How do you build creative freedom into your working day? You'll find out in this episode, one possible way from my guest Sara Nisha Adams, along with the story of how her dream of becoming an author at 16 eventually came true.
Guest Bio
Sara Nisha Adams is a writer and now freelance editor. She lives in London and was born in Hertfordshire to Indian and English parents. Her debut novel The Reading List was a finalist in the Goodreads Choice Awards for Fiction 2021. Her second novel, The Twilight Garden, is just out, published in June 2023 and she is currently working on her third novel.
●[00:00] – The Edge – up to date creative news and views
●[04:38] – Sara’s path to becoming an author through working in publishing.
●[14:17] – Working in publishing was an advantage and a disadvantage
●[19:15] – The success of The Reading List through word of mouth befits the story
●[20:46] – Tips from Sara’s creative writing process – procrastination is a good thing
●[27:00] – Nikki and Sara discuss knitting and walking as ways to unlock creativity
●[36:06] – How and Why Sara switched to full time writing
●[37:32] – Who is your Doubting Doris?
Four Creative Nuggets
“I spent an hour before work writing. And it felt so satisfying to
have done that before I've even started my working day.”
Often the most inspiring stories are those where success comes to
an author several books into their career.
So much is unknown in publishing, you just have to write the books
you really want to write.
Walking and talking are great ways to resolve plot holes
Sara Nisha Adams - author | Linktree
The Edge
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