Apologetics Live episode 130
Rey Ann Fuentes from the Philippines has challenged Andrew Rappaport to debate the topic of Calvinism is useless and dangerous. This debate has some fireworks at the end, where Andrew will expose why RA Fuentes of RA Fuentes Apologetics should not be doing debates. He did not understand the topic of the debate. Andrew exposes that RA Fuentes actually believes in the teaching of Calvinism while showing that when he attempted to define Calvinism he had an incorrect definition. Andrew will provide proper definitions of terms.
This is an educational debate on several fronts. First, it was helpful to understand what Calvinism actually is. A second is a display of how people need to define the terms. RA Fuentes attempts in the debate to claim that context is not needed for Biblical interpretation. He stated that there are "stand-alone" verses. It was a shock to him that the verse numbers were added to Scripture hundreds of years later. RA Fuentes will argue that unless we need to define T.U.L.I.P. when sharing the gospel then Calvinism is useless. He will then argue that Calvinism is dangerous because several atheists claimed to have been Calvinists but now deny the faith.
What was most disheartening was the behavior of RA Fuentes that at the end when Andrew was trying to correct him. He asked for a closing prayer but when it came to that time of the show he refused to listen, pulling his earbuds out of his ears.
Read some other articles from the debate:
Post Calvinism Debate Discussion
Does God Grant Belief (RA Fuentes)?
John 3:16: Saving or General Love (RA Fuentes)?
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