFarland:

But so do you want to get us started in the second part

Jen McFarland:

about setting up your channel?

Shelley Carney:

Setup your channel.

Shelley Carney:

So the first thing you're going to need is a Gmail account, right?

Shelley Carney:

You have to sign up for Gmail and then that's hooked into all of

Shelley Carney:

the Google products, Google drive, Google calendar, and YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

So then you can get into your YouTube channel and start setting that up with

Shelley Carney:

the name that you want it to have.

Shelley Carney:

You can put in your art.

Shelley Carney:

Put in there what it's about.

Shelley Carney:

When you show up.

Shelley Carney:

If you do a weekly show, put that on there.

Shelley Carney:

Then consider in your channel art, what should be in there is I like

Shelley Carney:

to put picture of myself and what I'm all about so that people know

Shelley Carney:

if they're in the right place.

Shelley Carney:

So they may have searched a term, found your video and watched it, but they don't

Shelley Carney:

know if that's a one-off or if that's something that you do all the time.

Shelley Carney:

You want to put that in your branding, what you're all about, what people can

Shelley Carney:

learn when they come to your channel.

Shelley Carney:

Let me just share mine really quickly so you get an example of what I'm talking

Shelley Carney:

about for those of you who are watching.

Jen McFarland:

While Shelley's getting ready to share that, I will

Jen McFarland:

add that if you have your Google workspace, that counts as a Google

Jen McFarland:

email account, you can use that.

Jen McFarland:

If you are using this solely for your business you might consider

Jen McFarland:

setting up a brand account.

Jen McFarland:

It's tied to your brand.

Jen McFarland:

It's a little hilarious when I comment on other people's shows

Jen McFarland:

and it says Women Conquer Business.

Jen McFarland:

There are some things to that, but just know that you can make it all

Jen McFarland:

branded also with a brand account.

Jen McFarland:

And that's another way of doing it.

Shelley Carney:

So you can see with mine, the the banner has my photo, this is me.

Shelley Carney:

Then I say, what I'm all about.

Shelley Carney:

Grow your business with content marketing.

Shelley Carney:

High-level live streaming is the best way to build an online

Shelley Carney:

community that buys from you.

Shelley Carney:

That's my belief statement, right?

Shelley Carney:

Everything hinges on that belief that I teach.

Shelley Carney:

And then I talk about from the moment you check into my channel, what

Shelley Carney:

I'm about and what I'm doing, and then of course you can see all the

Shelley Carney:

playlists and you get to choose, okay what do I want to learn more about?

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Or maybe they're looking at me, who is she?

Shelley Carney:

Or what do I need to know about her?

Shelley Carney:

There's some media appearances and interviews.

Shelley Carney:

So I have my podcasting interview with friends.

Shelley Carney:

They could see who I surround myself with.

Shelley Carney:

Content creation, ideas and all of that.

Shelley Carney:

So there's tons of content on here about what's at the top.

Shelley Carney:

I don't want to say I am this and then have a bunch of meditation videos.

Shelley Carney:

I have those, but I hide them.

Shelley Carney:

They're not on the front page.

Jen McFarland:

And that's an interesting thing, right?

Jen McFarland:

So I was just looking I'm like, what do I have at the top of the

Jen McFarland:

Women Conquer Business channel?

Jen McFarland:

So I just checked it 'cause I always look at it, but I'm almost

Jen McFarland:

immune to it at this point.

Jen McFarland:

I've seen it so much.

Jen McFarland:

For me, it's the tagline of Untie the Knots and Find Joy

Jen McFarland:

in Marketing Your Business.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's because I'm happy and I giggle a lot and I

Jen McFarland:

love talking about marketing.

Jen McFarland:

So that's what comes through, it's like a different way, a different approach.

Jen McFarland:

And that was one of the iterations of my tagline, and I think

Jen McFarland:

now it's adjusted somewhat.

Jen McFarland:

But you brought up a good point and want to talk about that here, which is,

Jen McFarland:

you say that you set up playlists and you have other things that are hidden

Jen McFarland:

and I think that's really important to talk about for just a second.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

So your playlist are keywords, right?

Shelley Carney:

They are things that people are going to Google.

Shelley Carney:

So you want them to find things that represent what you're

Shelley Carney:

doing and why you're on YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

I'm known for a couple of things.

Shelley Carney:

I did life coaching for several years before I got into content marketing.

Shelley Carney:

So people might find me that way.

Shelley Carney:

But I put those playlists on you have to go looking for them.

Shelley Carney:

You can find them, but you have to go looking for them.

Shelley Carney:

But my front door is here's who I am and here's what I do.

Shelley Carney:

Playlists are great for organizing your materials so that people

Shelley Carney:

can watch for longer, right?

Shelley Carney:

If they get into a playlist and they go, oh, productivity tips, I'm

Shelley Carney:

going to watch all of those videos because I want all of that content.

Shelley Carney:

That's what you want to do.

Shelley Carney:

You want to set it up as binge lists.

Shelley Carney:

Something that is related that people might want to continue watching.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

When I love this, Kyle, thanks for watching or listening.

Jen McFarland:

YouTube is a hundred percent social media.

Jen McFarland:

Thank you for that.

Jen McFarland:

I think that when I did my poll, you were one of the people who

Jen McFarland:

said, yes, it's social media.

Jen McFarland:

So it's very important to look at it that way.

Jen McFarland:

I know that some people don't, but yes, it is.

Jen McFarland:

So thanks again for the comment.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So on my show my channel I had in the earlier time of Women Conquer

Jen McFarland:

Business, I did a lot of interviews, so I've started breaking things out.

Jen McFarland:

So it's here are the interviews with other people.

Jen McFarland:

Here's the livestream.

Jen McFarland:

I started a new side project with my friend Bridget Willard.

Jen McFarland:

I have a new playlist called 3 0 2 Marketing Redirect.

Jen McFarland:

So you want to make sure that you give people places to go so that they have

Jen McFarland:

an idea of how to navigate the channel.

Shelley Carney:

And you can share playlists.

Shelley Carney:

They give playlists their own URL.

Shelley Carney:

So you could share that with people if you want to direct them to an entire playlist.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Which is one of my CTAs today.

Shelley Carney:

It's Livecast Life, the playlist, because it's about training about

Shelley Carney:

how to set up a live cast lifestyle.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So we have the basics.

Jen McFarland:

Maybe you already have a YouTube channel, but we have talk about

Jen McFarland:

that first for getting it set up.

Jen McFarland:

I have to say as somebody who did this on my own like most Google

Jen McFarland:

products, it's not super intuitive.

Jen McFarland:

I had to work my way through it.

Jen McFarland:

This was a few years ago.

Jen McFarland:

It takes a little time.

Jen McFarland:

You're going to want to go into that playlist that Shelley just mentioned

Jen McFarland:

so that you get your lay of the land on that and figure out how all of

Jen McFarland:

that plays out, what that looks like.

Jen McFarland:

So the next phase is if you want to look at YouTube as a path, a stream ha.

Jen McFarland:

That's a joke.

Jen McFarland:

A stream for how you can grow your business.

Jen McFarland:

How do we get into that place?

Jen McFarland:

How do we use YouTube to grow our businesses?

Shelley Carney:

All right.

Shelley Carney:

Just like Jen always says, you want to look at your SEO

Shelley Carney:

and how do you grow your SEO?

Shelley Carney:

You answer questions because that's what people type into Google.

Shelley Carney:

They type in questions.

Shelley Carney:

How do I, what do, what is that?

Shelley Carney:

What is this about?

Shelley Carney:

And then what are those questions that people ask that you can answer?

Shelley Carney:

Those are your videos.

Jen McFarland:

And you answer those questions again and again, and you

Jen McFarland:

talk about it in different ways and you help people in different ways.

Jen McFarland:

And you always have to remember that you know more than your customers,

Jen McFarland:

more than the people who are searching.

Jen McFarland:

So you need to share all of that stuff and the different dimensions of that.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's really easy to forget that when you're helping people all the

Jen McFarland:

time, you forget that you're the expert.

Jen McFarland:

I think that happens a lot.

Jen McFarland:

So answering customer questions, using your customer's words

Jen McFarland:

to answer questions too.

Jen McFarland:

So it's not just about answering any old question and using any old word it's about

Jen McFarland:

using the words that your customers use.

Jen McFarland:

And that fundamentally is what search is for a business owner.

Jen McFarland:

There's way more to it that.

Jen McFarland:

Oh, Hey Veronica.

Jen McFarland:

Thanks for watching.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

This is, it's so true.

Jen McFarland:

I love that answer.

Jen McFarland:

Answer questions again and again.

Jen McFarland:

Veronica is also in marketing and she knows as well as I do that it's not just

Jen McFarland:

one and done whether it's social media, your email list, YouTube, which is like

Jen McFarland:

the search engine slash social media.

Jen McFarland:

It's about doing it over and over again.

Jen McFarland:

This is a great question.

Jen McFarland:

Do you use Answer the Public to find great questions?

Jen McFarland:

I do.

Jen McFarland:

I love it.

Jen McFarland:

The free version, I think now they've limited it down to two.

Jen McFarland:

Two searches a day.

Jen McFarland:

So if you haven't used Answer the Public, it's a place where you can put in terms

Jen McFarland:

and then it just gives you all of the common questions that you can see and

Jen McFarland:

then it helps you write pillar posts.

Jen McFarland:

You can also use it to plan out your show.

Jen McFarland:

If you want to do a whole YouTube video about answering a particular question.

Jen McFarland:

Another thing that you can do is, Google is showing you context

Jen McFarland:

clues around the questions.

Jen McFarland:

So if you've used all of your Answer the Publics for the day, you can then go to

Jen McFarland:

Google, type in a search term, and then they give you some answers in there.

Jen McFarland:

So it's like related questions.

Jen McFarland:

They're not giving you as many as Answer the Public, but they're

Jen McFarland:

giving you the top questions because Google is trying to guess what

Jen McFarland:

it is you actually want to know.

Jen McFarland:

What is it that your real questions are?

Jen McFarland:

So that's usually in the top third somewhere, maybe below

Jen McFarland:

the ads, related questions.

Jen McFarland:

So that'll give you a clue.

Jen McFarland:

And then if you scroll all the way to the bottom of your search in Google, you'll

Jen McFarland:

see at the bottom related search terms.

Jen McFarland:

These are the other words.

Jen McFarland:

So what I would say is, and this is true of Answer the Public, this is

Jen McFarland:

true of Google, whatever terms you're using to search, to figure out what

Jen McFarland:

those customer questions are, if you haven't been in business a long time,

Jen McFarland:

or if you're not really sure what those questions could be, look at what Google

Jen McFarland:

is giving you as the search results.

Jen McFarland:

If it looks super technical, then that might not be what your

Jen McFarland:

customers are actually searching for.

Jen McFarland:

You want to look at the results that really basic most of the time.

Jen McFarland:

What I mean by really basic, for people who aren't a

Jen McFarland:

practitioner in your industry.

Jen McFarland:

People are not searching for French drains out of the gate.

Jen McFarland:

They might be looking for how to un-flood my basement.

Jen McFarland:

French drains are really popular here because when it rains a

Jen McFarland:

lot, you can flood your basement.

Jen McFarland:

So people are not searching for everything.

Jen McFarland:

So you have to be prepared to find those terms that are what

Jen McFarland:

your people are searching for.

Jen McFarland:

Part of it is you need to ask people, you need to read your testimonials

Jen McFarland:

and they'll tell you how you helped people and you use those words and then

Jen McFarland:

you just play on Google and find it.

Jen McFarland:

Start answering those questions again and again, and understand,

Jen McFarland:

as Veronica says here, marketing is a process, not an event.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's so true.

Jen McFarland:

I don't think I actually said that, but I think that's exactly what

Jen McFarland:

Veronica teaches to her group.

Jen McFarland:

She's had a group for a really long time, is by marketing being a

Jen McFarland:

process, not an event, it means I'm talking about this again and again.

Jen McFarland:

Sharing it.

Jen McFarland:

Because I know the more times you hear it, the more likely it is for

Jen McFarland:

you to understand how exactly I help.

Jen McFarland:

They say that now you need to have I don't even know how many touches

Jen McFarland:

before somebody goes from being a prospect to being a client.

Jen McFarland:

It's really the answering client questions is really important, especially

Jen McFarland:

when you're talking about a platform like YouTube or Pinterest, where it's

Jen McFarland:

really both, search engine and social.

Shelley Carney:

Answering that question again, and again is also important

Shelley Carney:

because a lot of times people are looking for the newest video on that topic.

Shelley Carney:

They're not going to go back three or four years to when you first talked about it.

Shelley Carney:

They want something that you've done recently because

Shelley Carney:

things change all the time.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, that's true.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Darn it.

Jen McFarland:

I have some good content from three years ago.

Shelley Carney:

Freshen it up and say, Hey, here's something new.

Jen McFarland:

Oh, you're a hundred percent right.

Jen McFarland:

And that's like a big strategy.

Jen McFarland:

I was in SEMrush for a client working on SEO and they have a whole thing

Jen McFarland:

now about can we rewrite your content?

Jen McFarland:

Helping you do that.

Jen McFarland:

And they tell you what's not fresh.

Jen McFarland:

So it's a hundred percent like you answer it again and again and you're

Jen McFarland:

always updating the information and sharing it, and that's part of

Jen McFarland:

it too, is Hey, something changed.

Jen McFarland:

So let's talk about that.

Jen McFarland:

You have a bullet point here that says testimonials.

Shelley Carney:

You can interview people and when you do that, it

Shelley Carney:

makes you both look smart, right?

Shelley Carney:

You ask them questions and because you're asking really concise and

Shelley Carney:

interesting questions, it makes you look good as an interviewer.

Shelley Carney:

And then it, of course, makes the guests look good because they have great answers.

Shelley Carney:

Or you can bring on clients and you can talk about what was it like before

Shelley Carney:

you took advantage of my services?

Shelley Carney:

So what's it like now?

Shelley Carney:

And that kind of content gives you that social proof that people who

Shelley Carney:

are watching, who are thinking about working with you can say, oh these

Shelley Carney:

people say that this person's great.

Shelley Carney:

So they must be great.

Shelley Carney:

Let me check it out.

Shelley Carney:

It's one of those things that we want to know other people's opinion of a

Shelley Carney:

product or a service before we take the risk and try it for ourselves.

Jen McFarland:

Try before you buy.

Jen McFarland:

I will say about interviewing people, I know that as somebody who had an interview

Jen McFarland:

show for years and now has moved out of that, part of the problem, and you

Jen McFarland:

have to always be watching for this, if you are getting started and maybe

Jen McFarland:

you're fearful about going out on your own and talking, which I totally get,

Jen McFarland:

because that was part of my process too.

Jen McFarland:

One of the things you would just want to be aware of is you still have to

Jen McFarland:

remind people what it is that you do.

Jen McFarland:

You might be asking great questions, but you could be building your credibility

Jen McFarland:

around being a good interviewer.

Jen McFarland:

If what you're really trying to do is build a business, then you have

Jen McFarland:

to remind people about what it is that you're bringing to the table.

Jen McFarland:

Maybe every once in a while you want to interview somebody that you've helped.

Jen McFarland:

So they can also speak to what it is that you do.

Jen McFarland:

You want to include little snippets that really help people understand

Jen McFarland:

your credibility and your authority.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's also really important.

Jen McFarland:

What do you think about that, Shelley?


Some of our best guests are those who know us or have researched us


and they continue to bring up our words and our content during their interview.


Those are the people that everybody wants as a guest.


So they get more air time because they are helping the host to promote their


show and their work and themselves.





Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And the other thing too is when you have people on the show, interviewing

Jen McFarland:

people, make sure you have something in there that really encourages

Jen McFarland:

people to share that content.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's really important.

Jen McFarland:

Oh, okay.

Jen McFarland:

So this is a really good question.

Jen McFarland:

What do you think is the sweet spot between self promotion and content?

Jen McFarland:

It is a dance.

Jen McFarland:

I will say, I do tend to lean more toward content than self

Jen McFarland:

promotion for better or worse.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's because I'm a teacher at heart, so that's where I go.

Jen McFarland:

I have a business partner, for Epiphany Courses, so she can be like, we gotta

Jen McFarland:

bring that in, that kind of thing.

Jen McFarland:

So I do think that you absolutely have to talk about how you help

Jen McFarland:

people, what it is that you do.

Jen McFarland:

It's a dance, you have to see how people react.

Jen McFarland:

You have to engage people in questions.

Jen McFarland:

It's about am I really providing value?

Jen McFarland:

So the videos that I really hate personally on YouTube,

Jen McFarland:

if you would like to know.

Shelley Carney:

Ten things I hate about these videos.

Shelley Carney:

I don't like it if it's a course.

Shelley Carney:

I don't like it if it's a video on YouTube is if the whole thing is really

Shelley Carney:

just to get you to buy something.

Shelley Carney:

You have to give somebody something.

Shelley Carney:

Like give them something actionable that they can do.

Shelley Carney:

We've been talking about how to search, how to build credibility,

Shelley Carney:

how to start your channel.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

you know, that it's a popular search engine.

Jen McFarland:

All of these reasons why you should do YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

But we've also talked about our own expertise.

Jen McFarland:

Shelley has a channel that has got thousands of followers.

Jen McFarland:

She helps people with live streaming.

Jen McFarland:

I'm talking about search and how you can do search.

Jen McFarland:

So it's a blend, and it's a dance.

Jen McFarland:

Sometimes you still have to remind people of what it is that you do.

Jen McFarland:

But if you're just leading someone down the path to if you want to

Jen McFarland:

learn more, it's not going to work.

Jen McFarland:

People aren't going to be interested.

Jen McFarland:

It's not interesting to people to just sit through a whole sales pitch.

Jen McFarland:

So I don't know if I really answered that question fully because it really depends

Jen McFarland:

on the business, but I think you get it.

Jen McFarland:

Everybody's smart who watches.

Shelley Carney:

I'm smart.

Shelley Carney:

Let me tell you what I think.

Shelley Carney:

I think it's a matter of your focus.

Shelley Carney:

If your focus is on yourself, then you're promoting.

Shelley Carney:

If your focus is on the audience, the client, the audience's needs,

Shelley Carney:

what it is that they're there for, then you are offering that value.

Shelley Carney:

Let me tell you a short story.

Shelley Carney:

I worked with a physical trainer for four years and she had real

Shelley Carney:

trouble asking people to re-up.

Shelley Carney:

Would you like to sign up again?

Shelley Carney:

Getting into that conversation, she hated that.

Shelley Carney:

So towards the end, I was just like I'm not coming back.

Shelley Carney:

And she's oh, why?

Shelley Carney:

What happened?


And it was just like, you never really asked me and you


never really offered anything.


So I'm just done.


You have to offer, you have to make that offer.


You have to say, I would love for you to work with me and here's


what I'm going to bring to you.


'Cause you got to tell them what's in it for them.


If that offer isn't there, they're going to walk away thinking, I


don't know why she didn't ask me if I wanted to buy something.

Jen McFarland:

I was starting to lean into that and then I think I got distracted.

Jen McFarland:

So Veronica says in terms of self promotion, I was thinking of the

Jen McFarland:

suggestion to interview clients about their experiences with us as

Jen McFarland:

service providers, because I'm like you and I tend to toward teaching.

Jen McFarland:

That's a hundred percent true.

Jen McFarland:

Like I said, Veronica has a really popular group and is constantly engaging

Jen McFarland:

with people and asking questions.

Jen McFarland:

I think that this is a great idea.

Jen McFarland:

This is like the blend, right?

Jen McFarland:

Like you are pumping up one of your clients and talking about

Jen McFarland:

all of their great work and they are pumping up your work.

Jen McFarland:

Again, it's about where's that focus, like Shelley just said but this is a really

Jen McFarland:

common tactic in terms of YouTube and also podcasting, to be honest, I've seen it

Jen McFarland:

and it's very successfully done in both.

Shelley Carney:

So basically don't start the show with, so

Shelley Carney:

let's talk about how great I am.

Shelley Carney:

You want to talk about their success and what led to their success and how they

Shelley Carney:

feel about that and never talk about yourself because they're doing it for you.

Shelley Carney:

How awesome is that?

Shelley Carney:

And then people who see them on your show are like, oh, I want to do that.

Shelley Carney:

How can I be like that person?

Shelley Carney:

And then they're going to want to be in your program, too.

Jen McFarland:

But yeah, in answer of your question, interviewing your

Jen McFarland:

clients, that's a great thing I think.

Jen McFarland:

And it is a good way to position you in terms of credibility and authority

Jen McFarland:

about what it is you're talking about.

Jen McFarland:

Cause you have somebody there who's oh yeah, I know.

Jen McFarland:

You're really great at that.

Jen McFarland:

They're talking about it.

Jen McFarland:

It's really helpful.

Jen McFarland:

And I think I did that when I appeared on your show Shelley, where I was

Jen McFarland:

like, oh yeah, and when we talked about this and I really liked this

Jen McFarland:

and it was just a natural thing.

Jen McFarland:

So when you're starting out with something like that, you do want to

Jen McFarland:

start with, I would say some of your biggest fans, that are going to help you.

Jen McFarland:

Because it also helps you in the beginning of crafting that show to

Jen McFarland:

get those biggest fans who, if you don't want to do it by yourself, then

Jen McFarland:

you need to be with somebody who is saying, oh, they're really great.

Jen McFarland:

You want this.

Jen McFarland:

It really helps you feel engaged and excited about your own show too.

Jen McFarland:

I think

Shelley Carney:

Builds that credibility and authority.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Also on our list of tick marks is consistent content.

Shelley Carney:

So Jen and I have come together almost every Thursday since January 13th.

Shelley Carney:

There's been times when she's been on vacation or speaking.

Shelley Carney:

And we work around that because we've committed to having

Shelley Carney:

a show on every Thursday.

Shelley Carney:

She did have a physical ailment at one point we had to skip

Shelley Carney:

a week, but stuff happens.

Shelley Carney:

People are accepting of that, but show up every week when you are physically able.

Shelley Carney:

And that is huge on YouTube because then people subscribe and they get notification

Shelley Carney:

and they see your content all the time.

Jen McFarland:

I think that's a Google thing too, right?

Jen McFarland:

It's like with your website, just update it.

Jen McFarland:

So there's a little tick in your site map.

Jen McFarland:

That's super nerd talk.

Jen McFarland:

But anytime you update your website, if your website has a site map, it sends

Jen McFarland:

the signal out to Google, Bing, all of the places to say, Hey, guess what?

Jen McFarland:

Something changed.

Jen McFarland:

And I think it's the same thing with YouTube.

Jen McFarland:

Like you have subscribers, so you can get people to hit the subscribe button.

Jen McFarland:

They can click a bell to be notified when you have something.

Jen McFarland:

But it's also signaling to YouTube that, oh, Hey, something

Jen McFarland:

happened, and it helps you show up.

Jen McFarland:

I've noticed that in terms of coming up in search and things

Jen McFarland:

like that, the longer we have done this the more we come up in search.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

And when people get to your channel, they're going to look how

Shelley Carney:

often, do they put out content?

Shelley Carney:

Oh, here's one from a week ago.

Shelley Carney:

Here's one from two weeks ago.

Shelley Carney:


Shelley Carney:

Must be weekly and they've been sticking with it for quite a while.

Shelley Carney:

I can see that.

Shelley Carney:

They could see if you are committed to your content.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

And this is something that it's more on the search engine side, but it

Jen McFarland:

is also an element of social media.

Jen McFarland:

You don't have to be on social media all the time.

Jen McFarland:

You don't have to post content all the time.

Jen McFarland:

You just have to consistently do something.

Jen McFarland:

And that's how you bubble up in social media.

Jen McFarland:

They're both fundamentally working together in that regard.

Jen McFarland:

I follow people and they post one thing on LinkedIn every day.

Jen McFarland:

That's it.

Jen McFarland:

And they have hundreds of thousands of followers and tons of engagement

Jen McFarland:

and all kinds of stuff, because everybody waits for that one thing,

Jen McFarland:

because it's very thought provoking.

Jen McFarland:

So it is again, not about quantity.

Jen McFarland:

It's about quality.

Jen McFarland:

Oh, this is a good question.

Jen McFarland:

Do you want to take this one Shelley?

Shelley Carney:

We talked a little bit about this that if you are taking your

Shelley Carney:

live stream, like we do, and turning it into a podcast, slides are great,

Shelley Carney:

but you've got to make sure that you're reading the slides and you're telling

Shelley Carney:

people what they would be seeing on screen and try not to rely too much on them.

Shelley Carney:

Toby and I use slides to keep us on track because there's the two of us.

Shelley Carney:

There's certain things we're going to say together.

Shelley Carney:

I love slides.

Shelley Carney:

But again, it's very visual.

Shelley Carney:

So you gotta keep that in mind.

Shelley Carney:

If you're on YouTube.

Shelley Carney:

It's great.

Shelley Carney:

I think talking heads can be a little boring.

Shelley Carney:

But when you turn it into a podcast, it's oh yeah, I love this.

Shelley Carney:

So you have to know where you're going with it.

Jen McFarland:

I feel a little called out right now.

Jen McFarland:

No, I'm just kidding.

Jen McFarland:

I think it's also about personal preference.

Jen McFarland:

We talked about this before.

Jen McFarland:

Toby and Shelley, they are very great at this.

Jen McFarland:

They use slides and then they take their presentations and they

Jen McFarland:

ultimately make books out of them.

Jen McFarland:

It's like brilliant.

Jen McFarland:

I shared that I personally am not ready for slides because this is all still

Jen McFarland:

fairly new for me to do weekly YouTubes.

Jen McFarland:

And I was afraid that I would rely on the slides too much as a presenter because

Jen McFarland:

that's typically how I use slides.

Jen McFarland:

So I would say that for us, eventually we are going to move into slides and more,

Jen McFarland:

we're really structuring the content more.

Jen McFarland:

Oh, Shelley's oh, that's breaking news.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

So I would say that it depends on how you want to structure your content.

Jen McFarland:

It depends on your comfort with that.

Jen McFarland:

I think it also depends on whether or not your slides are ugly, so you want to have

Jen McFarland:

some good branding and some good slides that really are going to help you shine.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

Toby and I've been having fun lately.

Shelley Carney:

We've been adding our personal Bitmojis to our slides.

Shelley Carney:

It is so fun and it's so easy and people are like, yeah, oh look

Shelley Carney:

cute little drawings of you guys.

Shelley Carney:

And they're doing different things because that's how Bitmoji is design.

Shelley Carney:

And it's so fun.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I use a lot of emojis.

Jen McFarland:

That's on my new website and now I've started putting them in my slides, in my

Jen McFarland:

decks when I go speak to groups and stuff.

Jen McFarland:

So you can put more personality into it.

Jen McFarland:

I think not everybody likes talking heads a hundred percent.

Jen McFarland:

Some people do, so it's all about that.

Jen McFarland:

It's just, if you are making it into a podcast, you have to make sure

Jen McFarland:

whatever it is that you're doing it also translates into people who are only

Jen McFarland:

listening because it's not really fair.

Jen McFarland:

And that was honestly part of the reason too.

Jen McFarland:

The live streaming for the Women Conquer Business show is fairly new.

Jen McFarland:

Traditionally it's just been a podcast.

Jen McFarland:

So I want to really honor the people who stuck with me through

Jen McFarland:

thick and thin on this show since 2018, even through the long break

Jen McFarland:

that I took during the pandemic.

Jen McFarland:

I want to honor those people and really provide value so that

Jen McFarland:

people can listen to it seamlessly.

Jen McFarland:

We are starting to run out of time.

Jen McFarland:

Do you want to talk about how to get started with live

Jen McFarland:

streaming and I'll shut up?

Jen McFarland:

Oh, as much as it's possible for me to shut up.

Shelley Carney:

So if you want to do live streaming, you're going to want a studio

Shelley Carney:

set up because you cannot live stream from your phone directly to YouTube, unless

Shelley Carney:

you have a thousand subscribers already.

Shelley Carney:

Unless you have a third-party app and then it gets a little bit more complicated.

Shelley Carney:

So what we recommend is you enable it on your computer, live streaming enabled.

Shelley Carney:

You set up a studio in your home, which is just what Jen and I have done

Shelley Carney:

with lighting and audio and a camera.

Shelley Carney:

If you want suggested equipment, we'll have that in the description.

Shelley Carney:

Go create yourself a show flow or slides, or whatever's going to

Shelley Carney:

keep you on track with your topic.

Shelley Carney:

We have a download for that, if you're interested.

Shelley Carney:

And then I would suggest trying Streamyard.

Shelley Carney:

We love Streamyard.

Shelley Carney:

Streamyard is our go-to product for streaming.

Shelley Carney:

You can start off for free and you can go just one place when

Shelley Carney:

you're doing the free one.

Shelley Carney:

So you can try it out, going to YouTube with Streamyard,

Shelley Carney:

and it gives you little extras.

Shelley Carney:

Like you can see the crawl across the bottom.

Shelley Carney:

You can see our names on the screen.

Shelley Carney:

You can see our branding and all of that sort of thing.

Shelley Carney:

When you use Streamyard, that's very simple to add on.

Shelley Carney:

And then keep in mind that your audience may be throwing some questions in

Shelley Carney:

like we had today, and you can use Streamyard to display those questions

Shelley Carney:

on screen, to speak to the people in your audience who have shown up

Shelley Carney:

because they're extra special VIP people because they showed up live and

Shelley Carney:

they're writing to you in the chat and they want to have that conversation.

Shelley Carney:

They're raising their hand.

Shelley Carney:

So make sure you call on them and appreciate them for being there.

Shelley Carney:

Live streaming can be so much fun and it's a step above social media interaction.

Shelley Carney:

It's actual, almost like a Zoom call interaction.

Shelley Carney:

So it's not quite the Zoom call, but it's really close.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, I've enjoyed this whole process.

Jen McFarland:

I will say that we have a couple episodes back where Shelley and Toby, when I

Jen McFarland:

was in a yurt on the coast, they went through how to set up a home studio.

Jen McFarland:

We'll put that link also in the show notes.

Jen McFarland:

I put in the chat how to set up a studio.

Jen McFarland:

We also last week talked about how to set up a show flow and I

Jen McFarland:

put that link in the chat as well.

Jen McFarland:

And then we'll link to last week's episode for you.

Jen McFarland:

If you want to hear us talk about it and Shelley went through

Jen McFarland:

exactly how that template works.

Jen McFarland:

And then Streamyard.

Jen McFarland:

I know there's a lot of things.

Jen McFarland:

My little side project we're using Restream.

Jen McFarland:

I have to say that now that I've used Streamyard, I prefer

Jen McFarland:

Streamyard over Restream.

Shelley Carney:

It's user friendly.

Jen McFarland:

It's easier, if you want to get started with live streaming.

Jen McFarland:

The beauty of it is Streamyard means you can stream your to anything.

Jen McFarland:

Like right now we are multi streaming to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube,

Jen McFarland:

and we know people are watching, they're in different places.

Jen McFarland:

We actually can't see exactly where you're coming from, unless you leave a comment.

Jen McFarland:

Oh and LinkedIn, I forgot to say we're on LinkedIn.

Jen McFarland:

We're going everywhere.

Jen McFarland:

You don't have to do that.

Jen McFarland:

I think I've mentioned before, when I started, I was doing Facebook

Jen McFarland:

lives to myself in private.

Jen McFarland:

So you can do it however you're comfortable.

Jen McFarland:

Right now we just put it on blast.

Shelley Carney:

Toby and I recorded a interview yesterday because he couldn't

Shelley Carney:

be there at the time we do our show and Jen and I have done this before, too.

Shelley Carney:

You can record it, then set it up as a premiere so that it just

Shelley Carney:

automatically plays during the time that you normally show the show.

Shelley Carney:

It is super easy.

Jen McFarland:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jen McFarland:

We want to just let you know, if you want to make sure that you get

Jen McFarland:

updates about the shows and understand what we're talking about next week,

Jen McFarland:

you can totally subscribe to the Women Conquer Business newsletter.

Jen McFarland:

I call it the marketing missive.

Jen McFarland:

There's usually some hot tip in there about how to do things.

Jen McFarland:

I will say that it's becoming a more popular newsletter.

Jen McFarland:

I actually got a client based on what I wrote last week.

Jen McFarland:

There's something to newsletters.

Jen McFarland:

They're definitely not dead.

Jen McFarland:

And that's at Women Conquer

Jen McFarland:

There's also Shelley's Livecast Life book and that's at book.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Or we're gonna put the whole playlist from YouTube in the show notes as well.

Jen McFarland:

So you can go through all of this.

Jen McFarland:

The Livecast Life book is really great for breaking all of these elements we

Jen McFarland:

talked about today into smaller pieces.

Jen McFarland:

Anything else about?

Shelley Carney:

No, you did it all.

Jen McFarland:

All of it.

Shelley Carney:

I don't want to do self promotion.

Jen McFarland:

I'll self promote my newsletter.

Jen McFarland:

I have no shame.

Jen McFarland:

So for the tweaks of the week so let's

Shelley Carney:

I want to share that with you.

Shelley Carney:

So chapter timestamps, here's why we want to use chapter time stamps.

Shelley Carney:

Do you know what chapter timestamps are?

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

I do.

Shelley Carney:


Jen McFarland:

So at the bottom of your YouTube, you can put like the

Jen McFarland:

time and the topic that you talk about.

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

It breaks the video into chapters, hover over them.

Jen McFarland:


Shelley Carney:

Then look what happens.

Shelley Carney:

So I Googled myself and it shows three of my latest videos.

Shelley Carney:

And then this one, because I broke it down into chapter

Shelley Carney:

timestamps has this extra thing.

Shelley Carney:

It says 10 key moments in this video.

Shelley Carney:

So you can click on that.

Shelley Carney:

And look at it, it shows you the timeline and isn't that fun?

Jen McFarland:

I think it's great.

Jen McFarland:

And it really tells people whether or not they want to do it.

Jen McFarland:

Do I want to watch this?

Jen McFarland:

And I bet if I click on any of them, it would go right into that chapter.

Jen McFarland:

It would just skip ahead into the video.

Jen McFarland:

So yeah, you want to make sure that you share that and because of the SEO

Jen McFarland:

part and it's just more user-friendly.

Shelley Carney:

Very easy.

Jen McFarland:

Super easy.

Jen McFarland:

So really quick, 'cause we just have a couple minutes left.

Jen McFarland:

My tweak of the week, I'm currently in testing mode.

Jen McFarland:

So I'm not a hundred percent endorsing this.

Jen McFarland:

It's just something interesting that I've been playing around with for awhile.

Jen McFarland:

I had another product and that ended up being a disaster.

Jen McFarland:

So I'm giving it another shot, which is using AI to help with

Jen McFarland:

building Google and Facebook ads.

Jen McFarland:

I don't do ads for people.

Jen McFarland:

This would be for my own business.

Jen McFarland:

Just testing it out and seeing how it works.

Jen McFarland:

If you can, use things like AI and search to really build out ads.

Jen McFarland:

The product is called Marko Polo.

Jen McFarland:

That's Marko with a K and it could be a problem.

Jen McFarland:

I know there's another product actually called Marco Polo that a

Jen McFarland:

lot of parents use for communication.

Jen McFarland:

Something I'm using and that's at Marko

Jen McFarland:

It's also available right now on AppSumo.

Jen McFarland:

So if you're interested in ads potentially you can get that for a

Jen McFarland:

lifetime discount just as something.

Jen McFarland:

But again, I don't, I haven't gotten completely in the weeds.

Jen McFarland:

It was easy to set up an account.

Jen McFarland:

It was easy to get things going.

Jen McFarland:

And that's Marko

Jen McFarland:

If you're interested in that.

Jen McFarland:

Shelley, we've got like a quick, a minute.

Shelley Carney:

A quick inspirational nugget for you people.

Shelley Carney:

So let's talk about solving problems early.

Shelley Carney:

When we establish habits for ourselves, we need to understand the outcome

Shelley Carney:

we desire by practicing that habit.

Shelley Carney:

Good habits don't just give us what we thought we wanted to achieve.

Shelley Carney:

They bring more growth than we knew they would.

Shelley Carney:

So we might start a good habit of walking every day to help maintain

Shelley Carney:

our weight and that good habit brings us more than that one thing.

Shelley Carney:

We also reduce stress.

Shelley Carney:

We get out in nature.

Shelley Carney:

We have time to listen to a podcast or meditate as we walk.

Shelley Carney:

There are many unseen benefits when we choose to start a good habit.

Shelley Carney:

In the same way, bad habits bring more destruction than we thought.

Shelley Carney:

They have their own baggage.

Shelley Carney:

Let's give an example of something that I did this week.

Shelley Carney:

Eating ice cream every day feels good in the moment, but it adds

Shelley Carney:

empty calories and weight gain, and it's bad for our overall health.

Shelley Carney:

It can also encourage others to eat poorly.

Shelley Carney:

These results bring along lower self-esteem and dissatisfaction with

Shelley Carney:

our weight and it can lead to giving up walking or other good habits.

Shelley Carney:

So when we start habits, we have to see that we're starting something

Shelley Carney:

that's going to keep snowballing.

Shelley Carney:

The raging waters and deadly currents of bad habits, ill discipline, chaos,

Shelley Carney:

and dysfunction, somewhere they began as no more than just a slight trickle.

Shelley Carney:

So it's good to every now and then take a look at, am I starting a new habit?

Shelley Carney:

Is this something that I really want in my life?

Shelley Carney:

Or do I need to stop this right now?

Shelley Carney:

And if your new habit is watching this show, then I say, it's a good habit.

Shelley Carney:

Keep doing that.

Jen McFarland:

Good habit.

Jen McFarland:

I also say, if you're going to start on YouTube and you make it into a

Jen McFarland:

habit that will snowball for you.

Jen McFarland:

If you start something like a newsletter that will snowball for you.

Jen McFarland:

It's about consistency.

Jen McFarland:

It's always about consistency.

Jen McFarland:

So you get more of what you focus on.

Jen McFarland:

So be sure that you focus on the things that you really want.

Shelley Carney:

That's right.

Shelley Carney:

We are excited to welcome you back again next week.

Shelley Carney:

So please do join us for Women Conquer Business and that's next Thursday.

Shelley Carney:

Anything else, Jen?

Jen McFarland:


Jen McFarland:

Have a good week.

Shelley Carney:

Thank you for joining the Women Conquer Business podcast, hosted

Shelley Carney:

by Shelley Carney and Jen McFarland.

Shelley Carney:

Please subscribe and leave a comment or question regarding your most challenging

Shelley Carney:

content creation or business problem.

Shelley Carney:

Then share this podcast with family and friends so they can find the support

Shelley Carney:

they need to expand their brand and share their message with the world.

Shelley Carney:

Check the show notes for links to valuable resources and come back again next week.



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