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The Anointing of Jesus – Scott Wright
Episode 151120th May 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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The Anointing of Jesus

Scott Wright

In the Old Testament, the High Priest was “anointed with oil” as he took his office. This anointing oil was a mixture of several, very expensive oils and fragrant spices. Before we get into this, I want you to imagine something here…

Now, just imagine, if someone poured just one the little squirt bottles of perfume on you in a store (by accident, I hope)… but the entire bottle. Imagine how strong that fragrance would be…

Now, imagine you had a BIG important meeting you had to attend, no backing out, no excuses, in 10 minutes. And the meeting would last a few hours.

What would people say as you were entering the conference room?  Imagine if you were one of the attendees in the conference room – and someone else had the perfume poured on them?

Back to the High Priest… this oil was literally, poured over his head – not just a little dab… but the equivalent of about 3 gallons.

His hair and beard was totally soaked. His raiment and clothing was totally saturated. It was so soaked, the oils would stick his clothing to his skin – making the skin soaked!  (You know how you get caught in a heavy rain downpour and you are 100% soaked and you have to change clothes? It’s more than that)!

But, that was just the anointing ceremony. He did not change out his clothing until the end of the entire process – taking several hours.

Even after he changed clothes, the fragrance would remain on him… for a long time… despite showers and washing – it would remain for close to a week.

How do I know?

When I was a Bible School back in 1998, we were studying this. Our professors were able to obtain samples of the formula used to make the “anointing oil.” They could only make about 2 or 3 ounces – which cost the school a few hundred dollars for that. The most expensive ingredient was the “frankincense and myrrh.”  They would cost about $1000 each for the concoction. And that was just two of the six or so elements…

Our class drew lots and one person was selected to be “anointed.” He was told to wear clothes he was willing to throw away the next day – because the smell would never go out of it.

We held a ceremony that would have reflected what the High Priest went through… and then they poured the oils over this student. It took about 5 minutes to pour the oil. You don’t rush it. You don’t want to splatter all over the ground.

You start at the head and just pour it slowly… allowing it to soak in the clothing, etc. Almost none should fall on the ground…

Every time he walked into the classroom for the next week, the entire room would have that fragrance smell. If you got close to him for the next few weeks, you could still smell it… like a light aftershave or perfume smell… two or three weeks later.

That is what the word “anointing means.”  Christ is NOT Jesus’ last name. Christ means “The Anointed One and HIS Anointing.”  Every time you read the words, “Christ Jesus or Jesus Christ” you should “translate and meditate” on the meaning in the scripture you are reading.  It is saying, “Jesus, the Anointed One and His Anointing” or it is saying “The Anointed One and His Anointing, Jesus.”

Now, was does it mean to be “anointed?”

To anoint someone means to “pour over, rub into and smear all over.” That is what the word “anointing” in English. Amen!

So, if we have the anointing of Christ on us – we have Jesus, “poured all over us, rubbed into us and smeared all over!” Amen!  That means HE is part of US. Amen!  Praise God!  Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good.

OK… let me stop there, at least for now… Praise God… Today, we are going to look at an anointing that took place.

Mary of Bethany, sister to Martha and Lazareth, poured, what Mathew called “Nard” – it was an expensive perfume, all over Jesus.  This jar of perfume was usually given to a girl to save for her wedding. It cost about 300 denari… or 300 days of wages. Almost one year of salary.  That means, in today’s value, it would have cost about $40-$50,000!  Imagine what people would think if YOU offered that kind of offering to a ministry today!  Amen!   To send your offering to Brother Bob, you can click the donation link on our website… AMEN!

Anyway, this jar was not as much as the High Priest was anointed with… but it still put a pretty good smell loose in that house. Amen! Now you see why Judas was so upset… anyway….

I guess you’ve figured out by now what we will be talking about today. Amen!

Scott Wright is back today and we are going to talk about some very interesting things about the oil that was poured over Jesus. Help me welcome to the program, Scott Wright!

Scott, it’s good to have you again – I didn’t mean to take up all of that time discussing the anointing oil… but the Holy Spirit just kind of “brought this to my remembrance” as we got started.

Let’s start with, “What was so significant about the perfume Mary poured on Jesus?”  This was so important that ALL FOUR GOSPELS record it, right?

JESUS IS OUR HIGH PRIEST… but, Jesus also said this was to prepare His BODY for burial, right?

Anointing has to do with preparing… The anointing of the High Priest was preparing him to take his office and enter the Holy of Holies… The anointing of Jesus was preparing Him for, He said, His burial.  But was there something more as well?

How is all of this related to the “7 Bowls of Judgements” about to be poured out over the earth?

Remember, I mentioned that the anointing oil would permeate into the skin, hair, beard and clothing of the High Priest. It would never come out. I shared how, even though my classmate had changed clothes and showered, etc., you could still sense the anointing a couple weeks later…

He was told to wear clothes he would have no problem throwing away, because the smell would never go out…

The High Priest’s garments were the “Holy Anointed Garments” he would wear into the Holy of Holies. He would not dare enter without those garment on – or else!

If we have “The Anointed Jesus and His Anointing,” in us, on us and permeating through us…

I just thought of something, Mary wiped Jesus feet with her hair…so everywhere she went, she would have that same smell on her… which symbolizes “she worshipped Jesus.” We have that “smell on us” in the presence of God, the angels and the devils… amen?

I would think we have been prepared for something that has to do with the “end times” when there will be no doubt WHO belongs to Jesus and who does not.  Do you see it this way as well?

What do you see happening as far as it relates to the anointing and preparation that is leading up to the end days?

Scott, this has been so interesting… As you can tell, I love talking about the Anointing. Praise God… If someone wanted to reach out to you to ask a question or get more information, how can they do that?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, the “Anointing” of Jesus is not just something we talk about – it IS WHO HE IS!

Christ Jesus is the ANOINTED JESUS.  His anointing is OUR ANOINTING.

If He dwells IN YOU – I guarantee, every devil in hell can smell you coming! Amen!  We don’t need to cower in fear – we can walk in VICTORY… and leave the smell of VICTORY everywhere we go!  Amen!  And that smell is not “napalm in the morning…” (I know I’m dating myself right there… but that’s OK – Praise God)!  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just Google, “napalm in the morning video” and find out… Amen!

Scott, thanks again for joining us today!  Get in touch with Scott Wright by dropping down into the shown notes and clicking the links right there.  For Scott Wright and myself, this is Pastor Bob remining you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!



Book:  “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.”  - on Amazon

Podcast:  The God Centered Concept

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