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How Accountability Can Help Introverts
24th December 2019 • The Traveling Introvert • The Career Introvert
00:00:00 00:05:32

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Hello, and welcome to the traveling introvert. And today I am going to talk about accountability. And this can come across in a couple of different ways. I have different accountability people in my life for various things. And as an introvert, I found it really important to have people who are accountable to and I don't mean a boss or a manager. What I mean is people who view different areas of my life differently from me. For the longest while I did everything on my own. I'm definitely super independent, for various reasons have lived a lot of my life, sort of been in charge of my own life from a very young age, and been let down by multiple people. And so I definitely had the mindset that don't trust people because they let you down. And over the years, I have learned that that is not always the case. And so as far as business is concerned, having people who are surrounding yourself with people who have different skill sets, or who view things differently from you, heaven forbid, even extroverts is, is, is something that can be really beneficial. And I have, like I said, a few in my life for different reasons. So I have someone who is a daily accountability partner. And our relationship has changed slightly, I guess, over the years. But it's one thing that has been consistent for over two years now. And it doesn't have to be a really big thing. It could just literally be a text message every day that says, hey, my intention today is to do this thing. And then at the end of the day, you check in and say, Hey, did you get to do that thing? Or what stopped you or how can I help or was there an issue or you did that thing? That's awesome. That's one way of having accountability. I have another accountability group that meets weekly. And with that group, we, that has also changed. We tried spreadsheets, we tried all sorts of things of keeping track, and maybe we'll try something again this year. But generally, it's been about emotional support. But also, you know, some of us are better at copywriting, or some of us are better at picking up and figuring out different things to do, and or different ways of approaching different types of business, or just being like, hey, you're being treated badly, you need to sort of deal with it. And people who talk to you straight, and aren't afraid of what you might think or say about it. And you also have to be open to getting that feedback, as long as it is constructive. And the reason why this is helpful for me as an introvert, I'm sure for others as an introvert is we get wrapped up in our own thought process and our own things and we overthink and we tend to we think we're thinking things through from front viewpoints and perspectives. But that not might not be the case. And so having someone from the outside him go and say, Hey, this and this and this and this, and then you're like, Oh, well, I hadn't thought about that. And so it's always wonderful to have that just like, it's always wonderful to have people on your team who work with you or for you, that also have a different viewpoint. They might not have to be introverts, they might not have to be extroverts. They might have a be from a different country, or from a different culture, all of these things, and having this diversity in your life will help you run a better business and be a better person. How you communicate, sometimes, you know, you used to communicating in a certain way. And so I might say, hey, for this particular thing, why don't you try communicating in this way and see what happens and you might discover something new. And with the years rolling by, it's always good to stop and take take pause and take stock and there's a set You know, surround yourself with the kind of people that you want to be. And part of that is maybe surrounding yourself with accountability buddies that inspire you or help you or lift you up and support you and don't tear you down. It's not about competition. It is about support and being there for one another, and people go through bad things and that's okay. People go through good things that is also okay. So I'd love to know dear listeners who you have in your life. That is your accountability person, your your your, your business wife, your BFF your business best friend, your accountability, buddy, your accountability, buddy, whatever you want to call them. Who do you have in your life that is there for you in that way? And if you don't have that person gotten find that person or ask Oh, hey, email me. So this is Janice from the career introvert dot com. Helping you shine as an introvert, build your brand and get hired and all that good stuff. Please email me at Janice at the courage Should you have any questions or any topics you would like me to cover in the future. Have a great rest of your week.




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