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Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Chapter 40 - The need for a Loving relationship with G-D
Episode 407th February 2017 • Tanya by Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz • Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz
00:00:00 00:30:51

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Tanya Chapter 40 By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz The importance of have a Loving relationship with Hashem. Without Love & Awe your Torah & Mitzvot won't sore on high. Torah לשמה that means with אהבה & יראה connects to the 10 SEFIROT either of יצירה if it's inspired by the emotions or בריאה if it's inspired by intellect. Torah לא לשמה is in the WORLD of יצירה & with מצוות לא לשמה is in the world of עשי-ה. Torah לא לשמה ממש for any ulterior motive even to be a scholar stays in this materialistic WORLD which is full of קליפות. Even though it's Hashem's Torah so why does it not sore with out Kavana? There are 2 types of צמצומים for us. 1. More & less intensity. 2. More & less revelation. When we study Torah where G-D is revealed, since we are using the physical voice & speech so the intensity is very low. However when we add in the כוונה we create a high intensity of holiness that allows the Torah to connect to the 10 sefirot up to the world of אצילות & you can even sweeten the judgments thru chesed. Zohar refers to אהבה & יראה as the two wings of a bird of the world of יצירה. The head is the י of Hashem name the reason of the Mitzvot the body is the ו׳ of Hashem name the actual Mitzvot & the two wings are the 2 ה׳ of Hashem name the right chesed & the left the low level of יראה as the high level of יראה is higher than אהבה the the higher י׳ of Hashem name. Just like a bird the main thing is the body however the wings takes it to its destination so to the main thing is to learn & pray however the love & awe will take it to its destination of יצירה or בריאה. The revelation of Hashem takes place in the world of עשיה thru Mitzvot & מקרא in the world of יצירה thru משנה & the world of בריאה thru תלמוד as Mitzvot & מקרא have the greatest power to penetrate the lowest worlds, קבלה is totally pure & remains in the world of אצילות. As great as אהבה & יראה is & even though it's part of the 613 commandments nevertheless G-D wants us to connect to him thru actual Mitzvot. Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M. A Project of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida 5620 Winkler Road Fort Myers, FL 33919 239-433-7708 A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class Watch on YouTube: Brought to you by: ALL THINGS PODCAST Contact us for all your podcast needs:




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