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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life with Francois Lupien
Episode 1222nd March 2023 • Shining Brightly • Howard Brown
00:00:00 00:39:04

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Are you STUCK in life or business? In Episode 12 wait till you meet Francois Lupien. dynamic mentor, coach, speaker, and presenter? He is a gold medal Tae Kwon Do Canadian champion who knows how to train you for success. From his coaching practice he says, “It all starts with you" do not be victim of circumstances - take responsibility and  create your reality! Come learn with us during this high energy and fast moving show.

About the guest:

Francois Lupien is a dynamic mentor, coach, speaker, and presenter whose experience includes working with Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and as a consultant with Bob Proctor (Movie: The Secret). Achieving excellence in everything he puts his mind to, Francois has been a Tae Kwon Do Canadian champion, a Top Real Estate agent for 11 years with Remax, and a serial entrepreneur with multiple successful 6-figure businesses.

Happily married and father to 6 amazing children, Francois loves spending time at the beach with his family and drinking his beloved Vitamix juice every morning for energy! Passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic, Francois can show you how to get real results that stick – mediocrity is never an option!





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  • Discover the three Tips that successful entrepreneurs use to shift their business and to transform any situation quickly. Learn how to Raise Your Energy Level fast so you can keep working toward your goals.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Shining Brightly Intro/Outro:

Welcome to the Shining Brightly show. I'm Howard Brown author, speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, international peacemaker, and yes to time stage for cancer patients, survivor and advocate. Each episode will take you from resilience to hope, and a whole lot more. Because shining brightly does make the world a better place. Be prepared to be inspired.

Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard Brown, Shining Brightly is back. I am the master of the maestro of the audio podcast. And here we are, we got a great show today, I want to introduce you to our friend sua Lupien. Oh, my goodness. He's a new friend. But boy, we got some great things to share with you today. This is going to be a learning and inspirational session for for the audience. And welcome. Welcome, Francoise. How are you today? And thanks for coming on to shining brightly.

Francois Lupien:

I'm doing very well. Thanks for asking, and how are you doing today? I'm great.

Howard Brown:

I'm great, man. It's the middle of winter here in Michigan. And there's no snow on the ground and the sun is shining. So I'm grateful for that.

Francois Lupien:

That is awesome.

Howard Brown:

Please share a little bit about yourself. I never like to just read a standard bio, it's boring. Tell it tell people what they need to know. That's interesting.

Francois Lupien:

You said you don't want to do it sound boring. And then I almost feel uncomfortable having to share about myself. But I'm I am an as you will hear I'm very dynamic. I'm a coach, mentor and speaker. And my experience spans from working successfully with Tony Robbins on stage with him as well. Stephen Covey of the seven habits of highly effective people for 13 years. And one of the best in the world. To me, God bless his soul now is Bob Proctor who passed away just about a year ago. And Bob transformed my life definitely. And so achieving excellence is something that I put my mind into, right and back here for those that can see it's a gold medal and the Canadian champion in Taekwondo. And I like to provide gold medal results in my life and the lives of all those who might come in contact with. I was a top real estate agent with REMAX for 11 years. And I'm a serial entrepreneur with multiple six figure businesses. But what I like most is to share things that matter with people who care to make a genuine difference.

Howard Brown:

Well, you're gonna inspire if my audience you hang out with some pretty impressive people, let me tell you, and sometimes they say it's who you hang out with, right? That matters. So you hang out with that. And very impressive taekwondo. I mean, that's just discipline. And that's practice and, and training. So big, big fan, big fan of that, be able to make those types of accomplishments. Alright, so now we get a little taste of who Francoise is, tell us something we might not know about yet something, you know, your little secret there you want to

Francois Lupien:

share? That's an interesting question. And I had to ponder upon it. But the best friend in my life is my wife. And I'll share a little story for all of you entrepreneur, that might be interesting. And some things I thought you might have. Maybe you didn't go deep into it. But this is one point. As I'm doing my business. My wife comes in and I love her. She says she's my best friend. That's just Oh, honey, I'm going to do this, this and that for marketing. And she comes in she goes, now I go. And she leaves. And then at some other point, I'm saying, Oh, I got this guy. I think he's great. She comes she looks, he goes no good. And she leaves. And then actually, two or three weeks later, that guy was convicted for fraud. So I go to her, I says, Okay, what's going on here, she goes, Oh, sometimes I feel things. And so this is where I want to lend this thing. When we're moving in life, sometimes we go faster than our companion. And so what we decided to do is that when that happens, one needs to slow down and the other one needs to step it up. So we can be in harmony. We believe that we're going to be together for time and eternity. Therefore, let's make sure that we crossed the finish line not being so different. That being said, it slows you down at first, but then you accelerate with a foundation that is really solid. So there's something you didn't know about me. I don't want to share with many people. But to me, it's very powerful. But it takes guts to make it happen. Because it's easy to let go of that it really takes serious involvement and vulnerability. But nevertheless, it transforms you an outstanding way.

Howard Brown:

Why you shared a unique secret. Well, I will tell you this, that that's the mama bear instinct. That's something that that she's providing there for you and that sense that you're going to You fast and she's pacing you. So that's really thank you for sharing that. That's a great, great story. great wisdom to share. And great, great uniqueness there. So, change your thoughts change your life. Okay, so you believe in that this is a life skill, a mantra that you believe in. You know, tell me tell me where that all started from.

Francois Lupien:

It started a long time ago, I'm 61 gonna be 62 Very soon. And when I was four years old, my mom had her own roller skates. Now rollerblades that were in line, but for those of you that are old enough, there was four wheels to the front to the back. And it was an adjustable thing with a strap, and I little cowboy boots on my mom put it on it, just go for it. I started going, man, I was falling on my butt and it was hurting. I didn't like it. Sorry, throwing these things out. They come back in the house, I'm crying. Oh, and my mom says, okay, hold on. Let's go back outside. And then she says you're like as though my mum took them off. She She readjusted them for her feet. She put them on, and she started to skate in front of me. And then she comes back. And she looks at me in the eye and she says, meet you and I was a kid, I had a hard time. But I overcome it through practice. I believe in you, you can make it happen. She then took them off readjusted on me. And she was coaching me from the side saying you can do it, you can do it. Of course I fell. But it wasn't hurting as much. And then I keep going. And then my mom created a monster because a week after I was holding on to a rope and back of someone else's bike was rolling when my rollerblades. But this is a pivotal thing that when my mom took that most of the time to branch down, look me in the eye says you can do anything that you want. And you put your mind to I believe in you. That was life changing. For me.

Howard Brown:

That's awesome. Because it's just basically a role model, a lesson that you can do it. And that positive reinforcement that as a little kid that's really important. And that does sit with you. And I can understand you know where that came from. So now, fast forward a little further along until you're a little older. What's happened next.

Francois Lupien:

Okay. And interestingly enough, from that time, I realized that having someone that would do it with you, for you, maybe at first with you, and then coach you in doing it was pivotal in making it happen. So now I'm 18 years old. And then this person then invites me to this mystery meeting. For those of you that are older, you'll know there was an Amway meeting. And I come in, and then this chubby guy, and he's sort of dancing on the stage and you know, putting circles on the board. That guy was making $60 million a year. I'm 18 years old, I am blown away, what's going on? What's happening. And then he said something that was another mic drop in my life. And he said, Do you know anybody in your life that whenever good things happen to them, they say, Oh, this won't last. This is not going to work. Like it's going to be taken away. And so I knew someone like that personally. God bless his soul. It's my dad. And So case in point, this is where at one point, he says, Oh, I got a $10,000 bonus at supper time says, but something's gonna happen. I'm gonna lose it. I'm just eating without the two days later, my sister scraps like our $10,000. And I'm going and then he says on the board says, Does that happen at all? Yeah, I says, Do you know that the opposite can be true as well? And I know, what are you talking about? And he says, if you can speak things into existence, that are not serving you, how about you do it for things that can serve you uplift you guide you and help others as well? He says, does it work 100% of the time, maybe not. But it sure tips, the scale in your favor. So that really, really and he says okay, respect everybody else's woman, he was a man. And he says, read a good book, every month. And in the car, don't listen to the news. And don't listen to it have a well, I'm old. Cassette cassettes, personal development and make sure that what you put in your mind is something is going to be uplifting and edified. Don't watch the news. Don't read the newspaper. You don't need that stuff. Other people will tell you about the things that are going on. And he says can stick consistently do that. And so I did. And so that's 43 years on this quest, and I've spent over $200,000 on personal development on myself. In order to achieve what I'm in. I've achieved a few things. And but there's still more to come, which is wonderful. But all this to say that it comes through you life comes through you and whatever. So to speak garbage that you have in there will dilute the beauty of your life. We need to get rid of this stuff so that the light can really shine. I like to say that life is a 100 light bulb and it wants to come through you and for most people, there's only 20 watts that come out because there's some filters in there. If you get those filters out the 20 will come to 40 6080 I don't think Well, you can get 100 but at least you can get much brighter. But that's on you taking responsibility. Absolutely. So that was

Howard Brown:

your singing my turn, man, I My background is the shining shining on me. My book is called shining brightly with a light bulb illuminating our light around the world. Oh my god, we're a match made in heaven. I appreciate you saying that. Because the Amway folks are here out of Western Michigan. And they're very philanthropic, they own the basketball team, or Lando and, but I can tell you that some people made up made a big lifetime living, you know, doing the Amway products and things like that. And then I understand, you know, your dad, he's a little bit of a doubter, or, you know, he worked hard and, and then the self fulfilling prophecy of oh, I made this 10,000. And then oh, boy in a vanished away very quickly. So you know, you can live with a cup half full or cup half empty. And I love the fact that you're always developing throughout your entire life. It everyone's a ball of clay. And we got to continue that, from little kids all the way up until adulthood, we're always learning and developing. And I bet you'd taekwondo gave you the discipline, a lot of that, to build your character and to build the learnings from that.

Francois Lupien:

Absolutely. Lots of lessons learned in there. And one of them is that ladies and gentlemen, no one can do your push ups for you. You can't pay someone else to do it. You have to do them yourself. But once you do them, they're yours. And no one can ever take it away. It's yours.

Howard Brown:

Man, your your inspiration is coming out every second here.

Francois Lupien:

So just hold on a second, you said glass, glass is half empty. Here. So let's say there's 10% of water and then 90% of emptiness and here says Is it full or empty? Guess what? It's full. 10% is water. And 90% is err it is 100%. Full, never think that you're a half of something. Your full, always full, but you decide which one you exercise.

Howard Brown:

I love it. Oh my goodness, we can show and tell. So tell me this example. It all starts with you. How that impacted your life positively and and how that's really been the big turning points for you and the major accomplishments?

Francois Lupien:

Well, let's put the you talked about Taekwondo and martial arts. I started that when I was I think it actually interestingly, I was 18 years old or signal 16 years old, sorry. And I was six foot three 125 pounds. Six months later, I'm 175. So I gained 50 pounds in six months, just because training training. And then little later was 187. And I stay 187 for 47 years, that same weight all the time. But what do you say is with you? Whenever we started, I wanted to train. And so I have friends with me that were coming. And I would ask them, let's go. And some of them says now I don't feel like it today now. And at first. And I says what are you listening to them? And so I decided to continue to go and continue to go. And sometimes as you get older teenager, people say let's go out tonight. This is okay, what are you guys doing? I said, we're going to be there at seven and then we meet there at nine. So I'll see you at nine. So why don't you come at seven, because I'm gonna go work out. And then I'll see you at nine. So I took that discipline of once you make a commitment, you have to fulfill that commitment. And then next thing you know, at nine o'clock, I smell good. I was super in shape, all washed and ready to go and more energy while the others didn't benefit from the time that I carved out. But I realized that it's me doing it. Then as we started going later. And move, move move. I wasn't the fighting the competition team. And then one Saturday morning, we're all standing up says lift your legs and I'm wobbling a bit with some other says, Were you drinking last night? I go? Yes. So he says no more. Oh, he says you drink you're out at a competition team says nothing. I'm not out. So I stopped drinking. Not that I was casual, no more. And so as I did this, some didn't. And they were out of the team. And then we had some training to do an hour a day, five days a week. So I would do three hours a day, six days a week. But it's me I was doing this. And then I got the gold medal like pretty easily because I put in the effort that the others didn't want to put I'm not saying this to impress you, but rather to impress upon you that once we make a decision the more we invest in ourselves, the more we'll be able to put out it's not the technique. It's not the the structure it's not the template it's not this it's you to work on you create a better you show up more stronger and therefore you'll be able to handle let's say that word challenges that will come to us everyday because they do but they lead you roller there is a roller steam. Are you able to withstand it? And so it's up to you. That's why I'm a big advocate of it starts with you

Howard Brown:

I love it. And also, by the way, you should be very proud. I mean, very few people in this world get to get a gold medal, and you put in the work. So it should take great pride, and I see it behind you. And it's beautiful. And it's an amazing accomplishment that makes it part of you internal. So I think that's amazing. Now, I think that you and I see eye to eye, but mentorship happens with us. I mean, I know it's big with me, I wrote a chapter about in my book. And we spoken about mentorship before. Tell me about what mentorship because you mentioned, you know, very impressive guys that you've got to hang out with. I think you've learned a few things from them. Hmm.

Francois Lupien:

Absolutely. Mentorship is an interesting thing that has evolved, you know, through doing some coaching that I've did corporately, and with individuals as well. I realized that, personally, and this is this is just me personally, I don't like to work with people that just start up. I like to have runners, I don't like to do walkers, I like to do runners that want to get to the next level. And therefore, I'm seeing that more and more mentorship is needed more than coaching for the people that get to a certain level. After a while ladies and gentlemen, it's time to shut the books, you know enough, where you still need to have a mentor to help you get to the next level. I don't call it coaching. I don't know if that distinction is as obvious as I perceive it. But that's one thing at some point, people, oh, I need this, I need that. And everything seems to be exterior to them. This new method, this new technique, this new guy that does the extra wild, ladies and gentlemen, stop it, you are enough, you have enough. Now all you need to do is act on it massively. And when you do that, all you need is a mentor to help you not to get out of track. But he's not going to change you change yourself when it's time to use what you got. So that's what I see more as far as mentoring, if that makes sense.

Howard Brown:

It does. And I actually have a free worksheet on mentoring, because I call it mentorship is leadership. They can help you stay within the lines, if you take a step back, they can be motivated, they can be a cheerleader, they can be accountability, it takes many shapes. And I like I don't call it a coach either. But mentorship is a lost art in this world, because you're actually taking your time to be concerned with either an individual or a group of people to move them forward. And I happen to love that. And I've been a Jewish Big Brother mentor for 31 years. And I have to tell you, I learned just as much as I taught. It's, it's a team effort. And I learned by by showing this young boy Ian at age 10, who is now 40 years old, with a son and a wife and a life and oh my goodness, some of the best things I ever did, because I got to be able to teach this young man, but he taught me because he was questioning, he was questioning. And I have to tell you, I took him to his first rock and roll concert. I think my ears are still ringing from 2030 years ago. But again, I got to experience that with him. See this young boy's eyes light up to go to the first rock and roll show. So but in today's world, it's a lost art. Because people are really selfish, they worried about themselves. And they they're not worried about others so much. But I think I think you and I are the same thing that the reason people in this lifestyle, the coaching business is just exploded, people are looking for support, they're looking for that accountability. And we're coming off of the pandemic where everyone was living a restricted life. And now coming out into now be able to accomplish your goals and to keep moving forward. And so they need guys like you and I too many reasons. But inspiration and accountability are two of the big ones that I know.

Francois Lupien:

And just as you're talking about this one of them my favorite motto is the day you think you know it all is the day you start to fall, we need others, we cannot do it alone, we can't. And so therefore, we need to constantly nourish ourselves to show up in a better way every day that Tony calls it can i constant and never ending improvement we have to and it does not need to be 50% Seriously, people overestimate what they can do in 10 years, but they underestimate what they can do in one year, if they just improve 1% that day 1% That day is going to blow you away at the end of the year. And it's and it's the small things and sometimes I'm I don't know for if it's audio, I'm showing my cell phone. One of the challenge that we have with these things is they're constantly bombarding us with new stuff, new stuff, and we're looking for outside stimulation. And when it's not happening, we sort of get less of a like, man. We need to I call it the crank is in the back. And that's what social media is cranking us. We need to put that crank in the front and we need to be the ones that crank ourselves. And that's an art to learn but once you learn it, it's yours And you don't need to be dependent on the outside, which makes it something that is. I'm 16, I'm going to be 62 next week, and I can, from at noon on Monday at noon, I have often produced more than most young guys, by Friday afternoon. It's because of the discipline that I've done that go, go go go and make it happen now, because another thing that I'm better at, it's just different. It is what it is. Nevertheless, it's that thing of not looking for that outside stimulus to make me go in I have to develop the discipline of doing the hard things myself. But once you do that, you don't need the outside stuff to crank you, you crank you, and then you go.

Howard Brown:

I love it. Because it's back to you can't Yeah, you can't do someone else's push ups. It's great. Now tell me about this. Mindset medic with a cure cure. IE, what is that? What's that? What's that? What are you teaching there?

Francois Lupien:

That's interesting. Thank you, mindset medic. I believe that success is 95% mindset and 5% skill set. And to me for entrepreneurs, the skill set that is most needed is sales. There you go. I said it people Oh, but I don't want to be salesy. Let's face it. Sales will solve many problems in your business. When money comes in, you can hire out you can do so many things. And if you don't have money coming in, it's not happening. And plus also sales is you sharing your gifts, talents and ability of adding values to others for which they pay you for. So now it needs to connect. So 5% is sales 95% is mindset. And that mindset is so important that sometimes Yours mine is because I teach this for 43 years, I know it all I need to cure meaning that's why I use the word cure, because it's sometimes it's sick. So we need a mindset medic to cure it. And the cure for MI stands for cu RR E, the C is for clarity, we need to be clear on what it is that we want. And and so let's go the opposite. Tony Robbins always said this. And ladies and gentlemen, use it as well. Always mismatch yourself. If you say something, say okay, clarity is important. Okay, so why? Because if you're not clear, you're ambivalent. And if you're ambivalent, you're doing nothing. You're not taking any action, no action, no results. Therefore you're now by the debate, you're clarifying. That clarity is important. So you need to be clear on what it is that you want, where you want to go, what you want to do without clarity. Where are we going? Where are we going? It needs to be very good. I was reading what's his name, Dan Kennedy. And he was saying if you ask a nun, a boat driver.

Francois Lupien:

You know, those big boats on the ocean, the big, big, huge boats, and they're going from place to place they go to a port there. Yes, of course. If you ask them, Where are you going? They can tell you two words, my mind. And so and they take that and they get there. But if you tell people what do you want, I want more money? Well, there's five bucks, you know, I wanted not what you weren't precise. You need to be precise. So that clarity is key, we need to be really clear. Number two, we need to you is for uncovered, uncover keyword hidden challenges. And so remember what I said that the light wants to come through. There's there's a bunch of filters on there, those are hidden. And so we see life through our eyes looking forward. That's all we see. But other people if they look at us, they can see the back of us, the side of us from the top from the bottom, we can't see that. Therefore, there are hidden things that others can help us to uncover. So uncover hidden challenges, do you then it's R and R? And these you look in any books don't say it the way I teach it. I say you need to remove what's stopping you and right away, replace it with something that's good. What do I mean this universe hates vacuum, if you create a vacuum, it's going to fill it right away. So if unless you're intentional with filling it with something good, it's gonna be filled with not good. No judgment on this, this next example, but you meet someone says I'm going to quit smoking. Hey, go for it, man. Go coach. And then 60 days later, she gained a lot of weight. So So did you quit smoking? I did. And so what do you do? Well, I eat more now. And so when you remove something, you need to replace it with something else. And unless you're intentional about it, you're going to be a victim of whatever it is that case. Sorry for the graphic thing but we all know people that quit smoking, that's what happened and that's exactly what they were not intentionally replacing it. So we need to remove and then replace with something that's going to empower us and then the E is for embed, we need to make sure that that new behavior is embedded embedded embedded. So you You get results that stick. That's the cure.

Howard Brown:

I love it. So I'm going to repeat just because you went quickly and gave great examples, but clarity on cover, remove, replace an end bed. Yes. Now this got really bad. Oh, my goodness, isn't nuggets of gold, I mean that where you're working with here. So the so the benefits of this philosophy that you teach, and then you mentor and coach people with it. This isn't like something like a flash diet, you got to keep the discipline it works over time, right? This isn't something that happens, you know, the quick one, we then you know, all of a sudden, you know, you're you're, they're crossing the finish line.

Francois Lupien:

And that's one thing I tell people is if you decide to embark in the personal and professional development, you got to be in for life. Because it's you constantly need to improve. And I'm sure your little button there, the easy button does not. For things that are lasting, say my age, Mother Nature is an amazing teacher. And it's been around for a gazillion years. And so the lessons that it holds and teaches us we should pay attention. So therefore, a small weed that's got no roots, some comes in scorch, it's down, what an oak tree takes a lot of time, but the wind, the storm, everything comes in, it does not move. So you choose what you want. And so by those choices, and those decision that you make, will tell you that this is what you need to do. And then you stick to it. That's why I'm saying the remove, replace, and then embedded so we can stick with the decisions that we make.

Howard Brown:

It's it's great. And you can't you mentioned your age, you're going to be 62 I'm going to be 57 and a couple of weeks, you don't look a day over 39. Man, come on, you're looking just great. And so those are if you're just listening, if you're watching on the video part, oh my goodness, I swear you're always smiling. Why you always smile.

Howard Brown:

That's an interesting smile. It's beautiful.

Francois Lupien:

Thank you. But it wasn't always this way. I felt when I was a kid, I used to pout a lot. Now a lot of pouting. And my mother said, Why don't you smile? Everything will be easier if you smile. Yeah. And that would make me proud even more. So I was not happy with this. And then and she kept saying it then she was persistent, consistent. And my, my dad always used to say, your mom opened so many doors for us because of her smile. And this is something and so she lived it. She was walking the talk. And so I started she says it doesn't take any more effort. Actually, it takes more effort to from than to smile, what is it 79 muscles to frown and only 25 to smile. And so why use the extra effort. And so I started doing this more and more. And you know what my life got nicer, better and easier, because I was smiling. That state of mind when you're smiling things tend to you become like Teflon typing the bad stuff don't stick, it just it just glides off because you're smiling. And also, because I'm smiling a lot like this. It repels people that are not happy. They don't come around because they feel uncomfortable with it. So I'm sort of it's a, it's a win win situation. I'm protecting my environment by being upbeat, enthusiastic, and smiling. So it attracts people that want that. And therefore together, we all rise. So

Howard Brown:

added to this, I love that that the Smiling is really important because you look around and people just seem unhappy in general, because of all this external noise. And you said it from the cell phones and and I'm worried about the young generation too, because they they live like 140 characters and they don't get the detail. But that's another conversation but your energy is amazing. And I guess you can thank your mom for a lot of things. But I think you're in control of your energy. But what do you contribute that your your energy is? You're on fire man.

Francois Lupien:

Yes, I am. Just before you go, my mum used to say no one needs to smile more than someone that can give it back to you. So smile to everybody. And so there's something broken inside of them. And maybe as they leave and you don't see them says maybe I should smile. So you don't know what can be done. But I'm sorry, the question that you just asked was what? Well,

Howard Brown:

so I noticed when you're smiling and just observation, is that your energy? Yes, you bring in the energy and I just where does it come from?

Francois Lupien:

Good. Thank you for asking. There's this little concept that I teach a lot of people and says there's three phases or stages in life and you can be at any one at anytime when you choose. Number one is life happens to me to me to me, so so then you decided you're a victim or COVID is your Oh my boss or economy is only interest rates. So I happens to me, we don't produce too much with this. Number two is by me b Why Me Me by me. And this is most of the people I'm sure that are listening to here we're achieving Go Gators, let's make it happen. You know, be quiet, strap up your boots, make it happen, take some action, get some traction, get some momentum and make things happen. But the thing is with this one the by me, you burn out. After a while you will you'll hit a wall because it gets you thinking from inside out. Now the third one, which I absolutely love, and I strive to live there most of my life, and sometimes I don't, which is okay, and it's throw me thr ough throw me and this is the analysis or the picture that you can have in your mind everybody listening, I believe that there is unlimited energy potential out there. And all he wants, which is the nonpalpable A wants to do to become life and wants to be create. So it's looking for channels. So if you say, hey, I want to do this I'm doing and then so that energy is going to flow through you. And as it flows through you, through your intention of being clear, now you're going to model it, then you're going to create new things. So to your co creator if you want with God or ever universe I really wanted to say, but that energy is infinite, and you keep it habit coming through you through you. You cannot get tired. If you're plugging into the infinite. You can't. It's only when you start to say, Oh, I work many hours today. I'm tired. But what are you doing right now? Now you're going back inside? And you're limiting yourself? No, there's tons of energy. And by the way, I'm always like this, I got two speeds me park and drive. And I'm only parked when I sleep. When I get up. I'm up, man. Let's make it happen this day is wonderful, because I have clarity on what I want to do. And Am I perfect? Far from it? No, I fall on my face? Yes, I do. Do I get discouraged? Yes, I do. Nevertheless, let me tell you, whatever smile in your face, it's easier to overcome that negative experience, quote unquote, negative experience. Or we can actually make it better. And by the way, I said negative experience. And then my mind says that cancel, cancel. That's not it. I says, What can I learn from this? What is this experience telling me that I'm not getting yet. And so now I'm turning into a positive. A challenge comes like for example, we're all in business. And some months are like, out of the park. And some months are harder. When the months that are harder. Ask yourself, what's happening? What can I do? And ladies and gentlemen, write these three words down, I'm going to write them again. And the words are how can i h o w ca n and the capital I? How can I whenever you're stuck, ask yourself, How can I? How can I overcome this? What that does is it puts the responsibility back in your life. But also you're empowered. So you take back the power. If you blame everything else, you're empowering the circumstances and this empowering yourself by saying, Hmm, how can I overcome this? And then all of a sudden, you're not blaming the outside? And you says how can i You're taking control? And maybe the answer is? I don't know. So then ask it again? How can I find an answer to this? And then you will. And as you can consistently asked a question, how can I new ideas will come and as you take action on them, you get unstuck very fast. I love it.

Howard Brown:

I do and I want to repeat it because it's I don't want to pass it by by your energy to to me, by me and through me. Oh my goodness, more nuggets of gold. This is people going to be running to contact you friend swap. So let's, let's kind of start to wrap up the show. And I have to tell you, I don't know too many gold mini gold medal winning folks in my life. All right. I admire people from afar. I love sports. I think sports is something that builds character and builds discipline builds teamwork, it also builds camaraderie. And also, you know, the ability to understand others that aren't as good or as you know, people that are trying to train but they're just, they're going to hit their potential, but not win a gold medal. Tell me the meaning of the gold medal and how you apply it to folks like me that are never gonna win a gold medal. But I want to win a gold medal in life and in business and in family. And what I do every

Francois Lupien:

day, thank you, for you gave the answer at the end, you say you'll never win the gold medal in a sport, but you want to win a gold medal in life, your relationships, your business, and hence That's right. If you have clarity on wanting to happen, I know what it takes to create gold medal results, but you decide on the gold medal that you want. Hence the clarity that we're talking about need to really see it need to want it. It's not something that now That'd be nice. If it's nap, that'd be nice. The challenges of life will also roll steam you you'll be done. So therefore, if you have that clarity of the things that you want, let's create the gold medal that you want and and through the gold medal journey, it will be yours. If you can see it in your mind. You can hold it in your hands with the help of someone that can make it happen with you, not for you. We can't do it for you. We can as I said you need to do the push ups. And when you do They're yours. So yes, gold medal is something that is wonderful. And some people, let's face it, some people don't want, I have some some people, they just, you know, like barely finish high school says, you know, man, I'm just working in this company and then I'll get my check, I'll get my watch, and I'll die and I'm fine with this. And it's okay, I'm not judging, that's fine. I'm not in that breed, I decide to want to do more. For you, but even you know, there's the parable of the talents and talents is five talents given to one two talents to the other one talents. And the last one that I went out, he buried it and says, Man, you know, here it is, and said, Hey, what are you doing? You should have multiplied the one that two came with four, do I got five came back with 10. Humbly, Howard, humbly,

Francois Lupien:

I believe that I was given five. But I don't want to just come back with 10, I want to come back with 15. But more importantly, I want to help people to double their talents. That's what I want. That's what turns me on seeing the people. So the more actually to say shining brightly, the more people we can get to use their talents and abilities, the more we shine, the more they shine. And the more people says, sitting over there with that light shining, and then they come and as they come to you, and they can say, hey, I want to shine brightly, too. And there we have it. We can make the world a better place by making a difference ourselves. But in and by doing so people can say wow, if he did it, maybe I can do it, too. Yes, you can. And then as we get together, we can all grow I love

Howard Brown:

you quoting lines from my book. I love it. So we're gonna have for those on video, we're gonna put our sunglasses, this is our shining bright, the spotlight Francoise. We are shining brightly together, I'd like you to first sell how can people get in touch with you because people are going to want to join I want to get in touch with you after a session like this. Thank you.

Francois Lupien:

Very simply, my website is how to become simply how to become is the easy way to get a hold of me. And then from there, you know, there's so many things. Everything is how to become more I got a YouTube channel how to become more and all the social media, whatever. But

Howard Brown:

podcasting is speaking and you're out there as well. Getting spreading the good word I'm sure. Yes, yeah, I'm

Francois Lupien:

a pot. Actually, I host podcasts. And right now I'm a guest that podcast as well. I'm fired up to share their mission vision with others so that we can all rise up and shine brightly. Absolutely. Yeah.

Howard Brown:

Well, you know, I'm reachable at shiny And we have a lot of similarities, but we go about it in slightly different methods, which is so cool. And our philosophies are similar. And I'm a big fan of yours, Francoise. Take Take us home with some last thoughts as we end the show soon.

Francois Lupien:

Okay, do not tiptoe through life. Stop tiptoeing through life. Go under you got something inside of you that wants to come out, make it come out. And if you don't know how, and others can help you. But the last thing I want to happen to everybody is for you to die with your song still inside of you don't allow this. And if you don't know how, as I said, Ask others. I skyward as myself and if not us, ask someone else. But make it happen. Stop tiptoeing through life, make the difference you are born to make.

Howard Brown:

That's why you're shining brightly. We're on fire. And thank you for coming on today. What a great show high energy, lots of great gold nuggets. And boy, I'm just privileged to know you and thank you for sharing your gifts out to my audience and listeners today. I really appreciate it.

Francois Lupien:

Thank you outward and likewise your shining brightly your book, the things that you went through what you overcome, you are a winner that people need to follow. Thank you so much for who you are and your example as well.




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