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Finding Purpose: Navigating the Road to a Fulfilling Life
Episode 20028th November 2023 • Purpose, Passion, Profit • Ken Eash
00:00:00 00:03:43

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In this episode, we explore the concept of purpose and how it is not always about grand missions or monumental tasks. Instead, I believe that purpose is about using our unique gifts, talents, skills, abilities, and personality to positively impact others while enjoying our own lives. By doing work we love and making a difference for others, we can find true fulfillment.

Purpose is not just about the end results or the destination, but about shaping the outcomes of our lives and the lives of others. It requires an investment of time and effort. Our passions and values serve as our compass, guiding us towards what truly matters to us. Purpose is a journey filled with experiences, growth, and self-reflection that influences every aspect of our lives.

To discover our purpose, we need to engage in self-reflection. This may initially feel overwhelming, but it is a valuable investment in our future and creating a fulfilling life. By adopting a growth mindset, we can explore our interests, talents, gifts, and abilities, even those that are currently dormant or undiscovered. This process allows us to uncover our true potential and align our lives with our purpose.


Ken Eash [:

Spent the first, I don't know, 25, 30 years of my life believing that purpose was his massive mission in life. Now I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan. And if you've ever read Lord of the Rings, you know that Frodo was to carry the ring, the 1 ring to bind them all. He was to carry that and to throw it into the fires of Mount Doom. He was to go to Mordor and drop that into the fire to destroy it. That was his purpose throughout the 3 massive books that is Lord of the Rings trilogy. Most people view that as what purpose is in life. And they're waiting on this huge trek or huge ring destroying thing to be dropped into their laps before they believe they have a purpose.

Ken Eash [:

I have a much simpler view of what purpose is. Utilizing your gifts and your talents, your skills, your unique abilities, and your unique personality to make a difference on the lives of other people. God gave us those things that are uniquely you, that are uniquely me. He gave each of us those things so that we can in turn make a difference for other people while we enjoy our lives. I believe life is so much more fulfilling if we can do work we love while making a difference for other people. So let's just jump right in. Finding Purpose in Life Fulfilling Your God Given Potential. So what is purpose? A lot of people define purpose in many different ways, but purpose is not simply about the end results.

Ken Eash [:

You know, I talked about Frodo going on a mission to Mordor. That's the end result is tossing the ring into the fire. That's not what purpose is. Purpose is about shaping the outcomes of our lives and others' lives as well. It's something that takes an investment of time and effort. Our passions, and our values are the building blocks of our purpose. It's not just the destination. As the path that we walk, the experiences we gather, and the growth that we undergo along the journey.

Ken Eash [:

Purpose is the guiding force in every aspect of our lives from career choices all the way to our personal relationships. Passions and our values are the compass that point us towards our purpose. To truly discover our purpose takes self reflection. This introspective process is vital even though it might seem overwhelming initially. The time invested is never wasted, though. It's an investment on our future. It's an investment on what's truly a fulfilling life. By adopting that growth mindset, we can explore our interests and our talents, our gifts, our abilities, all those things that God gave us uniquely even if they're currently dormant or undiscovered



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