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The David Spoon Experience 8-5-24 part 2
5th August 2024 • The David Spoon Experience • The David Spoon Experience
00:00:00 00:57:12

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1) In Genesis 6:17, the Lord informs Noah that the time has come for a flood to cover the Earth and destroy every living thing. Despite this, God solemnly pledges to ensure Noah's safety in the ark. This pledge extends not only to Noah but also to his wife, children, and in-laws. It is a testament to God's commitment to our safety and well-being, promising protection and redemption.

2) God further instructs Noah to bring a pair of every kind of animal, both male and female, into the ark to keep them alive during the flood. This directive underscores the natural order of life, which is sustained through the union of males and females. It’s not males and males, and it’s not females and females. And nothing in humanity is binary. That’s ignorance. Only a real male and a real female can produce real offspring. Nature clearly teaches this.



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