Artwork for podcast Finish Strong®   by Becky Morgan
Thank You
23rd December 2020 • Finish Strong® by Becky Morgan • Fulcrum ConsultingWorks, Inc
00:00:00 00:02:39

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The words “thank you,” said with honest energy mean a lot to the person receiving them.

This has been one heck of a year for most of us. Constant change outside our influence or control in many cases, along with the changes that happen in our personal lives, and of course the changes every manufacturer must be making regardless of external upheaval.

“Thank you.” “Thank you for being you.” “I personally appreciate your efforts to come to work, to stay safe, and to keep the health and safety of others front and center.”

If you mean it, say it.

Even the person who had to miss work to help kids with remote learning, or who had to be quarantined, or who contracted Covid, put in extra effort for the benefit of your manufacturing business. Any who volunteered to take unpaid time or use paid time off when your business needed them to also contributed to your organization.

As you prepare to move into 2021, the communication, shared sacrifice or gain, and working together under difficult circumstances of 2020 should not be forgotten. None will be less important then.

My personal mission is to help as many involved with manufacturing as I possibly can. You are part of that. Thank you for turning to me for insights into your manufacturing business. I would like to believe this is a win-win.

Stay safe, stay healthy and, as always, Finish Strong®




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