In this episode of Writing Pursuits, I will discuss twelve ways to find story ideas.
Question of the week: What is your favorite method of brainstorming new story ideas?
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As a fellow author, hope you have a notebook
Kathrese McKee:of ideas in your backpack or desk drawer. This way when you
Kathrese McKee:run dry, you can restart your writing process. In this episode
Kathrese McKee:of writing pursuits. I will discuss 12 ways to find story
Kathrese McKee:ideas. Welcome to the writing pursuits podcast where authors
Kathrese McKee:like you discuss writing craft, author, life and book marketing
Kathrese McKee:strategies. I'm your host Kathrese. McKee. I own writing
Kathrese McKee:pursuits and write and produce the weekly newsletter writing
Kathrese McKee:pursuits tips for authors. In addition, I am a speculative
Kathrese McKee:fiction author writing pursuits is for authors who drink too
Kathrese McKee:much coffee, endure judgemental looks from their furry riding
Kathrese McKee:companions and struggle for words. If you are a writer
Kathrese McKee:seeking encouragement, information and inspiration,
Kathrese McKee:this podcast is for you. Let's get to it. Hey, writing pursuits
Kathrese McKee:authors. Welcome back to the podcast. Those of you who are
Kathrese McKee:new, I want to extend a special welcome my name is threesome key
Kathrese McKee:and I'm glad you're here. Please leave a comment the star rating
Kathrese McKee:and follow the show to help others find writing pursuits.
Kathrese McKee:One of the most dreaded parts of writing a new story is facing a
Kathrese McKee:blank screen or piece of paper. You stare at it and nothing
Kathrese McKee:happens except crickets. nurture the writing habit by generating
Kathrese McKee:story ideas. If you haven't started your idea notebook, pick
Kathrese McKee:up a new spiral, or find a digital app on your smartphone
Kathrese McKee:where you can capture ideas no matter where you are. story
Kathrese McKee:ideas are easily derived and in limitless supply. If you are
Kathrese McKee:determined to be an author and I and I know you are because
Kathrese McKee:you're listening to writing pursuits, then do not make the
Kathrese McKee:lack of ideas your excuse for not writing. Here are some quick
Kathrese McKee:methods for filling your story idea notebook. One, read books,
Kathrese McKee:read in your genre and read in your sub genre to learn reader
Kathrese McKee:expectations, and learn the tropes. Yes, you have permission
Kathrese McKee:to use tropes. You know, this describes the vast majority of
Kathrese McKee:romance is on the market boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy
Kathrese McKee:winds girl back, or some variation on that theme. It's
Kathrese McKee:not the idea that's important so much as what the writer does
Kathrese McKee:with the idea. Let's try a more specific plot idea a man travels
Kathrese McKee:back in time to change x event so that y catastrophe will not
Kathrese McKee:happen in the future. This has been done so many times. Again,
Kathrese McKee:it isn't the idea but the execution that counts. Each
Kathrese McKee:author tells a story in their own way. It's okay to reuse
Kathrese McKee:ideas. Mark Twain said this in his autobiography. There is no
Kathrese McKee:such thing as a new idea it is impossible. We simply take a lot
Kathrese McKee:of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. We
Kathrese McKee:give them a turn, and they make new and curious combinations. We
Kathrese McKee:keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely. But
Kathrese McKee:they are the same old pieces of colored glass that had been in
Kathrese McKee:use through all the ages. So that was number one. Read books
Kathrese McKee:and learn the tropes. Number two read the newspaper you can skip
Kathrese McKee:the murders if you're not a who done it author. But there are
Kathrese McKee:plenty of other ideas to tear from the headlines. You can find
Kathrese McKee:your next book idea by asking yourself what if questions about
Kathrese McKee:current events? What if your newspaper runs an article about
Kathrese McKee:computer chips commonly in use that leave personal data up for
Kathrese McKee:grabs due to security weakness? Or that sounds real? Doesn't it?
Kathrese McKee:Sounds actually plausible? story idea. You don't even have to
Kathrese McKee:write a high tech story. What if the so called flaw was in the
Kathrese McKee:human brain? What if there were certain people who could grab
Kathrese McKee:your thoughts? Every thought you ever had just by being near you?
Kathrese McKee:A similar story mind writer by Mike Lynch and Lisa Godfreys was
Kathrese McKee:published in 2016. The main character in their story has the
Kathrese McKee:ability to transfer a person's thoughts, memories and
Kathrese McKee:personality into a clone and in their world. This is how those
Kathrese McKee:in power stay in power. What a nightmare. Number three watch
Kathrese McKee:news programs YouTube videos and documentaries. In other words,
Kathrese McKee:watch a lot of nonfiction educational videos. My My kids
Kathrese McKee:are sick of me doing that. I I watched nonfiction stuff all the
Kathrese McKee:time. I love documentaries. What can I say? Always be learning
Kathrese McKee:new things and looking for inspiration make it a regular
Kathrese McKee:exercise to write an idea and riff on it by improvising
Kathrese McKee:variations for listen to classical music for inspiration.
Kathrese McKee:This is where Disney's famous movies Fantasia and Fantasia
Kathrese McKee:2000 were developed. Artists listened to classical selections
Kathrese McKee:and let their minds wander. That's where the Sorcerer's
Kathrese McKee:Apprentice came from. And who can forget Night on Bald
Kathrese McKee:Mountain images and stories snippets will develop of their
Kathrese McKee:own volition. As you listen, take the time to let the images
Kathrese McKee:form in your mind as you sink into a dream state. Then write
Kathrese McKee:out what you see. Also, watch music videos by your favorite
Kathrese McKee:artists. The emotions you feel as you watch are what you are
Kathrese McKee:trying to capture. Pay attention to your emotions, and take the
Kathrese McKee:time to figure out how to write them down. Number five, ask
Kathrese McKee:yourself questions about what you see in real life. As you
Kathrese McKee:drive or walk somewhere, ask yourself how something came to
Kathrese McKee:be the way it is. But don't research the facts unless you
Kathrese McKee:write historical fiction. Speculate instead, okay, this is
Kathrese McKee:about imagination. Haven't you ever wondered how someone came
Kathrese McKee:to be where they are? In doing what they are doing? Make up a
Kathrese McKee:backstory for a person, a place or an object? How did that come
Kathrese McKee:to be? How did that odd group of people get together? Why are
Kathrese McKee:they friends? Why does a person act that way? Who does she go
Kathrese McKee:home to every night? What famous person does he know? And how?
Kathrese McKee:Where is that family traveling? What momentous event will happen
Kathrese McKee:when they get there? Will they return? Why? Or why not? Let
Kathrese McKee:your imagination take over. Write down every idea and create
Kathrese McKee:variations six binge television series. When you reach the end
Kathrese McKee:of each episode, ask yourself what will happen next? Write
Kathrese McKee:some fanfiction about how you hope the story will go. There.
Kathrese McKee:You have a story idea. Go and make it your own seventh, start
Kathrese McKee:with unlikely opposites. Try the exercise of thinking about a
Kathrese McKee:certain kind of person and pair that person with an unlikely
Kathrese McKee:opposite outcome. So a billionaire puts his money in a
Kathrese McKee:trust and chooses to live on the streets fighting for the
Kathrese McKee:underdog. If only Batman was Cisco, a former prisoner saves a
Kathrese McKee:world that enslaved him. A freedom fighter falls in love
Kathrese McKee:with an enemy soldier. You get the idea. Start with unlikely
Kathrese McKee:opposites. Number eight use writing prompts. I love this
Kathrese McKee:idea. This is such a good discipline to get into. There
Kathrese McKee:are 1000s of writing prompts online and in print. a writing
Kathrese McKee:prompt can be as simple as one word like yellow, or it can be a
Kathrese McKee:sentence like the rats were in the cheese again. Sometimes
Kathrese McKee:prompts or lines of dialogue. You shouldn't have come back.
Kathrese McKee:The calling happens tonight. We are out of ammunition. I used to
Kathrese McKee:love him. But listen for snatches of conversation in real
Kathrese McKee:life and write them down. Then use those as writing prompts a
Kathrese McKee:writing prompt might be a complete scenario, like a group
Kathrese McKee:of strangers makes a dangerous trip together. hostile forces
Kathrese McKee:tried to kill them, and their only shot at survival is to
Kathrese McKee:learn to work together. This is the kernel for John Ford's movie
Kathrese McKee:stagecoach. But the same kernel could as easily be about a sea
Kathrese McKee:voyage, a journey to the center of the earth or a mission to
Kathrese McKee:Mars. It's not the idea. It's the execution scheduled time to
Kathrese McKee:practice responding to writing prompts because writing leads to
Kathrese McKee:more ideas. Nine, pay attention to your dreams. Dreams are
Kathrese McKee:uncensored fragments from the creative side of your brain.
Kathrese McKee:Most of mine are too silly dimension. But occasionally, I
Kathrese McKee:have an idea that so crazy, it just might work. Dreams can be a
Kathrese McKee:source of ideas.
Kathrese McKee:I rarely wait long enough to write mine down honestly. But I
Kathrese McKee:know of authors who have turned their ideas into full blown
Kathrese McKee:novels 10 Participate in role playing games, Tracy Hickman and
Kathrese McKee:Margaret Weis and a group of associates used to play Dungeons
Kathrese McKee:and Dragons together, and their games inspired a series of
Kathrese McKee:novels in the dragon Lance universe. In role playing,
Kathrese McKee:participants practice the skill of taking on a character's
Kathrese McKee:persona and facing challenges with a group of players. world
Kathrese McKee:building skills are critically important in these games, and
Kathrese McKee:playing these games can spark story ideas. Hickman and Weiss
Kathrese McKee:developed a long timeline, and mapped geography for their
Kathrese McKee:novels, and several other authors have created side
Kathrese McKee:stories in the same universe. Don't overlook role playing
Kathrese McKee:games they're a rich resource 11 Use the process of writing to
Kathrese McKee:generate ideas. The act of writing itself can trigger
Kathrese McKee:ideas. Writing is a process after also start with a nugget
Kathrese McKee:or kernel of an idea and ask questions. Write about anything
Kathrese McKee:that pops into your head. Brainstorm, hypothesize,
Kathrese McKee:visualize, follow the rabbit trails. beginning writers often
Kathrese McKee:have the mistaken idea that a story arrives fully formed. But
Kathrese McKee:in reality of story idea usually develops with work. writers
Kathrese McKee:write keep writing about one idea and other ideas will form,
Kathrese McKee:you will not run out of ideas. Writing for the sake of writing
Kathrese McKee:is a discipline worth pursuing. I recommend keeping a notebook
Kathrese McKee:and writing your ideas by hand. That's my preferred method. And
Kathrese McKee:then when I know I have a really great idea, I make sure I
Kathrese McKee:captured on my computer and it gets backed up and all that. Be
Kathrese McKee:messy doodle make diagrams. writing on paper with pen uses
Kathrese McKee:both sides of your brain. But if you have trouble with
Kathrese McKee:handwriting, as does my dysgraphic daughter, then do the
Kathrese McKee:same exercises on your device of choice. 12. Right. You knew I
Kathrese McKee:was going to say that practice generating new story ideas on a
Kathrese McKee:regular basis perhaps once a week. To gain confidence, you
Kathrese McKee:will build a huge backlog of usable plot ideas. Whenever you
Kathrese McKee:feel that you are running on empty. Use the methods we have
Kathrese McKee:discussed. prime the pump and get your writing to flow again,
Kathrese McKee:go back to your idea notebook and choose something to write
Kathrese McKee:about. story ideas are everywhere, but they are easily
Kathrese McKee:forgotten. Capture them in your notebook or digital app at the
Kathrese McKee:earliest opportunity. Take a picture if possible to remind
Kathrese McKee:you that oh so fleeting thought because most often that that
Kathrese McKee:precious Golden Nugget will not return once it is forgotten. The
Kathrese McKee:question of the week is what is your favorite method of
Kathrese McKee:brainstorming new story ideas? Leave your answer at writing
Kathrese forward slash podcast forward slash 46. And
Kathrese McKee:that's all I have for today. Until next time, keep writing.
Kathrese McKee:Thank you for joining us today. If you enjoyed this episode,
Kathrese McKee:please leave a comment and follow the podcast. If you're
Kathrese McKee:new around here. I hope you will sign up for the weekly
Kathrese McKee:newsletter writing pursuits. Tips for authors that link and
Kathrese McKee:all the links mentioned in today's episode are in the
Kathrese McKee:shownotes at writing Please join us on
Kathrese McKee:Wednesdays for new episodes and keep writing my friends. Keep