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Chapter 12 – Something to talk about
Episode 125th December 2019 • Trending Topic - Management Novel • Gerrit Heijkoop & Paula Vos
00:00:00 00:21:43

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Tuesday, September 15 | 57 days until the conference | 225 registrations

When they entered the conference hall, Victor looked around jealously. This was some audience; over a thousand people at least, plus there was a fair containing a hundred and forty exhibitors. How many stands did they have by now? Five, he thought, assuming RodeMed said yes today.

           As soon as they got inside, Catja tugged at his sleeve. ‘Turn on your Wi-Fi, Mister VanWely.’ She logged in herself and helped Victor to do the same. ‘Wow, that’s quick,’ she hunched over her screen.

           Would you be careful of that text neck, thought Victor, and shook his head.

           In line for coffee, he looked around him. Nearly everyone was fiddling with their phones. He missed the days when you always found someone to talk to at a conference, because everyone was having that awkward moment, coffee in hand, waiting for things to start. Now it seemed as though everyone was lost inside a world of their own. One of those absentminded characters bumped into Victor, as he was walking back towards Catja, causing him to nearly drop his two cups of coffee.

           ‘Casper and my mom say hi,’ said Catja, as he passed her a coffee. ‘I posted that we’re here, on Facebook and Twitter. Casper’s already logged on to the live broadcast. He’s listening to an introduction by the online presenter, now.’ She looked at her screen again. ‘Jacques Lodewyks has replied as well. He thinks it’s brave of you. What does that mean?’

           Victor shrugged. ‘No idea.’

           She took a sip of coffee and looked around the space, which was filling up nicely. Suddenly her face lit up. ‘That’s him!’

           ‘Who?’ Victor followed her gaze and saw a young man with flashy red shoes, engaged in an animated conversation with a group of people.

           ‘That speaker I like so much. I’m going over there for a sec.’

           And she was gone. Everyone around him was still captivated by their phones, so Victor decided to test his own internet connection. He opened Facebook, which, indeed, went surprisingly quickly. At the top, he saw the message from Catja, in which he had been tagged. He still found it odd how other people could draw the focus onto you, even if you didn’t want them to. 



Written by Gerrit Heijkoop & Paula Vos

 Narrated by Kevin Stillwell



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