Their thing.
Speaker B:Yeah. And so I thought we'd just do an episode on it. People might not even maybe if you've been listening to us through 30 episodes now. Right?
Didn't we say that last time?
Speaker A:Yeah. 30.
Speaker C:31 today.
Speaker B:31. 31. You know, maybe you're wondering what the heck are they talking about?
I don't even know what the deal is there, so we're going to elaborate on that a little bit more.
Speaker A:Awesome, right?
Speaker C:Welcome to the Inside Edge.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker A:I can't wait to learn about what we've been talking about.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:I thought you guys knew.
Speaker B:Nah, we're just. Yeah, we're winging it all along. The.
Speaker D:That's a taste of Inside Edge, this week's episode of the Wise Guys, a podcast that unleashes the unthinkable in culture, religion, business, and everyday life. This week, the guys dig deeper into one of their core seeing differently processes. So it's time to step over the line.
Strap in and see if you are willing to let Mac the Rev and Coach Stu take you to. To a place of thinking differently.
Speaker B:All right. Welcome to the Wise Guys Podcast, where we unleash the unthinkable and step over the line to help us see things differently.
Go to the Inside Edge and stimulate new thinking. We might even answer some questions you hadn't thought to ask. So this is all fun stuff. Imac. Your host and I got my wise guys with me.
Here we are, Rev.
Speaker C:Good to see you. I hope we answer some questions, but I hope we question some answers.
Speaker B:Question some answers. That might be a meme. And I got to. Stu. Got Coach Stu, man.
Speaker A:How you doing, Rev?
Speaker B:Good, brother.
Speaker C:See you, man. Good to see you.
Speaker A:I love this new setup. Oh, yeah, that's right. We have a round table. We're the wise guys of the round table.
Speaker B:Wise guys of the round. Here we are. So we can see each other better. And I think this is going to work out really well.
Speaker A:So let me welcome everybody to the roundtable. Hello, all you beautiful, exotic cocktails out there. Welcome to the Wise Guys Roundtable.
Speaker B:Welcome. We love it. All right. We love it.
Speaker C:So, you know, my. My week is not complete till I hear you say that.
Speaker B:Mine either. Okay. It gets us all charged up. It's all good.
Speaker A:So fun time.
Speaker B:You know, this episode, man. I'm excited about this episode, guys. Yeah. We titled it the Inside Edge, which I just got done talking about. All right. That we go there.
I think that's who we are.
Speaker A:This is our thing.
Speaker B:Yeah. And so I thought we'd Just do an episode on it. People might not even maybe if you've been listening to through 30 episodes now, right?
Didn't we say that last?
Speaker C:Yeah, 30, 31 today.
Speaker B:31. 31. You know, maybe you're wondering what the heck are they talking about? I don't even know what the deal is there.
So we're going to elaborate on that a little bit more.
Speaker A:Awesome, right?
Speaker C:Welcome to the Inside Edge.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker A:I can't wait to learn about what we've been talking about.
Speaker C:I thought you guys knew.
Speaker B:Nah, we're just, yeah, we're winging it all along the way, you know, so. Yeah, so. And we had a listener, one of our listeners contacted us this week. Rev. Right? Yeah.
Speaker C:A member of my congregation.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah. What was that all about? Go ahead.
Speaker C:You know, he just asked us to put a little plug in here. You know, he's one of the nicest, most beautiful human beings on the planet.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And I had the, I guess it was blessed, I call it blessed opportunity to walk he and his, his wife through the suicide of their son. It was hard, it was difficult. And you know, that was the first time I'd ever experienced something like that.
And I realized that presence is the most powerful thing I can bring as a minister, as a human being.
Speaker A:Just be there. Right.
Speaker C:But to help them ask the questions, you know, there are no questions. And when you're going through that, you ask why, why, why? There is no answer to why, but who am I going to be called to be?
And this gentleman has turned that horrible, painful, gut wrenching experience into something holy and good. And he's made it part of his mission on life to help other families and help keep this from happening to others.
And so he wanted us to put a little plug in for something that' happening this coming weekend. The Atlanta Walk Against Suicide or for suicide Prevention. It's going to be at Piedmont Park, 1:30 this coming weekend. 11, 3.
rd at: Speaker B:I'll tell you what, I'll put it in the show notes.
Speaker C:That would be great.
Speaker B:And I'll put the link as well to the event. I'll put it in the show notes. So if you guys would, we would appreciate it if you would kind of click on that.
Let me put it this way, if you, you know, you don't want to attend or you can't attend or whatever it might be, I want to ask you guys something. Keep it in mind on Sunday Maybe you want church, whatever you're doing, and just lift that whole organization up and.
Speaker C:Just such good work is pray or.
Speaker B:Just set an intention. I mean, whatever you want to do. Okay. Would be a beautiful thing.
Speaker C:So the world needs it. You know, that's what this podcast is about, making people's lives.
And there are people out there that are hurting, that are struggling, and the work that this. This group is doing is holy and it is sacred, and it's important. So I hope you can support in one way or another.
Speaker B:Right. So there it is. Yeah, we would encourage you in that. So. Thanks, Rev. That's. That's awesome, man.
There's a whole episode there we were talking about, you know. So anyway, let's. Here we go. We're talking about the inside edge. That's our focus today. So we're going to do it in three parts.
We're going to talk about. Well, what is it, man? I mean, you know, hello, let's define it. Let's give some examples. Then we'll go to. Well, why does it matter?
Why would anybody want to go there? All right, what's the benefits? Right? And then we're going to talk about. At the end of it, if you're going.
If you're still nodding in the right direction, going, all right, I get that. I might want to go there. Then we'll share some ideas in the third part.
Maybe write about how to get there or at least move yourself in that direction. Right.
Speaker C:And some of the results of being there and living your life there, I think it'd be good to talk about.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's a perfect. So, yeah, I really think you're going to get some really good nuggets out of it, gang. Okay. I really do. But here's the scoop.
If we're going to enter into this. Going to the inside edge of the outside. I hope that sounds edgy. All right. This is kind of what you need to adopt right now. Okay.
You gotta go out there, gang.
Speaker A:Yes, sir. Okay, I'm ready.
Speaker B:So we're on there. I'm there.
Speaker C:It was a nice surprise.
Speaker B:And each. If each one of you remembers.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:I don't know if you remembered it or not, but we played that at our wedding.
Speaker A:Yes, I do.
Speaker C:I do remember.
Speaker A:I do remember that.
Speaker B:Right. Both these guys were there, by the way. Okay. So. How fun. So let's just. Let's go get a. Let's get a little wild. I mean, it's gonna take some of that.
You're gonna. You know, you're gonna have to get out there a little. Right, so we're going to start. Here's. Here's the scoop. I'm going to give you a little visual.
You're going to kind of have to see this in your mind. There's a circle. Just picture a circle. That's easy for everybody, I think. Okay. That's right. Just a circle. Now, we're going to say that's you.
And what I mean by you is that's you personally. Your body, your mind, your spirit. It's what you are and also what you're comfortable with to a point. All right?
Now, as you move away from your little bubble. We're all in a bubble. I mean, it isn't your bubble. It's our bubble. We're all there. We all have our norm. We all have our comfort zone.
We all have what we're. You know, we just. We sink down into comfort food. Right.
Speaker C:I like to call that my sphere of consciousness.
Speaker B:There it is. I think that's a good description.
Speaker A:Yeah, right.
Speaker B:That's you. It's just you and your comfortable place in who you are right now.
Speaker A:This is, like, at the core of yourself.
Speaker B:That's right. This is just you. Yeah, right.
Speaker A:I got it.
Speaker B:Good, bad, other. I mean, we're not, you know, this is you.
Now, as you move away from that smaller part where you are, you start to move toward being more and more uncomfortable from your norm. Sometimes you don't go that far. Right? Just a little ways. Just a little ways. But there's an ultimate line out there. That circle we said to draw first.
That going beyond that, that just isn't you. Okay. You just aren't going there. It's too foreign at this moment.
And so you really don't entertain anything that you might come across your grid if it does this in your mind, outside that circle. All right, so now I painted the picture for you.
And keep in mind, in that circle, you exist probably closer to one edge of that circle than another, because certain things can be a little more comfortable for you as you go out there, as opposed to going a long distance where, boy, that would really be a stretch. Okay, so there's the picture. Got a gang. Everybody got that?
Speaker C:Got my bubble. I'm feeling it.
Speaker B:Got your bubble. Yeah, there it is. Pink. Just don't pop mine. All right, so that's graphically what we're talking about. Right?
Picture that as the place that we're going to start from. All right, Now, I've experienced it in my life where it's a response. I. I tend to think about that out.
And so what we're talking about in this episode, let's just clarify this. We're going to try to talk about how you, me, we can go to that inside edge as far as you can. That you're comfortable with. All right?
Now, there's some things that will happen on that journey. We're all on a journey. And then there's some things that can happen post getting to that place. Right. And we're going to talk about those.
Speaker C:Things that have to happen before you get there.
Speaker B:Yeah, exactly. And once you get there, then there's some other new good stuff that starts to come in.
Speaker C:Thinking there's a movie. Since I got the movie guy here. Remember the movie, the Truman Show?
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker C:He was in his little bubble, his little world, and he got a little divine discontent. I'm kind of uncomfortable. And he went looking for the outside edge.
Speaker A:He found it.
Speaker C:He found it.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker C:That's what teenagers do. Every kid I've raised, they're going to go look for the outside edge.
Speaker A:Here's what's interesting about that. Rev, when he got there and he went outside of the circle, he couldn't even imagine what was possible out there.
Speaker B:Yeah, right.
Speaker C:It was totally foreign.
Speaker B:Yep. Yep.
Speaker A:Which is. Can be an amazing thing for you. Sure, there could be fear in that, but it can be an amazing thing too, if you allow it to be correct.
Speaker B:Correct. And that's what, again, that's what we're going to encourage all of you in. How are you going to do that? Why should you want to do it? That's the.
That's part of this whole conversation tonight. All right, so there you go.
The other, the other thing is, as you move out of that bubble into the semi comfort, you will start to learn some new things. Some things that aren't going to make you call and run the other way, but just some things you. I never knew that before. Yeah, right.
The light bulb is going to go off.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah, right.
Speaker B:So you're going to expose yourself to just some new stuff. Okay. Again, this isn't making you run for the hills necessarily yet. It's just new information. It's knowledge. It's. It's kind of the light.
Like Rev said, the light bulb is.
Speaker C:Going to new information about what?
Speaker B:New information about.
Speaker A:Could be your wife. Yeah, well, yourself, for sure. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker C:New information about life. New information about what's possible in the world that you never thought of.
Speaker B:Right, right. And again, we're moving outside the little Bubble, Just whatever starts to get a little uncomfortable.
But it's still okay, you know, it's still all right. But you're right. We're going to start to introduce some new stuff.
So we have a meme out there, I think, that says the school of unlearning is session.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Right. And what's my tagline on that? Remember? And getting it a. Isn't going to be that.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:You know, that thing that's got to happen on the inside has got to be the willingness. I've got to be willing to enroll in that school. A lot of people aren't.
Speaker B:That's right. Well, again, we want to talk to you guys out there that are willing to go. All right. I can see the benefit in that. All right, I'm willing.
Let's just put her toe in the water. Whatever. You want to jump off the cliff, that's okay, too. All right. You want to go wild. You were born to be wild. What can I say? Right. All right.
So there we gave you the graphic. We. It was response sometimes to that. Ugh. That you might have that just says, this isn't getting it.
You know, this life, this thing that I've been going through, this bubble. This bubble, like Truman, good example.
Speaker A:There must be something else.
Speaker B:There's got to be something else.
Speaker A:You can also use the matrix, too, right? There's got to be something else.
Speaker C:What's that old song? Is that. Is this all there is? Isn't there a song from the 60s? Is that all there is? Is that all there's got to be more. I call that divine.
Speaker B:Maybe it's a Dylan song.
Speaker C:It's just that, that. That movement, it's like there's more of me to experience. There's more life to experience, and we all have it at some level.
Speaker B:Well, and that's what this is. This is a journey. As you begin to feel that. Right. We want you to run with it. We don't want you to suppress it. All right.
We're going to give you some tips on, you know, that kind of stuff. But, you know, that's. That's what this is. The ug. Deal with the ugg. Embrace the ugg. But then at the same time, you got two choices.
Live with the ug or go. Okay, there's got to be something else.
Speaker C:All right, so third choice is ignore the ugg.
Speaker B:Well, that's not here. Or ignore.
Speaker A:That's probably so you'd already talked about.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:You get there, you'll be gaining some new knowledge.
Speaker B:Correct.
Speaker A:Right. Or along the way gaining some.
Speaker B:You should.
Speaker A:Some new knowledge. And there has been more than one time in my life where that has happened. And then I said, oh, wow, now.
Speaker B:What'S your favorite line? Now I know. And now I know and I can't unsee. Yeah.
Speaker A:Now I have to deal with knowing.
Speaker B:First time Stu said that, man, I just cracked up. Oh, my gosh. I've known so many people that were.
Speaker C:Like, so eager to get to college. I can't wait to get to college. And then you're in college for a week and you go, I want to go back to high school. This is scary.
Speaker B:There's an old saying that says you spend nine months of your life trying to get out, and then you spend the rest of your life trying to get back in. You know, so. So there we go. We're knowledge. We got the ugg.
And again, I think I talked about this deeper calling, this thing that just says within you, that moves you, that just. I gotta do something with this. Holy discontent. Maybe that's what's driving you. So.
Speaker A:So this is, to me, that in this section, this is the most important point.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:The. The deeper calling. Because we all. It's all. This is happening to us all the time.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:Every day. And I talk about getting, like, a tap on the shoulder. Like, that's when it's nice. Sometimes when you get the brick across the face.
Speaker B:2 by 4, 2 by 4 across.
Speaker A:The head, that's when it's like, all right, buddy, start paying attention.
Speaker B:Yeah, straighten up and fly around.
Speaker A:This is happening. And if we could tune out the noise.
Speaker B:That's a good point.
Speaker A:We would be able to then feel heard, experience these things and trust it. And trust it. Yeah. It's going to take you to that. To that edge. So in my, like, visually, what I'm seeing is I'm following, following, following.
All of a sudden I'm like, wow, how'd I get here? Like, I'm out at the edge now. Like, I didn't even realize I was here.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Because I'm trusting and I'm just walking and I'm.
Speaker B:And so much of it's not foreign anymore, Right? So much of it. As you go on the journey. Right. It becomes now part of who you are. Yeah. It's beautiful. I think the journey, the adventure.
That's the next one. What is it? It's a courageous adventure, in my opinion.
Speaker C:To see differently, boldly go where no man has gone before.
Speaker B:Boldly. There's a word that we're going to use to describe that in A little while. I like it though.
Speaker C:Right?
Speaker B:I mean, but it's an adventure. We really want you to look at it that way. It's not a drudgery. It's not something anybody's dragging you kicking and screaming through. All right.
Speaker C:There comes a point in your life when you. The things that you have to do. I have to do this.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:It moves to. I choose to do this. And then you get to the ultimate of life, the way it's supposed to be expressed.
Speaker B:I get to.
Speaker C:I get to do this. And life becomes the adventure.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker C:And scaring yourself a little bit is. Is fun.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Well, making your knees knock is creating joy.
Speaker B:It's fun.
Speaker A:Well, I'm assuming you use the word courageous on purpose. A courageous adventure. Right. And I just want everybody to hear me on this. Being courageous doesn't mean that you don't have fear.
Speaker C:Not at all.
Speaker A:Being courageous is taking that step forward when you have fear.
Speaker B:Absolutely no great points too.
Speaker C:Feel the fear and do it anyway.
Speaker B:Right? That's right. So there we go. There's just some high level stuff. What is it? We talk about this going to the inside edge of the outside.
Speaker A:That's what it is.
Speaker B:And we haven't really talked yet about what happens on the outside of the edge. Right. But we'll get to that. All right. So next. Next part of this is why? Well, why do I want to do this?
Speaker A:Yeah. Why even go there? Why not just stay here in my comfort zone?
Speaker B:What's wrong with my bubble? Right. I'll just hang loose. Right.
So we're going to give you just some possibilities for you, some things that we've experienced that are continuing to experience on our journeys. Right. So. And we kind of invite you into this is what we're really trying to do. Right. So number one, and again, these aren't in any pecking order.
All right, so there's just bullet points. All right, how about this? How about if you go there, you will raise your consciousness. What do you think about that idea?
Speaker C:You'll end up knowing more, you'll be receiving more, you'll be downloading more. And life in its fullness, there's more of it.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:So you've limited. You've limited the universe from blessing you, to use a religious word. Blessing me.
Because I'm just going to stay in the middle of my bubble and not go to the edge.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:So I'm going to expand my mind. Mind. My mind will become a greater tool for creation.
Speaker B:I love it. I love it. And you. Yeah, that's Right. You will think differently.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:You will begin to think differently. That will affect your worldview, that will affect your biases, that will affect your conversations, that will affect your.
Speaker C:I mean, it'll affect everything in your life. So you have to run back to what does it require? You've got to be willing to change at depth.
If you're not willing to change, you're not going to make the journey.
Speaker B:Right. That's for. I mean, hello, take some willingness. You gotta be, you know, okay. There's has to be the okay. There's gotta be an okay in all this.
Speaker A:One of my favorite phrases to say, wow, never thought about it, or I never experienced this before or, you know, whatever that is. Okay. Bam. Consciousness has been raised.
Speaker C:And I love that about that point. I love that about you. But a lot of the world is not willing to do that. I don't want to change my mind on anything. I'm set in my way.
Speaker A:Here's the thing, Rev. You don't have to change your mind, right. Just because you've had this awareness.
Speaker B:It may not change anything.
Speaker A:It may not. You might.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker A:It may just confirm and solidify what's already there in you. Could be nothing wrong with that.
Speaker B:No, no. I think. Yeah.
But I think to Stu's point, the more you bring on, even though you will say, I'm good with that, the more will be, whoa, Yeah, I never seen that before.
Speaker C:Well, you know, we begin to control. I've always said to this to people, without information, there will be imagination.
And so when you go exploring, your imagination is making up all kinds of stories that have no basis in fact.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:So when you explore to the inside edge, you're getting more information. It may not change your mind. You're absolutely right. But you're going to have a lot more resources to have an informed decision.
And you're not just making up a story because it's comfortable.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:There's a lot of lies on the planet that have been made up.
Speaker B:Golly, that is. That is so poignant. Hello. Right. And I tend to think about it is once you have that information, it should lead.
I would hope it would lead to inspiration. As you get out there now, you're inspired to action and to all kinds of different things. All right, so we're going to raise your consciousness.
And I can't say this enough, gang. Gosh, we need that right now.
We so desperately need all of you and more to work toward raising our consciousness so that we can begin to affect the planet. Right. In a much more Positive way. I think there's a shift. We talked about the Aquarian, you know, Ark. Right, The Aquarian shift. Right.
And there's just so much going on. So. All right, raise your consciousness. We've already talked about this point. I'll just bring it up. You experience new things.
I mean, we've been all over this already, right? New stuff that sometimes you can't forget now. Okay, now you know it.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker B:But in general, you really got to believe that those new experience are going to be just bedazzling. What am I word am I going to use? Right. I mean, they're just going to be amazing new stuff, new people.
Speaker C:So then it requires again, before you take the journey, a belief that what's in that unknown, in that mystery is good. And it's for me. And it's. It's bedazzling, as you said. And it's not against me.
Speaker B:No.
Speaker C:If I'm going in, my imagination says what's on the outside edge or the inside edge is against me, I'm never going to go.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:I have to believe the word that life is for me.
Speaker B:Yes. That's important point.
Speaker C:It requires getting that cultivated first.
Speaker B:Yeah.
And regardless of your own personal journey so far, you might have had tragedy in your life and you might have just seen some horrific stuff, you know, our listener. Yeah, exactly one of them. Okay. But I do believe I know him as well. All right?
And I do believe that there's this indwelling sense of goodness that he knows is part of the cosmos. It's just part of life. Regardless of the tragedies that come.
Speaker C:There is, you know, there's a moment back to that listener. He had to make a choice. I'm going to define myself by this horrible thing that happened to my family.
Or I can define myself by taking this lemon and making some lemonades. And he did. He chose to cultivate that goodness within him in the midst. And it was the most painful, difficult, just gut wrenching thing ever.
He had to make a choice. There had to be a willing choice that I will not go to my grave on this earth defining myself by this horrible thing.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker C:And he was able to connect with his son. He was able to connect with his other children and connect with his own divine self that said, no, I'm not going to get stuck here.
I'm going farther and I'm taking it. And he's done so much good on the planet.
Speaker B:Well, see, what that is, is a journey to the inside edge of the.
Speaker A:Outside that's raising your consciousness Absolutely right.
Speaker B:Okay. And he went some places that he never, ever thought he would go. And yet it was a journey, you know, out, inside, outside the bubble.
Less and less comfortable. Less and less comfortable. Less. Less comfortable. And, you know, he was courageous. Yeah.
Speaker C:He's one of those people that's given me hope that I can do it. I watched him, look what he's doing. I want a little bit of what he's experiencing in life.
Speaker B:I love that. Okay, so raise your consciousness. Why should you go there? Experience new things. Why should you go there? How about this one? You will.
And again, we're all around all this stuff, but I just want to highlight it, okay. You will understand yourself and others better because lots of people live out close to your edge.
Now, they may not be on their edge, but believe me, they're out there folks that you just. Oh, man. Oh. And it doesn't necessarily need to be necessarily their personality.
Maybe it's their lifestyle, maybe it's their beliefs, maybe it's their perspective, whatever it might be, you know? But you. If you go there, you will be able to understand as you confront. We've been talking about this all along anyways. You confront you.
How am I reacting to them? How am I reacting to how I feel, how I think? And now all of a sudden, what a better relational tool that you will have.
Speaker C:In the journey I found in my willingness to do this, I've created a lot more authentic relationships. And I look back at the. What used to be the center, and it's like, it really wasn't authentic.
There was a lot of fake people, and I was one of them in that center when I went to the edge. Wow.
It's real, it's raw, it's purposeful, it's meaningful, and it's so beautiful because we can be completely authentic, honest, and transparent with each other. And it's really, for me, my word, a holy encounter.
Speaker A:Think about how strong the connection is when you have a shared experience.
Speaker B:Oh, absolutely.
Speaker A:Right. I mean, whatever that might be.
Speaker B:Whatever. Yeah, I agree.
Speaker A:You know, hey, you. You surfed in Costa Rica. Oh, I said.
Speaker C:So did I.
Speaker B:Like, boom.
Speaker A:Instant bond, right? You name it. I mean, whatever. It might be powerlifting. Yeah, right.
Speaker B:Whatever.
Speaker A:For real.
Speaker C:I mean, those people are seeking you.
Speaker A:Here's what they are, because here's what happens, right? You know, what they experience because you experienced it.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker A:And you constantly.
Speaker B:Passion, relatability, Right? Absolutely, man.
Speaker C:This is vibration. Seeking vibration.
Speaker B:Well, here's the thing. We go back to the bubble, right? You live in that bubble, and none of that stuff ends up getting in the equation.
It's so hard because you hunkered down.
Speaker A:So what was the second bullet point here? Experience new things. Right.
So if you don't ever go out to the edge and experience new things, you have less of a chance of having that shared experience with somebody.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker A:To connect with them. And I'm not saying you can't connect with them, but boy, would it be. There'll be so many more people and it'll be such a deeper, richer connection.
Speaker B:Absolutely. You put some skin in again.
Speaker A:Yeah. If you have that.
Speaker B:Absolutely. Yeah. Just. And we're probably not telling you anything you don't know, but sometimes it's hard to go do it, you know, when.
Speaker C:My preparation that not only are you about getting, but you're actually contributing. There's a sense of contribution to the greater good.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:So I'm on that edge. I'm contributing to everybody else's experience as they're contributing to mine.
And that exchange of energy at that intersection is, I think, evolution.
Speaker B:Oh, there you go. There it is. So love it. Love it. We're experiencing and understanding Rev.
Speaker A:Go experience new things so people can connect with you stronger and better and more powerful, meaningful way. Go do it.
Speaker B:Born to be wild Be all you can be Be born to be wild. I love it, guys. Okay, next one. It stimulates your creativity.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:I mean, you're gonna go into these foreign places. You're gonna go into these places that stretch you, that are uncomfortable, that you really. But you know what you're gonna see differently.
Speaker A:Mac, let me tell you something.
Speaker B:What?
Speaker A:Because I. I heard it in my head, somebody out there said, wait a minute, like, I'm not creative. Like, what are you talking about? Everybody has creativity.
Speaker B:That's right. You got it.
Speaker A:If you want to stimulate it and you haven't done that, just take a little walks out to the inside edge of the outside, and you will stimulate that creation.
Speaker B:Start the journey from the bubble.
Speaker A:That's right.
Speaker B:To that edge. And, man, you're going to be amazed at stuff that you're just going to everybody. Where did that come from? Right? So I love it.
And we, again, we could probably do a whole episode on stimulating your creativity. I mean, it's just. It's such a broad topic, but we're going to tell you that that kind of cool stuff will happen without a doubt. Right? Okay.
Speaker C:Well, when it comes to creativity, though, you know, I hate to tell you this, you're going to go to the inside edge and then there's going to be another inside edge, it's like climbing a mountain. You go, I got four more ranges to go through. But there's more and there's more and there's more, and that becomes the game.
Throw your hands up on the roller coaster and let's go. And all of it is stimulating that creativity within you.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker A:You know what's really cool about what you just said? Like, to me, that's exciting.
Speaker C:You know why?
Speaker A:You know what that means? Because that means my circle is getting bigger.
Speaker B:Yeah, of course.
Speaker A:Bigger and bigger.
Speaker B:This can't but help happen.
Speaker A:I got to the edge. My circle got bigger. Okay. I got to walk a little bit further.
Speaker C:Cool.
Speaker A:I mean, it's. I mean, that's a.
Speaker C:Well, that made me think, you know, and back to. Back to our listener.
You know, somebody said at a meeting recently, and I just love this, they were talking about grief and loss, and they said, my grief will always be with me. But I've. It didn't go away. But I grew bigger around it. I grew bigger.
And that's what our listener did, is he grew bigger and his bubble became bigger. Out of the. It doesn't take away the pain. You become a bigger human being.
Speaker B:Well, we've already kind of pecked around at it or nibbled around at it, so here's what. Yes. Does that circle expand as you. Hello. I mean, I hope you saw that between the lines. The white space between the lines. Right.
But here's the real cool thing about that journey as well. First and foremost, you're going to get to your edge. Yes. You can't expand until you get there. All right.
And here's what you need to do once you get there. Well, we're going to talk about how. But I'm just going to say you're going to put your ear up against it.
Speaker A:I want to.
Speaker B:You're going to put your ear up against it, and guess what you're going to do? You're going to start to hear some things that are completely foreign to you. They're outside that line. Okay.
Now, again, that doesn't mean you're accepting all of them and doesn't mean that you're internalizing all of it. But the point is now it's no longer part of your circle, and you're going to. It's going to be muffled a little bit.
You're not going to quite understand it all, but probably what will happen if you've made the journey to that inside edge. You're going to want to push the boundaries. You will. Okay. Because by that time, you're a warrior. You're, you're a change agent man.
You're, you're out there, you know how to go about it now you've journeyed in it in the next expansion of that circle probably won't be as difficult as getting there to start with could be. Depends on what you're going to experience when you go the other side.
But I'm just saying it just like anything else, you know, you're going to, you know, you're going to get the muscles for it and you're going to be able to expand it. So I mean, this is a never ending journey. It's so fun. Okay.
But what you're going to also do in this journey, in this adventure, you will usher in joy, peace and purpose maybe that you've never felt about yourself before. Isn't that cool? I think it's just amazing. I know that's happened for me.
Speaker A:We need more, especially those first two. Joy and peace.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Need more of that.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:Not enough people are experiencing that.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:These days.
Speaker C:I think there's a lot of people running a low grade depression. Most of the population is running a low grade depression because we're just staying inside the protective bubble.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker C:We're not going to the edge and listening and going, there might be some. Something out there.
Speaker B:Right, Right. I thought, well, I think that's the human condition right now in general.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Right. We got to be different than that, gang, because we need to become Change Agents. We need it.
And this right here, what we're talking about will help us to do that as far as the world goes, I think. Right. Change Agents. And we've been all over that topic. I just wanted to make it more specific. Yeah.
Speaker C:And I think it's important before we go to the break to talk about compassion. What does it require of us to do this? We've got to have compassion for ourselves.
For ourselves, for ourselves and for others that are on the journey that you're going to encounter. It's not necessarily always going to be easy.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:So we cut each other a little bit of slack and cut ourselves some slack when you're tiptoeing as opposed to running to the edge.
Speaker B:I love it. I love it. So, yeah. So there we go. What is it? Why should we go there? And we're going to come to.
How do we get there in the second half and share some maverick mystic and mentorship stuff. If we can get to it, that'll be great. But we're going to Take a break right now. We'll be right back. Thanks for listening.
Speaker D:Like what you hear so far.
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Speaker B:All right, gang, welcome back to the Wise Guys podcast where we are talking about the inside edge at this point. We use it all the time and we've talked about, what is it? Why should we want to go there? And now comes time for how do we get there?
What are some, you know, nuggets? What are some practices? What are some things that we can do if we're going, okay, I want some of this, Right?
Because that's really what we're asking you. Do you want some of this?
Speaker A:Okay, yes, I can answer for me.
Speaker C:You want a piece of this?
Speaker B:That's right. You want. That's a wise guy. As a good wise guy state, right? You want a piece of this? Here we go. All right, so how do we get there?
Lots of different ways. Oh, my gosh. This bullet, this list could have probably been three times what I've got. We're just going to give you some points.
The guys will have some. How about this first one? How do we get there? You contemplate and seek guidance. So it takes some quietness. Stop the monkey brain, right?
Got to go into the quiet, whatever that might mean for you.
But the point is, you got to stop all of this stuff coming in and be willing to listen, whether it's to an individual, one of your friends, one of your, you know, people that, you know that you can trust or could be some spiritual guidance if you're a spiritual individual. Right. You know, you got. That's how you start to get there, because you got to start to develop this peace, this inner peace that isn't fearful.
Speaker C:The coach said earlier, stop the noise.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And as you were saying that I was going, yeah, you got to stop the noise and withdraw for a while from the world, but you got to stop the noise between your ears. That's probably the noisiest room in the house.
Speaker A:So I have a great analogy for this.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker A:I don't know if this is going to run us down a rabbit trail, but I have my sound. Pull you back, my soundboard analogy for cutting out the Noise. So if you've ever.
If you're a musician, you've ever seen a soundboard one right now, right here, right? Like ma. That can turn up the rev or turn them down.
I mean, so if you got a band, right, you can turn the drums up, the guitar up, you can turn voices up and down, right?
So if you think about the different bits of noise in your life, if you just imagine a soundboard, you can turn the things down that are interrupting your thoughts, or you can turn things up that you want to hear. You can do it both ways, right?
Speaker B:It goes both ways, but it's just.
Speaker A:Kind of like a slider. Like just slide what you want, you know, out. And. And it may, you know, it may. It's still there, right?
If you know a soundboard, it's not like it went away. You just can't hear it because you turned it down.
Speaker B:Right, right.
Speaker A:So this is kind of how I think about it. Like, I need that visual and it allows me to get rid of the noise and then I can have my contemplation time. Guidance is easier to hear.
Now I'm turning. I'm turning that part up.
Speaker C:And.
Speaker A:And here, one more point I want to make. This can happen anywhere, any time of day. It could be in your car when you're driving. You could be in traffic. And this could happen if you allow it.
Speaker B:Sure. Yeah.
Speaker C:You'll be the eye of the storm in the middle of the chaos. You still have the capability to find that still.
Speaker A:That's especially when it happens. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker C:Because you're forced to find it.
Speaker B:Well, both of them. Both of my wise guys use this word, you. All right, so nobody, I mean, don't look anywhere else but the mirror. You can do the adjusting.
You can do the changing. You. All right? It's not anybody else. Don't depend upon, you know, at the core of it. This is you, gang.
Speaker C:All right, so I've spent a lot of my life waiting for, you know, for somebody else to make that change, for me, to help me get to the inside edge. And I realized it. It felt a little scary, but I had to do it alone.
Speaker B:Exactly. You got.
Speaker C:I mean, ultimately I'm the one I go to. That's the self contemplation. At the end of the day, do I like who I see in the mirror? Do I like the behaviors?
I have to get quiet and know I'm going to have to do that inner work on my own.
Speaker B:Right. Well, that's. There's the key. All right, we're not we're not sugarcoating this thing. Okay?
So you got to accept it, or you got to accept it on your own. All right, so we've already talked kind of about my next point, so I'll just kind of go over a little bit.
But the courage that it's going to take, you're going to have to be courageous. And really, what is that courage, probably at the core of it needs to help you do, and that's overcome your fear.
I mean, we've talked about this back and forth that, you know, fear can just totally stamp down on this whole thing and just keep you hunkered down in the bubble.
Speaker A:And again, to my point earlier, that the fear. It's not that the fear is going away. You are just functioning with it, being there right now.
It might go away, but you don't ever want to use that as an excuse, like, okay, I have this fear. I can't move on. Being courageous is just walking within the fear. That's how you ask any.
Anybody that's been in a situation that's dangerous, they're going to tell you.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:And you think they're a hero. Come back. Look, I was scared when I was there. I just kept going. Well, that's what makes you.
Speaker C:I remember the moment when fear became my partner and not my enemy.
Speaker B:That's love.
Speaker C:That's when I started to accomplish things in my life.
Speaker B:Love the dragon. Yeah. Amen to that, man. I've been there, without a doubt. Right.
Speaker A:Fear of the unknown is what you said. So that was the important thing. Right.
Speaker B:Fear of the unknown. That's going to be part of this journey. No doubt about it.
Speaker C:And back to your soundboard analogy. You can turn the fear down.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker C:But you want to keep it up a little bit. You don't want to completely turn it off. Keep it there because it's keeping you attentive. It's keeping you awake and on your toes.
Speaker B:Yeah. Because the minute you start to want to battle it, eliminate it.
First of all, you've taken all that energy trying to accomplish something that isn't going to happen anyway. All right? So I love it, guys. Man, oh, man, so many talk on nuggets. Are you kidding me? I hope you guys are taking notes out there. All right?
This is just like. I mean, I'm gonna listen to this myself and write down stuff. All right. Because I won't remember it all. All right? So be courageous.
Seek out different perspectives. They're going to happen once you start to journey toward the inside edge. That's what that area out there outside your bubble is full of.
It's full of other perspectives, some of which you'll go, okay, I respect you for that perspective or whatever, but I can't go there. Okay. That just ain't gonna work. All right. Or. And. Or. Oh, I never heard. Like Stu said, I can't. Never heard that before. All right.
Speaker A:Never thought about it. Like.
Speaker B:Let me talk about that a little bit more. Let me dig into that a little bit more. All right. I mean, it's. It's this idea that you're seeking. It.
It's not going to come into your living room necessarily, unless you're going to. I mean, that's one way you can seek it is to watch some things that you haven't watched before or read some things that you haven't read before.
So, I mean, it can kind of come into your space, but you got to invite it in. All right.
Speaker A:The best way for this to work is for you not to make any assumptions, because if you start assuming what you're going to hear, it may be what you hear, but it might stop you from seeking out that different perspective.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker C:Well. And you're going to have a lens on, so you're only going to hear what you think you're hearing, and it may not even be what's being said.
Speaker A:Or you're going to hear what you want to hear, even though they didn't say that.
Speaker C:True.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:So you really. And this is. This is a tough thing for people to do. I. I get that.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah.
Speaker A:But it can be done. You can if you open your mind to it.
Speaker C:Yeah, I. I remember again, back to the moment when I began to grow and become more of myself. I got more comfortable. I made friends with challenge.
When people were challenging me, it was not an attack. It was like an opportunity, you know, to say, I've never thought about that way, but, boy, that's not an easy journey.
But I'm telling you, if you can sit in the fire of that long enough, the challenge becomes your greatest gospel for becoming.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker A:You know how you get there? Practice.
Speaker C:I mean, I can't just do it overnight with a magic pill.
Speaker B:Not a Saturday seminar, either. Sorry. Okay. Well, you know, we've. We've danced around this last bullet point in this section a little bit, and that's this. It's an unknown.
We've already said that. Right. That space out there between you and the inside edge is an unknown as well.
Without a doubt, the stuff on the outside of your circle is an unknown. Sometimes this Stuff might not work out exactly the way you might think it's going to work out.
And we want to acknowledge that this isn't all, you know, rainbows and unicorns. Okay.
That you might go on a journey and, you know, if you might encounter some things that, I mean, you're going to pull a rug right off from underneath you or just crash a lot of your biases and things that you have as your norm and assault them almost. All right.
I mean, literally, it depends on where you go and what you do and how you are discerning, how wise you are as you go on this journey is super important as well, because we're not trying to say that everything within that circle or certainly outside of it is good and pleasing and helpful and everything else. I mean, the journey itself is going.
Speaker C:To be good, but, you know, it can be helpful. But that's the consciousness that has to be cultivated. I didn't say comfortable or easy or not painful. I said, but it will be helpful.
Speaker B:There we go. Okay, I'll go with that.
Speaker C:So there's got to be some emotional resilience and some flexibility.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:I'm going out there and I've got to be flexible. I can no longer control my environment here in the safe little.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker C:I've got to go out and go. I'm going to lose a little bit of control.
Speaker B:Whoa.
Speaker C:So I got to be vulnerable and humble and flexible.
Speaker B:I think I got to do a meme that says whoa.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Oh.
Speaker A:So that leads to authenticity. I mean, if you're. Whenever you're vulnerable to me, that. That to me is a definition of authenticity.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker A:Being vulnerable.
Speaker C:So I love being around the people that. That are willing to say to me in my environment, I'm feeling scared right now, or I'm really sad right now, or I'm upset.
That honest expression of emotion is that edge, that inside edge. But, boy, is it a portal to something beautiful and magnificent.
Speaker A:Well, we talked about this in spiritual wrestling last week in the last episode. Right. Embracing those emotions, healing them, but making use of them.
Speaker B:Yeah, they're helpful. Well, let's see if we can't close out here. Let's try to apply some mavericky, mystic and mentor y stuff let's do to this whole thing. Okay.
And these are just a few little bullet points. You know, we like to try to weave these things in.
So from a maverick perspective, do something today that's going to scare the living daylights out of you. I want to, you know, sh.
Speaker A:You know, I was wondering if you were going to say the word.
Speaker B:Well, you know, it's just kid environment. So do something. I got a meme out there even that says this. I think Stu said this. Okay, it's got to be a bit scary.
It's got to be a little bit outside your comfort zone. It's got to.
You got to evaluate your biases, see what's your norm, see what your worldview, and be willing to break from that a little bit, and it might scare the living daylights out of you. Go for it.
Speaker C:Well, the maverick invites it. The mavericks, the one throwing their hands up. I want the thrill of living and not the comfort of the board and the boredom.
Where I've been, there's more.
Speaker B:Love it.
Speaker A:There's something amazing on the other side of that.
Speaker B:There is.
Speaker A:I promise you that.
Speaker B:Absolutely.
Speaker C:Always.
Speaker B:And you, everybody, all of you, we've talked about this all the time. You have maverick capability inside you, even if you don't consider yourself a maverick. Right? You can do it. You can do these things. Right?
All right, so that's maverick. How about mystic? You know, we, again, we're mystics at the heart, right?
But we would suggest that in this journey that you speak not just guidance, which is fine. I mean, you can get guidance from all sorts of different places, too.
We were talking about this beforehand, but we would want to suggest that you seek spiritual guidance.
And again, we're not talking religion, we're not talking about, you know, any particular bent, but we certainly have experienced and would recommend that as you're seeking guidance, include spiritual guidance in that equation.
Speaker C:I say travel to the part of you. Everyone had moments in their life where they knew what they knew that they knew, and there was no reason they should know it. That there was an aha.
There was an inner warrior, an inner light that went off, and it's like, where'd that come from?
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker C:That's what a mystic mystic pays attention to. That who are not cultivating the mystic, push it away. And so that inner guidance, the mystic is going to be within you.
It's going to be in your friends. It's going to be on a podcast. It's going to be.
Somebody's going to say something, and you've got your antenna out there to go, hmm, that could be helpful.
Speaker B:Right?
Speaker C:But I have to, again, be willing to have the radar out there and be listening and know that's what mystics do. They're listening to the guidance they've already lived.
You know, the mystic is not nearly as afraid to go to the inside edge because they've already felt it on the inside. So they know the beauty and the glorious life that's on the other side.
Speaker B:Right. And everybody. Say it again. Everybody's a mystic. See, this isn't. We're not compartmentalizing anybody here.
Speaker C:You and you listening.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:We're talking directly to you.
Speaker B:That's exactly right. Okay.
Speaker C:And you know who you are.
Speaker B:All right, so mystic, maverick, last one we're going to wrap up with is of course, our mentor perspective. Right.
And an idea here is find other people who are already journeying past their bubble toward the edge or who have expanded their edge, or maybe they have. They're just had their ear plastered up against it right now. Some just. Wherever they are on the journey, it's going to be way different.
If you will lock arms with people that can go, oh, man. Yep, yep, yep. Been there, done that. Or I'm on the way to let's do it together, whatever it might be.
Speaker C:The people who have their glass up against the inside edge and they're like, hey, dude, listen. This is amazing. Be willing to listen to them and play with. With them.
Speaker B:I love that. There it is. Come on over here.
Speaker A:Here.
Speaker C:You guys do that for me?
Speaker B:Both of you?
Speaker C:Yeah, Directions, but together.
Speaker B:It's so fun. All right, so find others. And then the last thing we got on the list, gang, share it. I mean, you're in conversation all the time with other people.
Hey, guess what? Hey, guess what? What? What? I'm doing what I've experienced. Oh, my. Because here's the point. You're going to have stories to tell. I will guarantee it.
As you're on this journey, you will have some new stories to tell that are going to be. Bedazzling. I already use that word tonight. Okay. They're going to be great. Okay. And they're going to be. They're going to be a window inside your soul.
Speaker C:Well.
And those stories will be healing to others, they'll be encouraging to others, they'll be uplifting to others, and they will elicit the courage that somebody else needs that can only come through the courage that you demonstrate through the story of your life and your evolving.
Speaker B:Agreed. So we hope this has been good, right? What do you think, Stu?
Speaker A:Fantastic. Yeah.
Speaker B:All right. But at the same time, you know what, if you're going to do any of this stuff, we're going to have to challenge you. You know this. All right.
Should your. You choose to accept that, here's your ongoing mission right.
Speaker A:There we go.
Speaker B:Decide to go rogue. Find like minded rovers. We just Got done talking about that. There it is.
Now you're going to need to strap on the armor, get rid of the fear because it's going to come. I mean it's going to come at you. All right, you're going to have to develop, make some strength, make my day. You're going to have to storm the gates.
And once you're all filled, you know, fit and you're got all your equipment, you're going to storm the gates. And what we always talk about that is you got to storm the gates of ignorance, you got to storm the gates of apathy. Of what?
Speaker C:Complacency.
Speaker B:Complacency, absolutely. All right. And lastly, you just going to have to unleash the unthinkable because that's what we're talking about here. This journey is unthinkable.
So there it is, gang. There it is. I love it. Right? All right, guys. Thanks, guys.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:So much wisdom. So much wisdom. And I think that I hope you're going to get some value of this. I really think you will. I'm so excited about this episode.
Speaker C:So I want those who are having their glass against the edge to write. Yeah, go to go. Let us know life and let us know how you're stretching.
Speaker A:Share your experience with us.
Speaker B:What are you hearing? That's right. What are you hearing out there? Okay. I love that idea of the glass on next to the edge. So there we are. We're done this week, guys.
Thanks so much. I love it. I love being with you guys. It's always so cool. So much wisdom comes with. I learned. We learn from each other every single episode, guys.
So I don't think we're already there, but thanks for listening. We appreciate it. All you exotic cocktails and you know, you Rogers, tell everybody about us. You know, get some forward folks listening.
I think we can have an impact and we again, we appreciate you listening and listening. Next week we'll be. That's going to be election day, so that's going to be interesting.
We're going to have a little episode that night and we appreciate all of that. You listen and tuning in and we'll see you next week. Thanks so much.
Speaker D:Wow, you made it and can now unbuckle. Thanks for listening to Inside Edge where the episode encouraged stepping out of our comfort zone to expand our consciousness.
Remember to visit the website at Gorogue Life for lots of follow up information. See the show notes for any links to episode content.
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Be sure to tune in next week when Mac unleashes another unthinkable conversation. That is if you dare.