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Podcast# 256 The United States of Tyranny: Facebook, Wokes Champion of Tyranny.
Episode 2561st September 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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The Earnest Mann Show: Unmasking the Tyranny of Social Media

Hello there, I'm Earnest Mann, and today I'm diving deep into the perplexing world we live in. Remember that incident in the news about the kid with the "don't tread on me" sticker at school? It's astonishing how our society is evolving. And speaking of evolution, let's not forget the recent episode with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. The champion of what I'd call "digital tyranny".

The Backpack Incident and Our Education System

It's alarming how a simple sticker can cause such an uproar in a public school. The mother's reaction? Instead of standing up for her child, she almost apologized. This is where we are now, folks.

Social Media's Grip on Freedom

Ever had an experience where you felt unfairly treated on a platform like Facebook? I recently faced an inexplicable ban from Facebook's Marketplace. No explanations, no reasons, just a digital door slammed in my face. It's reminiscent of Franz Kafka's "The Trial", where you're accused but never told of what.

The Bigger Picture

It's not just about me or a single incident. It's about the thousands who face similar issues daily. It's about the unchecked power these tech giants wield. And it's high time we addressed it.

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Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in thank you well hello Good Friday everyone and so much

01:06 has happened and continues to happen since I last spoke with you how about that thing in the news about the kid with the backpack in the public school I believe it was taking a kid out of the class for uh just having a don't tread on me sticker or patch whichever it was and um then a mother coming down to the school and almost apologetically apologizing how dare they offend any faculty at the public school the um the the mother yes the mother the mother should have been infuriated and should be taking their ass to court

02:08 the uh apparently the attorneys got a hold of for the school uh District get a hold of the teacher and said you better apologize and it better be real sincere and it better be real fast and so she did um her ass should have been fired it's none of her damn business why he has that on there and so if you want to see socialism in action voila there it is anywho we're going to be talking about uh speaking of fascists we're going to be talking just about that this is episode number 256.

02:56 the United States of tyranny Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg wokes champion of tyranny I'm going to go into a personal story in a moment um I'm going to get to that but what about this thing with this kid is this is this a national embarrassment or what I mean you within reason and there's nothing you know unreasonable about that patch at all as a matter of fact it is about defending that whole sentiment is about defending your space your freedoms so you know the whole thing is is just utterly ridiculous

03:59 gonna touch on this for a moment but speaking of utterly ridiculous the Android uh AKA um I'm talking about Mitch McConnell here apparently malfunctioned for a second time you know the whole stopping and staring off in the space thing and um you know someone it's time to go in for some service their their need to take this thing and uh you know go over its circuits and fix or repair whatever's going on that was my attempted humor anyway I thought it was funny anyway though um Mitch needs to go matter of fact he actually never should

04:50 have been in the first place um but he yeah he definitely needs to go he's going to the same ex now he's going to another club in other words let's have him go to this exclusive club and he can I don't know sit down and play cards or whatever they do Hammond Feinstein can get together at this new club because that's what needs to happen it's it's over his brain is not functioning there's something definitely wrong there so he should retire now that's my opinion but speaking of like I said other fascist

05:38 in the news you may have noticed um if you are actually listening to this show on one of the other platforms um such as some YouTube um I'm also on Rumble but you notice that I have um a picture for this episode instead of the usual fog Bank I like the fog Bank what do you think of it do you like it do you find that fog back um mesmerizing I think the fog bank is pretty cool at any rate yeah not um not exactly feeling all warm and fuzzy and loving over Zuckerberg because you know it's it's the same old story

06:42 it's one thing when something terrible something wrong happens to somebody else but and you know you you hear about it and all that but when it happens to you that's a different matter and of course it's personal and so it makes it personal and that um we all know who we can thank for this ultimately is um good old mark thuckerberg and so let me tell you what happened tell me let me know if this has happened to you or a friend family member anyone but let me know I went I've had um I guess it's like four or five items for

07:43 sale on Marketplace for months haven't added to them um they've just you know been sitting there and I occasionally get um a message asking a question about them or something sorry these are not strange or bizarre items or just you know one's a hat one's a pair of shoes um these are just normal items and there's nothing strange or weird in the writing in other words knowing how how and treasonous these [ __ ] are I'm very uh very careful to walk within to to paint within the boundaries you know to stay inside their their

08:41 sphere of Oppression because hey that's what they want and um so that's what I did so there's there's absolutely no reason to have any kind of problem so um the other day I went there to check and I see a notice and the notice says that I have violated their Community guidelines or some [ __ ] and I said you you can no longer buy or sell on Marketplace and so you know here I am jaw dropped and it's just definitely a total WTF moment and that's what the you know and I'm just what what the [ __ ] but

09:41 but what are you talking about and so with this notice it has this little in other words it's not it's not like this the proper um none I say non-fascistic way of doing this if they have a problem with an item or or the content of something you wrote about an item whatever it is that specifically show it bring it up show your evidence show this and and it's like okay and give me a chance to address it or defend it or something no they don't do that they just go all Hitler on you and [ __ ] and say

10:32 and um they say you've done this and then it says done what what what are you [ __ ] what are you talking about and at any rate um so they said you know to have us you know review this or or whatnot you know click here and so okay so you click here so that they can research or whatever it is the hell they're they're doing and said you'll receive an answer decision in 24 hours and again I'm thinking a decision over what would you kindly show or tell me what the [ __ ] I did wrong but they don't do that

11:17 um so it didn't take them 24 hours it took like five minutes after thorough and careful review we have decided to you know basically stay the course and they said [ __ ] you and shut me down and shut me out no logic or Reason necessary now I don't know if uh God I don't know if any of you've heard heard of this but this is very reminiscent of a very famous book that's a book it's called the trial and it's by Franz Kafka and it was um considered one of the greatest uh books of all time

um written between:

12:57 whole of craziness and you could take it from there and until he's actually at a trial for absolutely not still not knowing what what am I being accused of and it's quite crazy and it's quite entertaining yeah that's like this this is what it reminds me of of course I'm not going to trial I never got a chance to go to trial because and ultimately This falls down I don't I don't care they always try to pass the buck to somebody to some overzealous you know person out there and I have no one

13:41 to help me with this I wish I did I wish there was someone out there that could say hey yeah I've had this problem here's a link to whatever and here's something you could do if if that is the case if you know that you you know this is out there please by all means send it to me but this is very um Kafka s he's it's very kafka-este um and so that is that is a taste of uh a good nice appetizer of tyranny and you know what if you don't get rid of it it's like a cancer just grows you know and this this is something

14:43 that may seem small you know because let's face it I mean in the overall scheme of things just little old me having this happen to him is not the end of the world I'm not going to sit here and whine and cry about it as though it was they don't want me to be on there for some mysterious reason then [ __ ] them at least I could say that but when it's happening I bet to thousands upon thousands of people it seems as though something is strange afoot here especially think about how this organization is set

15:24 up that you're just flat out kicking the ass you're out the door and you don't even show or demonstrate it you know what did they do you see even that's the whole principle like having your day in court kind of thing you know show me show the injury show me something flip it up on the screen say this item here this item's not allowed of course they're just normal household items so it can't be that and there's no f-bombs in the description and it can't be that so what the [ __ ] is it

16:04 that's what I'd like to know but you don't get a chance because there's nothing to interact with no can't do any questioning nothing that's stonewalling that is being if you look at that picture what I wrote about fuckerberg that's his motto he's not of course going to say that in public but that is because you go by actions you go by the actions and I don't give a [ __ ] what he says and they always want to hide behind policies you know that's like the mob they have their policies too

16:46 I'm sorry you guys your brother got whacked it was nothing personal just just business but yeah and if that's the case I'd say well Zucker [ __ ] Zucker I think you got some if that's the case and that didn't follow your policies you must have some really stranger [ __ ] up policies speaking of that in addition to that if you go because I am still able to do that and if you go and look on their you know Community policies and this policy and that policy you know if you put it all together you could be it you could start reading

17:41 the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and you would finish that long before you would finish all of those policies and procedures and rules and every [ __ ] thing else that's on Facebook check it out sometime nothing other than again something that a power mad prick would put together for something so simple you don't need that many [ __ ] rules in other words you know you get controlled by they they Corral you in that's what that's this is the no difference with hurting cattle you heard them and then you get them

18:35 into you know your your first big Corral and then you keep subdividing them and they go down this little path and they go down there and you know but that is how you control and manipulate the four-legged cattle well we apparently um you know we get treated like the two-legged cattle and I buy these these these insane these um orwellian [ __ ] rules and regulations by a Madman but when you're taking people's accounts and just say yeah that's it what if just saying what if they applied the same thing to your

19:28 you know utility bill what if somebody was just there somewhere on the controls willy-nilly and um turned off your you know the electricity to your home so naturally you know at least you can contact them and you could say well why did you my bills paid why did you ah [ __ ] it we felt like it I don't really have time to talk now goodbye boom but in this case imagine they did that and other than making a physical appearance the the pain in the ass of having to do that you couldn't call just say there's no

20:09 number because imagine that you see how crazy that would be now something like that actually could be life-threatening you know if you have a person who's on a a special Life Giving machine some kind of medical device um that was a elderly person or something like that oh yes that has happened those kinds of deaths those things have happened many times when power has been turned off that's why in the case of certain people living in certain houses um just because they're behind on their bill if they have a medical uh situation

20:59 legally they cannot turn off the power and that's the truth I don't know about in all places but I know it it's like that here in Salem so at any rate the thing is it all starts somewhere and this kind of [ __ ] you know if I were it's I look at it this way you know I'm I'm not any I'm not a spring chicken by any means at all but if I were and I met this guy on the street I think I would I don't know I might knock the [ __ ] out of him I might clean his clock might just reintroduce reality

21:54 to him about him wanting to control what you say and how you say it which is why on my show on my website it's why I say all the time over and over and over again you say what the hell you want and quite literally the way you want so you know because I don't I don't believe in tyranny I don't believe in thought police and word police and [ __ ] like that anyhow that is my what I would call my tale of whoa I'm not going to be again whining over this but it's just what I would call a damn shame

22:50 it really is when something you put that much money into something and it has all that infrastructure there and everything that could work so well and you know actually to help people some people are just getting by and they just you know need that place to sell a few things to make a few bucks to to maybe you know pay the electric bill or something but this [ __ ] in his Ivory Tower being absolutely obsessed with rules you'll must follow the rules the rules that he makes at any rate I'm glad we made it through

23:51 another week I um I want you to have a good weekend and hopefully I will uh be able to bring you some other great news or entertainment on Monday so until then take care and just remember there are no bad words only bad actions



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