Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
Tips for Standing Out Immediately at a New Job
Episode 4791st August 2022 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:21:14

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Much of our advice on the WorkInSports Podcast focuses on getting hired in the sports industry. From tailoring your resume to the roles you are applying for to crafting a compelling cover letter, building and leveraging a network, and tips to nail the interview, there is a detailed road map for aspiring sports professionals to follow and land their dream job. However, how do you excel at work once you’ve earned a position? That’s the topic of today’s podcast question:

“Hey Brian – huge fan. I’ve been listening to the podcast for about six months, and it has given me much more insight into working in the sports industry than my four years of college. So, I have good news: I just got my first sports job and landed it through WorkInSportsby following your advice and guidance! Now my next-level question is this – I’m starting in two weeks; how do I make a great impression and impact over the next 30, 60, and 90 days?”

Tips for Starting a New Job

A learning curve is expected in the early stages of a new job, and that is an opportunity to distinguish yourself. Being confident and proactive in introducing yourself to your colleagues will help you get comfortable socially, and asking questions is expected, so don’t self-censor out of fear of “looking dumb.” In this episode of the WorkInSports Podcast, VP of Content and Engaged Learning Brian Clapp covers:

• Working effectively across teams within an organization

• Setting up performance metrics to make your contributions tangible

• Getting involved with company extracurricular activities

Don’t miss a second of Clapp’s sports career advice to thrive in the industry. Subscribe to the WorkInSports Podcast to listen to each episode as it comes out. You can also catch additional content on our YouTube channel!




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