Like many folks, after a few misses, he leveled out and was able to work on some other films including BLUE STEEL (1990) and a film he directed as well, BAD MOON (1996). BAD MOON was noticeable because of the subgenre of being a werewolf film. It also starred Mariel Hemingway giving it some star power at the time.
When a horrible animal attack in Nepal kills photo-journalist Ted Harrison’s (Michael Pare) girlfriend, he returns to the states living in a RV in the middle of nowhere. His sister Janet (Mariel Hemmingway) convinces him to move his RV to her driveway so he won’t be alone. Soon horrible animal attacks occur in the vicinity leading to a horrible discovery that may lead to a deep dark secret.
BAD MOON received mixed reviews in its initial release but soon became a midnight film of note. In a subgenre of horror film that is grossly overlooked, werewolf movies, the film has gained a cult following. BAD MOON is a patreon pick from one of the podcast’s many listeners. Your co-hosts give their thoughts on this interesting movie.