Artwork for podcast Seek Go Create - The Leadership Journey for Christian Entrepreneurs, Faith-Based Leaders, Spiritual Growth, Purpose-Driven Success, Innovative Leadership, Kingdom Business, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Christian Business Practices, Leadership Development, Impactful Living
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Trailer13th April 2023 • Seek Go Create - The Leadership Journey for Christian Entrepreneurs, Faith-Based Leaders, Spiritual Growth, Purpose-Driven Success, Innovative Leadership, Kingdom Business, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Christian Business Practices, Leadership Development, Impactful Living • Tim Winders - Coach for Leaders in Business & Ministry
00:00:00 00:01:14

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Are you tired of feeling trapped by traditional expectations of success in leadership, business, and ministry? Are you ready to explore new ways of achieving purpose and fulfillment? Then join me, Tim Winders, on the Seek Go Create podcast.

As an executive coach and author, I know firsthand the struggles of trying to align your beliefs with your work and redefining success on your own terms. But on the Seek Go Create podcast, we're not here to just talk about problems. We're here to provide solutions.

Each episode features either a unique expert guest or solo sessions where I share my own experiences and insights as a leader, business owner, and minister. We'll explore the latest strategies and techniques for achieving your goals and living your best life.

But it's not just about me. It's about us. The Seek Go Create community is a place where we can come together and question established beliefs, challenge the status quo, and provide fresh perspectives on leading ourselves and our teams.

So join me on the Seek Go Create podcast, and let's start taking steps towards achieving your goals and living your best life. Let’s embark on this journey together.



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