Artwork for podcast “That’s Myrony” (My + Irony)
Meet Shanna & Mande hosts of “Sense of Soul”…one of the coolest spiritual podcasts out there because these two make spirituality so much fun in addition to insightful!!
Episode 1217th October 2020 • “That’s Myrony” (My + Irony) • Alysha Myronuk
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Alysha found “Sense of Soul” Podcast after doing some research on spiritual podcasts that are not religious and omg is she so glad she found these fabulous ladies!! Shanna Vavra and Mande Nantkes are not only best friends since 15 but truly soul sisters and their awareness of synchronistic or as we say myronistic events was music to Alysha’s ears after hearing their incredible podcast…besides this interview being an absolute spiritual treat please make sure to download “Sense of Soul” because you will love it & these two wonderful Hosts!!

About the Guest:

Shanna Vavra and Mande Nantkes Hosts of Sense of Soul Podcast, Mobile Boutique Owners, Meditation Instructors

With trusted faith, Shanna and Mande set forth on an uncertain journey. Lead by their kindred souls and a shared desire to live authentically, the started Sense of Soul.

The Sense of Soul mission is built around helping others fall in love with themselves while healing and aligning with their true purpose. Shanna and Mande hope to spread love, light and offer support and guidance to those who are on their own journey to find their “Sense of Soul”.

Through the Sense of Soul podcast, mobile boutique, online store, in-studio/online classes and a social media presence, Sense of Soul has leveraged numerous platforms to solidify their path and Shanna and Mande are now in a place of certainty that sharing through Sense of Soul is where they are meant to be.

Shanna is a mother of four and has discovered her Sense of Soul as a massage therapist and Reiki master. She enjoys coffee, murder mysteries, podcasts, crafts, shopping, meditation, teaching, crystals, the moon, 90’s rap music, crawfish and the New Orleans Saints. Shanna highly dislikes raccoons.

Mande has three children and originally used her degree in communications to be a certified addictions counselor. She has found her Sense of Soul living a life of recovery and loves helping others to achieve sobriety. She enjoys cooking, sweeping her floor, sleep, meditation, coffee, hiking, birds, Reiki and cuss words. She highly dislikes the news and drinking water.

Shanna and Mande were originally connected at 15 and have truly becomes friends who are like family. They have walked through incredible trauma and grief together and now live gratefully that it is those experiences that have led to their awakening. While the rest of the world thought they were crazy, they leaned on each other through shared experiences and both physical and emotional pain. 

With that being said, Shanna and Mande see the depths of the souls of others who haven’t been fortunate to have someone to lean on to push through. Knowing how valuable it is to hear that you matter, the fire under their asses was lit and they have chosen to share experiences, healing and knowledge with the world- all wrapped up with a few cuss words and a lot of laughs!


Reiki Master Teacher Reiki Master Practitioner

Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)


Reiki Level II

Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC) Bachelor of Arts, Communications

Contact Links/Social Media Links:



IG: @senseofsoulsos

Twitter: senseofsoul1

Sense of Soul Podcast:

About the Hosts:

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the fun new word of myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life that we can’t explain and is also another word for sign/synchronicity. Her life was fairly normal until she got into a car accident that triggered fibromyalgia at the age of 18 and had to deal with that very painful chronic condition along with many other life challenges including loss of both parents, marriage, divorce, suicide attempts, alcohol and prescription drug abuse and a full hysterectomy by the time she was 35. Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through those very dark days that lead into years at times. Later she realized the reason she went through those trying times was so she could help others struggling with life’s challenges and share the understanding of how to move forward.

She now lives in San Jose, CA but still considers herself an East Coast girl at heart after growing up in Northern New Jersey and living in Delaware, Maryand and DC area for her entire life until she moved to California 8 years ago in 6 days which is a part of her myronic journey that helped her tap into her super power that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. Thanks to her many careers which include hospitality & sales has allowed her to meet and work with so many different people but she is extremely excited to now be following her calling in life of sharing her concept of myrony by co-hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast (  and also helping others through her spiritual coaching business “My Myrony” Mentoring where she is able to use her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients understand their blocks in life which help them move forward from their past to create the life they desire all with a little myrony :)

Co-Host Todd J. Courtney was raised in San Jose, CA. where he spent the past 30 years as a business owner. During that time, he was teaching what Wallace D. Wattles calls “thinking stuff” to business offices. While raising three kids and teaching them the same techniques, he realized his passion lies with helping our youth understand that they too can create the life they truly dream of.

It wasn’t long before Todd realized why most of our youth get trapped in the same cycles as their parents. After researching the teen and young adult market, it seemed a lot more work needed to be done to help our youth during this time of a rapidly changing world. Todd’s premise is this; “If we expect our youth to change the world, we have to start by changing our youth.”

So, he wrote his first book, “Thinking in One Direction,” which helps teens navigate life with less stress.

Given his knowledge on the subconscious mind and seeing the need to help our youth in the areas of health, Todd created the first ever animation video for kids with leukemia. This fun, adventurous, yet non-invasive animation, blends the power of the mind with the body and backs it up with the science of epigenetics. You can learn more about this at

During his research on brainwaves, he learned that 95% of our behavioral patterns are established by the age of 7, which scared the hell out of him. So, he and his wife, Jackie, created a new genre of nursery rhymes written for the 21st century! Something that can program the child with positive messaging that was value driven. You can find their books at

Over the past couple years, he got to know Alysha Myronuk with whom he shared a lot in common. After many conversations they decided to create a new podcast, “That’s Myrony,” to teach others how to explore and take notice of their own personal ironies, or as we call them, Myronies!

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