This series is an up-close-and-personal account of the heroes introduced by Eric Vaughan and Patrick Lovell’s “The Con” which took a simple but revolutionary approach to explain the epidemics of elite fraud driving the great financial crisis of 2007-2008 and continuing today.
In this episode, co-hosts Patrick Lovell, Steve Grumbine and Eric Vaughan talk with Terrie Crowley, who fought her illegal foreclosure in the courts of Chicago for 12 years through 11 judges on her own against the legal fire power of one of the largest financial firms in the world. She understood the financial system having been both a broker and realtor in her career, but she had to binge on the law for years like so many other Pro Se litigants to fight the forces of darkness that were trying to steal the most important thing in her life. Her home. Enter Nicholas Kostopoulos, a former DOJ Prosecutor out of Miami who soon learned mortgage fraud wasn’t much different than the cocaine drug cases he was prosecuting in the 1980s.
Banks make money. They don’t make mistakes. Wells Fargo strikes again.
Truth in lending? Never has a more perverted concept become our system.
Why do bank servicers enter incorrect, fraudulent data on homeowners’ documents to foreclose? It’s the insurance stupid. What else would it be?
We bring this truth to weaponize all and build a movement to purge the corruption before us, the message those in power don’t want anyone to see. Watch, share, ACT!
#WiseUp #RiseUp #PurgeCorruption