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The Dead Don’t Die (Featuring Phil A)
Episode 6924th June 2019 • Piecing It Together Podcast • Piecing It Together Podcast
00:00:00 00:54:29

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On the 69th episode of Piecing It Together, new co-host Phil A from the Las Vegas-based hip-hop group Slump Lords joins me to discuss Jim Jarmusch's zombie comedy The Dead Don't Die, starring Bill Murray and Adam Driver. Those not familiar with Jarmusch's deadpan style may be shocked at the zombie-like pacing, but if you like dry humor, this is definitely one to watch. Puzzle pieces included Shaun Of The Dead, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Evil Dead 2 and the films of George A. Romero.

As always, SPOILER ALERT for The Dead Don't Die and the movies we discuss!

Writer / Director - Jim Jarmusch

Starring Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Chloe Sevigny, Steve Buscemi, Tilda Swinton, Tom Waits, Selena Gomez, Iggy Pop

Focus Features

Phil A is a producer/rapper and has worked with a number of artists including his own rap groups. His newest release is the album Maryland Harkway from his group Slump Lords which comes out on June 28th. It can be pre-ordered now at:

Check him out on Twitter @slumplords_

My 4th album, A Different Kind Of Dream is available NOW on iTunes and all other digital music stores! Make sure to check it out!

My brand-new music video “The Void” is available now on YouTube at

The song at the end of the episode is “Love 2 Murder” an unreleased song from my sort of defunct comedy-murder-rap group MC Randumb & Jewish Dave.

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Also, be sure to check out Awesome Movie Year when it launches on July 3rd. You can find the show at and on Facebook at

And most important of all… Keep going to the theater to see new movies!

Mentioned in this episode:

Wolf Man LIVE at Downtown Cinemas

We will be back at Downtown Cinemas for another LIVE show on WOLF MAN! More details at



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