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Podcast# 253 Earnest Truth: America's Decline, Truth That is Being Hidden, Right in Front of you.
Episode 25325th August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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The Earnest Mann Show: Unmasking America's Decline

Hello everyone, I'm Earnest Mann, and today, we're diving deep into the hidden truths of America's decline. We'll explore how societal control has been subtly exerted through substances like alcohol and weed.

The Alcohol and Weed Connection

About 40 years ago, if someone had told me about the dangers of these substances, I would've laughed. But today, I see the clear connection between societal decline and our increasing dependence on these drugs. Alcohol, over time, saps your will to live. It's not just about the hangovers or the health risks; it's about the slow, insidious way it erodes your motivation and drive. On the other hand, weed, while relaxing, turns you into a dummy, making you less concerned and introspective.

The Societal Control Mechanism

Historically, substances have been used as tools of control. From the British turning a large portion of the Chinese population into opium addicts to the subjugation of Native Americans through alcohol, the pattern is clear. These substances keep the masses compliant, ensuring they remain just functional enough to serve the interests of the powerful.

The Path to Clarity

If you want to break free, commit to 30 days without alcohol or weed. You'll start to see the world more clearly, and you'll regain the drive to get things done. It's not about demonizing these substances but understanding their impact on our lives and society.

Why Listen to The Earnest Mann Show?

In a world filled with corporate news and scripted narratives, I strive to bring you the truth, unfiltered and genuine. No scripts, no corporate interests, just raw insights from the heart.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 if you work for a living why do you kill yourself working [Music] from the Willamette Valley in America's Great Pacific Northwest you are listening to the earnest man show I'm your host Ernest Mann coming to you no matter where what time or what place you may be listening in this great big beautiful but sometimes incredibly crazy world we all live in [Music] thank you hello everyone Thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 253

01:07 Ernest truth America's decline truth that is being hidden right in front of you it's what we're going to talk about going to talk about our social decline which of course corresponds uh to our economic decline um you know which kind of in turn ties in with the fact that uh everybody's damn broke but there are connections to things and they may seem far away and distant but what I'm going to talk about and tell you I'm going to put this in a perspective that uh perhaps you never thought about

01:55 and how these things are actually very connected now about 40 years ago if you would have told me if there would have been a future me and would have told me that I would be telling you what I'm about to tell you I'd have laughed in your face and you know I would have said you're you're [ __ ] crazy man and uh just passed it off and that would have been it because well I would have made me about 20 and when I was 20 I was doing what uh probably the majority of 20 year old American males were doing

02:48 and a large part of that was partying yay party hardy and in my case um never never into any kind of um of the more serious illicit drugs um I have never done heroin don't want to um but you know booze and weed primarily booze and weed occasionally some cocaine uh these are pre-crack days so that was pretty scarce but you know very occasionally did some of that and you know that's when you had a well-to-do friend and it was a big special deal in my case it was alcohol like it is for again most young males or most young

03:41 people today in general I guess um seeings how at that age and Stage you know you're not oftentimes sad as it is but you're not introspective enough you simply haven't been on the planet long enough to recognize Danger and there is a difference between what you do to yourself as an individual and how what you do actually affects those in society around you and what I have grown to understand now is that not only is there a plague um that is well sadly now it's just pretty much you know par for the course

04:36 it's not even mentioned seriously as a problem but it is and um I'm going to talk to you about drugs and well I'm going to talk about Weed and Alcohol because here's the truth about what they do I call them dynamic duo now way back then uh this would have been in 80 when um Ronald Reagan and the just say no thing was being pushed really hard and heavy most people um were laughing at it because I do think that at least there was a sincere effort to try to curb the use of what they call drugs at least

05:31 was the weed the weed was the big deal the big problem and of course vast overwhelming majority of that weed was coming from Mexico but regardless of its origin um it you know the effect is the same as a quick side note for you people out there that imbibe in the weed um you may not be aware of this but the weed that was common in the 70s and until you know the early mid 80s by comparison as far as its strength is concerned was nowhere near as potent as it is today it's I don't know like 10 times as strong

06:33 so there's that but anyway here's what it does and then a little bit of historical exp um you know of a perspective what they basically do now there was an argument that went well into the 90s usually by conservatives that when they were talking about drugs again they're primarily never assaulted never into you know alcohol so much and I'm going to talk about that a little bit as well it was primarily the weed and it kept being being labeled as a gateway drug quote unquote way back in the 30s or 40s

07:32 I can't remember right now when the film was made and you look at it now and you laugh it's a silly film but um that was their attempt back then to curb the use of marijuana and it was um you know it was just um us you know an arguably silly film called Reefer Madness maybe that might ring a bell with some of you out there and basically was portraying people who were smoking cannabises would become you know sexually over driven maniacal Psychopathic maniacs Killers uh you know all of that and that simply really isn't the case

08:22 we we pretty much we know that now but here's what you're not being told I call it the one-two punch of alcohol and weed um most times if you're watching any kind of social serious social disturbances um car wrecks bar fights things of this nature generally happens via alcohol but we'd not so much as a matter of fact assuming it hasn't been laced with anything else it doesn't make you psychopathic um over sexualized yeah not really sure about that one way or the other but what it definitely does do

09:21 is give you the munchies everybody knows that what they won't confess is that it turns you into a dummy that is why all those many many years ago it was called properly it was referred to as wacky weed because it makes you kind of Dopey and kind of wacky it definitely makes you unconcerned it relaxes you man and that is a big part of the problem alcohol can certainly relax you to a point and we all know it certainly makes you uh uninhibited but very often um besides all the bad judgment uh things that occur when you're high on booze

10:27 is you become uncooperative and violent watch any number of these little cop videos that they have to deal with weekend and week out of dealing with drunks and fights and domestic disturbances and it comes around principally mostly due to alcohol and of course you can have a whole lot of crazy also going on with crack and if you mix that into the mix well gee uh go figure but I'm not going to talk so much about crack I just want to talk about booze and wheat now um booze ultimately besides all the other things that I had mentioned to you

11:27 its main thing is that it saps your will let that sink in for just a moment it saps your will to live um you may not ice it so much when you're really young and I know some people start drinking quite Young um maybe in their teen years and on up until the point depending on your Constitution around maybe 30-ish somewhere in there depending but if you really put on a heavy Bender one night progressively usually over time in your life you don't bounce back from its effects the next day as quickly as you did say when you're in your late

12:29 teens or early 20s again most folks know this and if they don't well I'm telling you here but I think most of you know it and um but long term it's more to it than that because let's say it's a Friday night even if you're responsible and you're not driving or if you're having a party at your home and you do some really heavy boozing and then you crash and it might take you a day or two just to kind of come around but here's the thing it actually lasts the effects last longer than that

13:15 the effects on your body and your brain um if you've had let's say you're a 25 year old person and you had a serious drinking party on a Friday night and you don't drink anything else until Monday you're still not there you might think you're there but the uh effects are still with you um at least till probably a Wednesday close to a week and that was just one heavy bout of drinking so what does this mean what this means is that if you party hardy on say a Friday night and then maybe you don't have anything

14:09 else to drink until say a Wednesday and you consume several drinks or a few pints of beer and then a couple days later you hammer out again and do another session of heavy drinking and if you pretty much pretty much kind of do this pattern week in and week out for all intents and purposes even though you may be you know functional that okay Monday morning rolls around you get up you do the usual things and you go to work and somehow you're able to get through your job and then with lunch like I said on a Wednesday or you in the the crew or what

14:57 have you uh have a few pints not a knockout drinking session because you admit you at least know okay I gotta go to work the next day we can't do that until Friday so most most people do but not realizing that you have still you're always behind and so you never really dry out as they say and so you are in other words if you do this forever for years you were constantly under the influence of alcohol now think about that for a minute now what it does though over time over years and years is very slowly very incrementally

15:51 because of your age and other factors in your life and of course this may vary from person to person it varies on your sex your your weight um how well you do eat um if you're you know how well you're taking care of yourself and your individual Constitution but regardless of that it's still and we're so uh incrementally wears you down and one of the other things that it does is it's wearing you down is it takes away your will just quite literally your will to do things in life and get things done

16:38 and over time it just slowly spirals down and then of course you have the classic pattern of while I'm not feeling so great so I'm just going to have a couple more drinks so I don't mean this so much to talk about the process of you know spiraling into absolute full-blown daily drinking alcoholic States and it's the classic thing of all the consequences of that losing your job losing your relationship or marriage losing your home all that because again most of us know all about that but what's important to know is the re

17:29 the real reason behind this and that's the next part of what I want to talk about you see believe it or not what this basically boils down to is societal control they figured out a long time ago this goes back a long long time ago for instance if you want to talk about a uh a good part of the subjugation of the Native Americans they figured out in their case especially since they genetically they have a very low tolerance of alcohol Supply them with alcohol makes them crazy makes them hoop and holler and violent

18:26 but over time very quickly it debilitates and destroys them it's used and was used as a control mechanism so you'll notice on so many different news outlets and whatnot when you're talking about drugs um they usually don't bring alcohol into the equation that's hush no no no no no no no don't want to talk about that there could be a liquor it could be five liquor stores you know on a city block but now let's let's not mention that peculiar correlation at all there is a reason for that

19:12 and it's about subjugation through chemical control because you can determine the fate of group of people on Mass if you keep them drugged up and that's what that's what it does that's the net effect for instance as an example the British figured this out very quickly in China when they basically turned a large percentage of the Chinese population into opium addicts and they took all the silver from China and in turn gave them opium that is a fact you could look it up in the case of for instance zarist

20:15 Russia and especially under Stalin and how famous Russians are for drinking their vodka well they made sure that there was plenty of cheap vodka for everyone and you know what although there were a few attempts pretty serious attempts that tried to reverse that they figured out pretty quickly they said all the hell with it it's so much easier to control them just let's just go ahead and do this thing and it is still that way today this is how you degenerate and control an entire Society and so that's what alcohol does

21:13 because if you have you ever noticed for instance for the most part folks that are um educated and I'm not saying there aren't doctors lawyers attorneys businessmen who aren't alcoholics I'm not saying that because there are I'm talking about the larger the numbers the percentages and the vast majority of people who are successful are not druggies they're not regular drinkers they don't abuse booze or any other drug for that matter they're too smart and so they stay off it weed on the other hand

22:05 is of course entirely different um basically it just turns you into a dummy you relax oh yeah it'll relax you it'll relax you so much that you just don't really care much about anything you're certainly not deep thinking and you're not very introspective really it's great that you can completely get stoned and have sex um that's good temporarily um and there's you know I mean it that is what it is but over time it turns you into an unconcerned dummy because you lose the cognitive abilities to

23:08 think seriously about well just about anything that's why in the 80s and all the way well the 70s even the 70s 80s all the way up there were all the movies about the goofy Annex of guys like Cheech and Chong all those movies and you know we call them now we call them stoner movies and somehow they're just you know they're just you know harmless but bumbling funny bumbling people that are just somehow lovable and adorable losers and we just laugh and cheese and that funny but of course it's not funny

23:53 so what I'm proposing to you and I hope that this isn't uh you know I'm not striking you as though this is a a veiled uh PSA and I'm going you know it's not like Boo on drugs and weed other than the fact that I'm saying boo on I'll call him weed try it for yourself commit yourself to about 30 days of no weed and no alcohol if you can do that here's what you'll find or at least most folks find you know one of the big things that occurs you start doing things you don't need a self-help book you

24:54 don't need a guru you don't need to say psychiatrist or psychologist you don't need motivational [ __ ] you just automatically it starts that you know it may take a week 10 days or whatever it does but you start waking up and you start looking around at your place where you live and and you'll look around and you'll see things perhaps out of ordering [ __ ] I need to clean this place up or you know taking care of your bills or cleaning out your car but you start doing things and you start doing things

25:36 because you have to do things because there's just a drive normally with people to actually do things and if you don't have the influence of the one-two punch of the one thing that is sucking your will to live quite literally both your mind and your body and in the case of weed you kind of stop being a dummy coming out of some kind of fog and no pun intended and you look around you're saying [ __ ] what the hell what what am I what am I doing here what it happens I've seen it happen many times and

26:39 I speak for myself as well so if you do this thing and slowly besides the fact that physically you will begin to feel better more energized just better you start feeling better but it's your mind when you're when your mind starts coming online then it starts to become clearer and then when you look around you and you wonder if everybody collectively is being stupid and doing stupid [ __ ] all around you and then you start saying oh yeah they're doing stupid [ __ ] because right now they're they're stupid

27:41 and they are because they're still under the influence of the drugs and you don't worry about finding something to create it to replace it because you will because if you come out of this fog bank again no pun intended but if you do that you start seeing how much of your life and time and life moments precious time is um being wasted by being in a stupor because that is what the powers that be want this is not in its entirely by the way everything that's causing an America's decline but that's certainly part of it

28:47 because the powers that be you know if you are for instance um hence in the last few years they figured out it's actually more profitable not only can for instance just like Blues um that you know the sale marijuana can now be taxed it's not only that but it's like hey it it just makes them more compliant and all they care about is that you are able to consume and you can function to a certain level okay they want you to be able to to function to a certain level um but not beyond that because if your mind is clear

29:44 and you're able to function beyond that point well that kind of threatens their Monopoly game and you know the wealth they they don't like that that's not good for them so yeah what could be better when you own a business I don't care what it is any kind of business fast food or you know what have you if you knew that the people will always be in some they don't threaten to have their own business because that requires a clear mind you see uh doing a business you know you've got to have your wits about you

30:35 [Music] um what I do here for you there's hours of preparation there's a lot of work that goes into this simple broadcast that you're listening to right now so I can't be stoned and I can't [ __ ] be drunk and so but they don't care about that they care that you are just functional enough that they can keep earning the profits of your labor just making sure that you can you know earn enough um that you can survive and now in recent years as they keep cutting out real wages and inflation takes over

31:33 I don't care if you have to work three jobs they don't give a [ __ ] if you had to work 10 jobs a day to make ends meet that's not their problem their whole function is to sit back and collect money from you so yeah you can they finally realize you know relaxing the whole thing on weed and letting them hang themselves meaning you very slowly but yeah they're really in the alcohol for them has worked very very well and I'm not saying you can't have any alcohol there's nothing wrong with having a

32:20 glass of wine maybe a couple times a week with dinner or something and actually enjoying it but your goal isn't to get drunk your goal is not to be intoxicated because remember and remember this if you remember anything here that I'm telling you that the more you do that the more you are at their disposal the weaker you are and to make it in this world and so and God knows it's already hard enough as it is you need all your wits about you at all times it's not good you can't just be doing things

33:13 willy-nilly and your brain is half functioning because of the drugs it's a reason why in closing I'll tell you this in the military to use being on a on a ship on you know say an aircraft carrier or whatnot they don't have people that are on duty that are drunk or smoking choked up on weed same thing with people and other very responsible positions I know that it occasionally happens that they have cops that have derelicted their Duty and uh some cops are on duty drunk and they cause Mayhem and crashes and

34:03 all kinds of things once again it's the same problem but by and large generally speaking those those people know the drill they know what the deal is and particularly especially in the military like in a situation in a closed situation like you know aircraft carrier carrier on especially on a submarine you simply can't have guys trying to function you know drunk it's not a laughing matter that's why you don't have air traffic controllers who are you know intoxicated on weed or alcohol some things are life and death very

34:52 serious most things um may not be to that level and you could take your chances because routinely there are even Amazon drivers who have uh you know they get pulled over because they're driving drunk but by and large doesn't happen um you know a if a if a truck driver was a CDL license and if they were even even if heaven forbid they had not have an accident just for any reason somehow they get pulled over and they get a DUI that can ruin that can end their career and their their livelihood their CDL is their life blood

35:49 but anyway I just wanted to share this with you hopefully maybe get your thoughts on it but if you want to know my opinion the anecdotally from everything I've witnessed what I have witnessed in my life by and large generally speaking is that people who are able to get things together in life and get their lives together and keep their lives together um aren't uh drinking or doing drugs and I thought I would share that with you because if you want to have a better life well that's at least one of the very first things

36:42 that you need to come to grips with so until next time take care I'm going to tell you three good reasons why you should listen to the earnest Man Show when you're constantly being told and sold by the six o'clock corporate news squirrels urgent breaking news but you don't know it's really a [ __ ] biscuit when you begin to suspect that those well-paid corporate talking head news actors speaking to you simply read the script they're given are trying to give you a [ __ ] biscuit and when you realize that the stories of

37:30 these so-called news anchors regardless if they're acting the role of being on the left or the right have absolutely no real concerns for your life but are definitely Force feeding you a [ __ ] biscuit now I'll admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at least I try to tell you the truth as I see it not reading a damn script handed to me like a trained monkey that's why you should listen to the earnest Man Show and that's no [ __ ] biscuit



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