When major issues occur in your life, it’s often necessary to take a break and deal with them, and of course there’s also the other reasons we take significant time off work - maternity or parental leave, taking a sabbatical or taking a career break.
Whatever the reason for being off work, being off for a prolonged period can lead to a loss of confidence and anxiety when you are finally able to return, which may cause you to worry that you’re just going to slip back to where you were….
In this episode, the first in our series about ‘What to do after burnout’, Rachel talks with Dr Katya Miles about how to return to work after a long absence and how to thrive again. They explore the fears and doubts people often face and how to overcome them.
You’ll learn Katya’s tips on how to regain confidence and prevent burnout happening all over again.
If you want to find out how to thrive in your work again, this episode is for you!
3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
- Learn the common struggles with returning to work.
- Find out how to overcome these fears and regain your confidence.
- Discover ways to prevent stress and burnout from reoccurring.
Episode Highlights
- [06:43] Issues with Returning to Work
- [10:18] The Benefits of Being Off Work
- [14:14] How to Regain Confidence
- [19:17] What to Do When You’re Back to Work
- [21:41] Sharing Your Situation
- [26:46] Acknowledge Your Skills
- [31:33] Nipping Stress and Burnout in the Bud
- [35:27] How to Avoid and Prevent Burnout
- [42:15] Top Tips for Going Back to Work
Mentioned in this episode:
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