Artwork for podcast Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast with Monika and Donna
Ep4 - Monika and Donna's path to Wound Consultancy
Episode 430th December 2024 • Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast with Monika and Donna • Two Echidnae Wound Care Podcast
00:00:00 00:31:00

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Join Mon and Don as we burrow into our journey's to wound consultancy. We hope you learn a little more about what has shaped us as individual wound clinicians, as we share some of our defining professional experiences as nurses.


00:00 Get to know us

00:56 Mon’s journey

02:38 High value education and training

02:38 Benefits of lymphoedema education and training in wound management

03:09 How the podcast started

03:59  Alternative pathways to wound consultancy

07:20 The complexities of wound management across the sectors

09:52 Don’s journey

10:33 The fundamentals of wound care

10:45 Advanced practice in the community setting, going back to basics and helicoptering

12:25 High value, low-cost benefits of washing legs

14:36 Takes time to save time

15:25 Advantages and opportunities in community nursing and wound management

17:01 The value of the helicopter view in wound consultancy

17:22 Workplace culture as a barrier to best practice wound care

18:30 More benefits of lymphoedema education and training in wound management

19:19 Trauma-informed and weight-neutral care

19:58 Can’t get to the wound unless you go through the head

20:24 Wound management is not about the dressing and it’s not even about wound care

20:59 I should be a psych nurse with skills in chronic disease

23:00 Changing the language of wound consultancy

24:08 Recommended PhD topics for hard-to-heal wounds

25:19 The trauma stories of wounding

25:29 Misunderstanding the term non-concordant

26:23 Wound care is not always about looking at the wound

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The views expressed in this podcast are our own. This podcast is intended specifically for healthcare professionals. Always follow your organisation's policies and procedures. Please consult your own healthcare provider for individual wound advice.




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