What in the World is Happening Now
Tom Donnan pt 2
Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen!
This is Part two of a great conversation with Tom Donnan.
Miami Mall video was examined and computer analysis showed the “10 foot tall creature walking in front of the mall” to simply be 3 people walking side by side, filmed from a distance.
City wide alert generated a huge police response. Here is the video from a newscast which debunked it as well.
Now, you have shared a video from Pastor John Kilpatrick talked about the emergence of UFO’s and aliens months ago in the message “What if?” And this is dealing with the increase in alien appearances. You and I have talked about how the coming announcement will be something to the effect of “We are who you call God,” or something to that effect, right? And how, after the Rapture, these beings will say they “Got rid of the doubters,” or something to that effect…
"WHAT IF...?" It's Coming and Be Prepared! | A Prophetic End-Times Message from John Kilpatrick - YouTube
Are we placing too much metal in space? Starts at the 6 minutes mark.
Is it too late? Did man finally go TOO far! What NOW? - YouTube
You see Mass Layoffs coming across America in the near future, don’t you? Why is that?
Aggressive Layoffs Coming By March, Economy On Last Legs | Danielle DiMartino Booth with David Lin - YouTube
You have noticed some things beginning to happen just in the last week or so, basically the last week of January. Can you share what it is you mean by a “Spiritual Change?”
Since 1-1-24 there has been a spiritual change.
- People experiencing demonic attacks has increased.
- There are those who have thrown open the door to the occult with little to no consequences. But that has change.
- I received calls from Wyoming, Louisiana and Texas about evil issues.
Since 1-1-24 There has been an increase of Godly activity.
- Conversations with people experiencing God in new and wonderful ways without understanding what is happening to them and what it means. This is happening repeatedly in England
- I had a chat with a woman from Florida. She was seeing God move through her intercession and she was experiencing the Holy Spirit. However, we chatted over two hours, she was believing things that were outside of Scripture. I invested into her helping to get her aligned with the word of God to gain maximum flow of the Holy Spirit.
Tom, we are about out of time. I’d like you to pray with someone right now who may be listening to this and realize, “They need Jesus.” Could you do that right now?
Tom, this has been so interesting. How can someone reach out to you to ask a question or get more information?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, our discussion today was not to instill fear – but Faith. Faith in the Name of Jesus. Faith in the Bible. Faith in Biblical Prophecy. Faith that NONE OF THIS is happening by happenstance. None of this is taking God by surprise.
But ALL OF THIS is leading to what are called, “The End Times.”
If you prayed that prayer with Tom Donnan, reach out and let him know. Go to church. Walk by Faith and not by sight. Don’t be moved by what you see or hear – be moved by the Word of God. Amen!
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