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Ep. 48 - Do you lack discipline?
Episode 4815th January 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:09:32

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Building Discipline to Overcome Temptations

This episode talks about the often challenging process of cultivating discipline, particularly relating to health habits such as dieting. I help you with the struggle with temptations, such as unhealthy foods, and offer advice for overcoming these through activities and distractions. I teach you about how microbiome, brain and insulin resistance habits can affect our daily behaviors. Methods such as consuming bitter, sour, or intense-tasting foods to short-circuit brain signals or changing daily routines are suggested. Cultivating self-discipline is emphasized, and the use of self-reminders and self-perspective. The episode ends with a call to seek help when needed and to keep moving towards health goals.

00:22 Introduction to the Struggle with Temptations

00:34 Understanding the Role of Discipline

00:59 The Impact of Your Microbiome on Your Habits

01:41 Insulin Resistance and Its Effects

02:11 The Importance of Discipline in Health

02:28 Creating Discipline: Strategies and Techniques

02:45 Distracting Yourself from Temptations

03:33 Extreme Ways to Crush Urges

05:45 Changing Your Habits for Better Health

07:02 The Power of Self-Discipline and Rewiring Your Brain

07:36 Using Psychology to Boost Your Self-Discipline

08:39 The Role of Discipline in Health Transformation

08:49 Seeking Support in Your Health Journey

09:11 Conclusion: You Can Do It


 Welcome every one to another Monday minutes.

We all struggle. Every single day. With

Temptations. From all areas.

We have distractions everywhere.

You're trying to do the right thing. You want to do the right thing?

You need to do the right thing.

John Maxwell. Said.

Most people want to avoid pain and discipline is usually painful.

Gary Ryan Blair said. Discipline must be a habit. So ingrained. That it is stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure.

Right off the bat.

If you're struggling. With your diet, your new diet.

I want you to know that sometimes it's not, you. It's actually your microbiome. Your microbiome can tell you to eat or drink, whatever it wants. If it's not your microbiome then it's just habitual from your brain. You can cause habitual situations for your microbiome as well. The biome gets its habits because you are habitual. So, if you can break the biome habit, Then you just have to break. The brain habit. That's all that's left.

I personally think the biome habit is actually harder to break than the brain habit.

Side note, if you have low blood sugar situations, because you consume sugar and carbs. We would call this one. And insulin resistance habit. So this episode is also about insulin resistance habits, but on more.

Trying to help you understand your brain and. Your biome, which. Is living in you and on you. It's not, you. It's just in and on. You.

Either way, this episode is to help you with discipline as a whole. Regardless if it's brain or biome or insulin resistance. If you're on a health journey and you're, uh, having a hard time. Being disciplined. Well, guess what? Welcome to the club.

Question is how do you create discipline? Well, If you don't already have it. You can't make it. You either have it, or you don't. So, what do you do if you don't have it?

I'm going to help you with.

What you can do to break those temptations.

Well, the easiest way is to distract yourself. Do not even let yourself be tempted.

You have to do anything that you have to do to get out of the moment. Do you want carbs, sugar, alcohol, whatever it is. How about go for a walk? Get up. Go someplace, do something. Do anything you can to interrupt your brain? Turn the music on and start dancing. 📍 Go work out. If you're married. Have sex. Or do other things.

Go do your hobby. Call someone you haven't spoken to in a long time. Or pray. Or you can even 📍 meditate.

Some more extreme ways that you can.

Crush those urges.

Try this. Take something that's so bitter. So intense. Put it in your mouth. That will short circuit your brain. For example, how about something like liquid magnesium?

Let me tell you. Probably the second worst tasting thing I can think of. And I've tried lots of liquid or dried things in the natural world. OSHA root is the worst. Followed by magnesium.

Or you could do something sour like a lemon or lime, just literally put a chunk in your mouth or squeeze it or take a swig. Of lemon juice, lime juice. Anything. That you absolutely cannot stand the taste or it's so intense. I mean something so bitter, so sour, so nasty that you just want to get away from it. Please make it stop.

But a teaspoon of salt in your mouth. Eat a and hot pepper. Eat a garlic clove. Take a heavy pinch of an herb or a spice in your cabinet. That's so strong. I think you get where I'm going with this.

Another not so extreme way would be to eat a tablespoon of butter. Mm, that is good. Or a couple of tablespoons of olive oil or avocado oil. You could have a piece of. Really strong flavored cheese or a piece of jerky, anything that you find that you don't mind the taste of it, but yet it's super healthy for you.

It's just enough to flip that switch most likely.

If you just can't. Handle that temptation for something sweet in this case.

And you have to have something. Well, Get yourself. A bottle of liquid Stevia. Put two drops on your tongue. Not only is that intense, but it's enough to curb that Sugar craving. Trust me.

It's wicked.

If you're sure your craving is from.

Trying to get off sugar. It's going to be harder because your body's microbiome is making you want to eat it. But all the other times, One or two drops of Stevia. It's usually enough. Another way is to change your habits.

Like what Erik. Well, you've created habits in your life from the time you wake up till you go to bed. Maybe look at your lifestyle and change it up a bit. Get up earlier, go to bed earlier. Change when you work out or change, what time you eat or anything you can think of to change up your routine. Let's say you always get tempted watching TV in the evening.

So stop watching TV at night. Just stop. I know it sucks, but. You may have to do it. Sometimes you got to make the hard decisions. I know, I know who's going to stop watching TV at night. It's the. Easiest thing you can do. And it's so entertaining. How about find a hobby or read a book? Or create something or build something or make something, do anything besides watching television at night. I know people that rarely watch TV and they create crafts nearly every single day in the evening for charity, nonetheless.

When you start weaning yourself off of the things that, you know, you're addicted to alcohol, sugar, carbs, processed foods, it's going to be tough.

I'm telling you. You're rewiring. So to speak your brain and your body, that doesn't happen overnight. But you have to rewire your brain. And your body, it won't rewire itself. This is where you have to implement these kinds of things. Once you start rewiring, it becomes easier and easier to rewire.

It will be easier and easier to say no. With your own self-discipline and eventually.

You won't have any cravings for much of anything ever. Psychologically, you can tell yourself that you don't want to feel terrible from eating the things or doing the things that made you feel bad, self reinforcement of what those outcomes feel like, or look like.

Talk to yourself, literally remind yourself that if you go back to consuming any of those things, that you will either feel bad or look bad. And other way, psychologically that you can kick yourself in the butt is to take a photo of what you look like. Straight on and sideways. Then when that devil on your shoulder tells you to consume something, you know, you shouldn't pull out those photos. And you will most likely have a ton of self-discipline at that point. Am I right.

How bad do you want it? How much do you want to feel better? How much do you want to stop that pain? How much do you want to lose that weight? How much do you want to reverse? That chronic disease. Starts with discipline. You need discipline to change your diet. Your lifestyle. To start taking supplements to start a health regimen. You need to talk to a natural path or a natural doctor to help you. Anybody that can help heal you. Ask your family to support you.

Tell your boss. That you were changing your health just in case you've got Some unforeseen issues that may impact your job. You can ask God to help you if you don't believe in God. Then do something for self-help. Then do what Michael Jackson says. 📍

Thank you for listening, you can do it.

I know you can take care of yourselves.




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