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Dangerous Myths and Misinformation That Put People At Risk
Episode 755th July 2023 • ReInvent Healthcare • Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
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Episode 75


[00:00:26] So the things I want to talk about today are things that kind of make my blood boil, which contribute to the failure of this system and why people are still so ill. According to a recent report back in 2022, in the spring of 2022, 92% or more of the population is considered to be metabolically unwell.


[00:01:22] There's no talk about diet. There's the, "oh, go control your carbohydrates, eat less sugar. But here's a chart that says if you eat this much sugar, you need this much medication." Drives me crazy. But more so than that, and what we're going to talk about today, is some of the myths that are out there, even in the functional community, even in the holistic community. And it is constantly bombarded on Facebook, on Instagram, with talk about stuff that's not helping people to get truly well, so I want to talk about why.


[00:02:27] So let me just share a few of these misconceptions and these myths that are floating around that I think are dangerous. And you as functional practitioners, you as any kind of practitioner, regardless if you're still in the conventional medical world, even more so, you need to know that these are not right, and you may be seeing some of these things and thinking, "well, I'm just going to stick to my medical when I was trained in medicine, because those things can't be right." There's so many things that are being said on these ads by people who are not really trained.


[00:03:25] And then it says, take a test, like, what is this? Now, I got through the test. The test had nothing to do with finger length, and it was asking all kinds of questions. When it came to the end, I wanted my email address and I was afraid to be bombarded. I may go back and give them my email address just to see what the follow up is, what they're going to be offering people. But leading with intermittent fasting according to finger length. I mean, that's completely crazy, completely ludicrous. Again, how could this be like, where do people get this from? They're out there to what? Make money.


[00:04:26] It might cause less of a glucose spike because you already got all that fiber and minerals and all that in your system. “But it's okay to eat that stuff because you'll still be able to lose weight. You'll still be able to keep your blood sugar steady. By the way, you don't need to test your blood sugars, because I already tested mine and I found that it works this way.”


[00:05:20] And she's got hundreds of thousands of followers. She talks about the fact that as long as you take apple cider vinegar with your meal, even if you're eating pizza and hotdogs, and you go all the other stuff that people eat, the desserts and the candies and the cookies, and the pies, just to have a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and see how it goes.


[00:06:08] But is it ideal health? Are they avoiding the things that are causing them to go downhill? Are they avoiding the things that are causing them to have metabolic syndrome and elevated lipids and elevated blood sugar and elevated blood pressure? No, it's misleading information. Some of it is good. Some of it is not so good.


[00:06:51] Hundreds of thousands of people following her on Instagram. It's not okay with me. We need to teach people how to eat real food, how to eat the foods that are going to supply them with all the nutrients that they need. It's not okay to tell them it's okay to keep eating cookies and cupcakes and pies. It's not okay with me if that.hat's the transition at the beginning and you say, here's what you do at the beginning. We're just going to shift a few things. Great. Now we have you hooked. Now let's go to the next stage, which is let's get rid of those sweet desserts. Let's teach you how to make those kinds of desserts that are made with healthy whole food ingredients that have vegetables even in the dessert, like my desserts have.


[00:08:02] We've seen people reverse their diabetes in two weeks by eating the right foods for them and avoiding this processed crap. We've got to get people to stop eating the crap. So then I saw another YouTube video or a video on Facebook with a doctor saying you had to eat every three hours or your blood sugars were going to crash.


[00:08:51] It would be great if people had their blood sugars going down low, but the truth of the matter is eating before those three hours is up, it's just making the situation worse. It's just causing you to propagate more and more insulin in the system. And then when there's more insulin, guess what you do? You pack on the belly fat.


[00:09:32] Why are you going to tell them to eat every three hours? It doesn't make sense. I'm sorry, it defies science, but people want to hear it because they want to keep snacking. Snacking is one of the worst things for metabolic health. Yet there's doctors out there still to this day teaching people to eat every three hours.


[00:10:13] Where does that come from? We're all different. I could eat a banana and have my blood sugar go through the roof. Somebody else can eat the banana and have their blood sugar stay steady. If I ate the way she's describing, of course, have my salad and my vegetables first, and then go ahead and eat whatever plant-based fats I'm eating, whether it's avocado or nuts, or seeds, or a sauce made from those.


[00:11:00] But I'm saying that it might affect their blood sugar. So to say that you don't need to test your blood sugar because I already did it for you. Is complete and utter nonsense. It's misinformation and it's outright dangerous. We can't do this. Another educator's having good results, he says with his diabetic patients, and he has good results with himself, is they're pushing a high fruit diet.


[00:12:01] Not as much as these person who doesn't have some of those genetic tendencies. These are totally dangerous. Now it will work for some people, of course. Then there's the people who say, “oh, it's not sugar, it's fat that causes insulin resistance and diabetes.” Yeah. It's the fat in the typical American diet.


[00:12:55] They're missing the nutrients, the phytochemicals that are in veggies. Not to say that someone can choose to eat a low fat, fruit-based diet and get well. There are plenty of people like that. And I'll tell you, I've tried that. I've tried it. I've said, I'm going to just do this 80 10, 10 diet, or I'm going to do this high fruit diet, this fruitarian diet that just has some salads mixed in.


[00:13:36] That's not healthy either. So what we really have to do as practitioners is look at the individual and there are some generalities and there are some specifics to each person. And we can teach people how to look at their own personal situation and test themselves and be able to come up with their diet, the Mary diet, the Lou Diet, the Jennifer diet, all of those things.


[00:14:18] She told her husband to do the 30 day metabolic reset. He did horribly. He gained weight, his sugars went up and he went to a grain-based fruit diet, plant-based whole grains and fruit and he did great. I can't argue with that, that the right diet for the right person, and that's what we have to be dedicated to as practitioners, not to some dogma, not to some "this is the way it goes and this is the my way or the highway, and this is the way it goes for everybody" because it's just not true. And you can test people on different regimes, but you got to do the testing. You've got to be testing their blood sugars to see where they're going.


[00:15:15] And that's only 1-3% of the population. Like, okay, what about the people who are sensitive? What about the people who stop eating gluten and suddenly their brain function comes back? What if their MS gets into remission? What if their Hashimoto's goes away when they go on a gluten-free diet? Are we going to say that gluten is okay for them?


[00:15:52] These are myths. These are misconceptions. When people believe these things, they do things that are counter to their own health. We as practitioners need to be focused on helping people to design the ideal diet for them based on their history, based on their family history, based on their genetics, if we have it, and based on functional lab testing to see how these diets are doing.


[00:16:36] And what I typically do is I start them by testing their glucose for a good week, just eating their normal diet and just seeing what causes their glucose to go high, what causes their glucose to go low, what keeps it nice and steady? And then we design a 30 day metabolic reset for them based on how they react to these foods.


[00:17:19] We'll put the link in the show notes if you want to check that out. And a lot of people go through that and then really know how to work with these people, know how to help these people to get back on track, know how to help these people when they see these myths and misconceptions and this misinformation that's abounding.


[00:18:03] The person who said you have to eat every three hours doesn't believe the intermittent fasting research. There's so much research to show how people get their metabolic health under control with intermittent fasting. It has to be done right, but this is the great thing. So we have a whole guide to that.


[00:18:39] So download the documents and visit our site at Get on the phone with us. We'll be happy to talk to you about what we offer in our program. We have an amazing certification program and our practitioners come out knowing how to truly help people get to the root cause and be well. So keep doing great work.





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